Sermon Notes -2024

Sermon Notes For 1-7-24 The Introduction Of Our New Series, “Spiritual Discipling Or Spiritual Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to The Gospel of Mark Chapter 16.

Now, notice The Gospel of Mark 16:

14 Later when The Lord Jesus, appeared unto the eleven and they sat at the table; The Lord rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen or resurrected from the dead.

15 However, The Lord Jesus said unto them the eleven, o into all the world and preach the Gospel unto every creature or person.

16. He or she who *Believes and is *Baptized will be Saved; (Note) notice the order of what comes first!

Now 16B. Continues But He or she who does not believe will be condemned.

17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;

18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

19 So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

Now, see The Gospel of  Matthew 28:

18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth.

19 Go therefore and teach says the KJV or go therefore, make disciples (says the NKJV) of all the nations or the individuals therein.

Now, remember Mark 16:

15.Go into all the world and (preach The Gospel) unto every creature or person.

16. He or she who *Believes and is *Baptized will be Saved; 

Now, Matthew 28:

19B continues, Baptizing them in the name of The Father and of The Son 

and of The Holy Spirit.

20 Teaching them all the nations or the individuals therein who believe and were baptized in 

the name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit. (To observe) All things that I,

The Lord has commanded you. And lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the age. Amen.  (Stop here)

Therefore, notice 2 important phrases that we should never forget. Make Disciples.  And not Church Members.  And not denominational attendees and affiliates.

Instead, we are to make Disciples. For this is our calling! For this is why we’re here, to bring people unto Christ.  And to help anyone to become a committed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Say something about the words “make Disciples.”

A Greek word mathēteusate, which is an imperative or command and not a suggestion or a good idea, but a direct command.

Now, say something about the word “Disciple” which means, a Learner!  Which implies that someone is being taught on a regular basis.  And someone is teaching someone on a regular basis.

Also, the word “Disciple” can mean, someone is a committed follower of someone!  Which implies that someone in their life is influencing, leading, or is an example for them to be like.

Now remember, there are 2 important phrases here in Matthew 28: 19&20 that we should never forget.  And the 2nd important phrase here in Matthew 28: 20 that we should never forget. And that is, we are to be teaching them to observe all things that The Lord has commanded you and me!

Say something about a baby after they have been born and how they must be cared for.

Regular Feeding. Noticing And Watching Carefully Your Baby’s, body movements and body temperature. facial expressions. their responses to noises. their poop and urine.  Communicating With Your Baby. Protecting Your Baby.

Now, let’s notice

1st John 2:

12 I write unto you Little Children because your sins are forgiven of you for His Name's Sake.

13 I write unto you Fathers because you have known Him who is from the Beginning. I write unto you Young Men Because you have overcome the wicked one.  I write unto you Little Children, because you have known the Father.

14 I have written unto you, Fathers because you have known Him who is from the beginning. 

I have written unto you Young Men because you are strong and the word of God abides in you and you have overcome the wicked one, (Stop here)

Now, we have here in 1st John 2: 12-14, three different categories depicting spiritual-growth

and personal development, in which a person should experience after coming to Christ and over a period of time. 

The First Stage, The Little Children Stage.  •The Second Stage, The Young Men Stage.•The Third and Final Stage, The Father or Mother Stage of Maturity.  A Spiritual Father or Spiritual Mother in the lives of others.

And, by the way from these 3 Categories there will be over time some overlapping in which one of the other categories will overlap overtime, into another category.

For example, the one who is in The Little Children Stage overtime should be overlapping into 

The Young Men Stage.  And then the one who is in The Young Men Stage over time should be overlapping into The Father Stage.  However, the one who is in The Father Stage should not over time be overlapping back into The Young Men Stage nor back into The Little Children Stage.

Now today, with God’s help, we will begin a new series, and we will do something that we haven’t done in a long time during our 11AM Sunday Morning Worship Service.  But, over time we will be going chapter by chapter and verse by verse through these New Testament Books or letters of 1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy and Titus.

Because, within these 3 New Testament Epistles are Divine Truths, Practical Insights, and understanding that will help us to fulfill our part in The Great Commission of Jesus Christ mention both, in Mark 16: 15&16.  And in Matthew 28: 19&20 that The Lord gave unto us as His Church, His Body, His People, His Servants.

And therefore, we should take what The Lord said regarding this Great Commission Command more personally! And we should take more seriously This Great Commission Command from The Lord Jesus Christ, because this is our purpose.

This is our responsibility.  And this is our obligation, as we consistently reach out unto a lost world with the message of the Gospel which always points a person unto The Lord Jesus Christ. Who He is. What He has done. And what He wants to do within a person who would believe and receive Him unconditionally!

Now then, we will be entitling our New Series, “Spiritual Discipling or Spiritual Mentoring another for Christ” (Repeat). Because some times in the days ahead you & I with God’s help, we will be involved with either one or the other. Or sometimes we will be involved with both, discipling or mentoring another for Christ!  (Check your time) 

Now, let me show you a brother in Christ, who was very busy and who had a lot going on in his life.  And yet, with God’s help he took the time to be involved with others, sometimes in discipling them. Or sometimes involved in both discipling and mentoring another for Christ.

Now, let’s see 1st Timothy 1:

1.  Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God our Savior and The Lord Jesus Christ, our hope, 

2. To Timothy, a true son in the faith: Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

Now, see 2nd Timothy 1:

1. Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, 

2. To Timothy, a beloved son: Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God The Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

Now, let’s see Titus 1:

1. Paul a Bondservant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s Elect and the acknowledgment of the truth which accords or agrees with Godliness, 

2. In hope of Eternal Life which God who cannot lie, promised before time began, 

3. but has in due time manifested His Word through preaching, which was committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Savior; 

4. To Titus, a true son in our common faith: Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.

 So then, this is the brother in Christ who I was referring to, who as you know was very busy and had a lot going on in his life.  And yet, with God’s help the Apostle Paul took the time to be involved with others, sometimes in discipling them.  Or sometimes involved in both discipling and mentoring another for Christ.

Now, let me say something briefly about these 2 individuals in whom the Apostle Paul was involved with in discipling and mentoring.

Now, let’s see 1st Timothy 1:2.  To Timothy, a true son in the faith: Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

Now see 2nd Timothy 1:2. To Timothy, a beloved son: Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God The Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. (Stop here)

This man “Timothy” is also known as “Timotheus.”  Read Later Acts 16: 1-4.  Then See 2nd Timothy 1:1-5; Then See 2nd Timothy 3:15.

Now, let me make 2 quick observations which you may agree or disagree regarding the man “Timothy” or “Timotheus.”

First, in my opinion between Timothy and Titus I believe Timothy was the younger of the two men.  Quote 1st. Timothy 4: 12 NKJV.  Let no one despise your youth, but be an example unto the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Secondly, in my opinion, between Timothy and Titus, I believe spiritually speaking, Timothy was Timid in the face of human opposition, and in the face of internal & external adversity more than Brother Titus was!

 Quote 2nd. Timothy 1: 7 (KJV).  For God has not given us The Spirit of fear; Timid or Timidity or lacking the spiritual fortitude in the midst of trials. Yet, The Lord has given us power, love, and a sound mind.

Listen, if my observations are correct about brother Timothy, then the only reason I point these Things out about him is that when God opens that opportunity for you & me to disciple and spiritually mentor another. We may find out that this person is younger than us and may lack maturity.   Also, they may be Timid, lacking spiritual fortitude in the midst of trials.  And if so, then The Lord would have us to help them to grow and to be an overcomer.  Check your time.

Now, let’s see Titus 1:4. To Titus, a true son in our common faith: Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.

Now, let me make 2 quick observations which you may agree or disagree regarding the man      “Titus”.

First, in my opinion between Titus and Timothy, I believe with God’s help, Titus was able to adapt, and to take charge and give leadership in his new assignment, that the Apostle Paul lead by The Holy Spirit gave unto Him. 

Quote Titus 1: 5. For this reason, I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking and appoint Elders in every city as I commanded you.

And secondly, in my opinion between Titus and Timothy I believe spiritually speaking, Titus was blessed with the resilience to persevere when dealing with all kinds of people issues and their problems more than Brother Timothy was!

Quote Titus 2: 

In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine, showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility,

Sound speech that can not be condemned, that the one who is your opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you!

Listen if my observations are correct about Brother Titus, then the only reason I point these things out about him, is that when God opens that opportunity for you & me to disciple and spiritually mentor another.

We may find out that this person is able to adapt, and to take charge and give leadership in whatever assignment that The Holy Spirit gives unto them.   And they are blessed with the resilience to persevere when dealing with all kinds of people issues and their problems.

Now, close with, now let’s see Titus 1:

1. Paul a Bondservant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s Elect and the acknowledgment of The Truth which accords or agrees with Godliness,

2. In hope of Eternal Life which God who cannot lie, promised before time began, 

3. but has in due time manifested His Word through preaching, which was committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Savior, (Stop here)

Sermon Notes For 1-14-24 For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 1  “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Spiritual Discipling  Or Spiritual Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, today with God’s help lets return back to our newest series, as we are going chapter by chapter and verse by verse through these 3 New Testament Books or Letters of 1st Timothy. 2nd Timoth. And Titus.

Because, within these 3 New Testament Epistles are divine truths and practical insights and Biblical understanding that will help us to fulfill our part in nurturing, and supporting,

and edifying and giving spiritual guidance to a person or persons whom The Lord has brought into our lives, so that we could be directly involved in spiritual discipling or spiritual mentoring them for Christ.

Now, we have entitled our new series, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Spiritual Discipling Or Spiritual Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Because sometimes with God’s help we will be involved with either one or the other.  Or sometimes we will be involved with both, discipling or mentoring another for Christ! 

Now, to help us Biblically with this most important task, there are 3 unique Epistles or Letters from the New Testament that The Holy Spirit used the Apostle Paul to communicate unto 2 special individuals whom over a period of time Paul was used to disciple and spiritually mentor them, and these 3 epistles or letters were actually written in this chronological order originally.

First, it was 1st Timothy. Then, Titus. And lastly, 2nd Timothy. And therefore, I am being led of The Lord to follow this pattern. We will first begin with the letter or epistle or book of 1st Timothy. Then, we will go on to the next the letter or epistle or book of Titus.

And then lastly, we will go on to the final letter or epistle or book of 2nd Timothy which was actually the last letter or epistle the Apostle Paul was led by The Holy Spirit, to write before his execution in Rome.

So then, today we will begin with the letter or epistle or book of 1st Timothy.

Now, 1st Timothy which is 6 chapters long, however each chapter will have its own section of verses within that chapter that will present, a particular matter. or that will present, a concern or concerns.  or that will present, an issue or issues. or that will reveal a spiritual truth or truths that Paul used and that we could use, to disciple and be directly involved in spiritually mentoring someone for Christ!

For example, notice 1st Timothy 1:

The KJV says, As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus. Now Another English Translation says, As I urged you when I went into Macedonia that you remain in Ephesus, *That you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

Nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies which cause disputes, rather than godly edification which is in faith. (Stop there)

Now, see 1st Timothy 4:

Now, The Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, Why?

Giving heed unto deceiving or seducing spirits and doctrines of demons,

Who speaking lies in hypocrisy, having or causing their own conscience to be seared with a hot iron, (Stop there)

So, as you can see the major theme in these 2 sections there in 1st Timothy 1: 3&4.

And In 1st. Timothy 4: 1&2. The major theme of these two sections is, •you & I must be discerning. You & I must be careful. And you & I must be cautious of whom we listen unto and follow and support. Because there are false teachers and false prophets both inside and outside the church the Body of Christ!

But this time let’s notice 1st Timothy 2:

1. I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 

2. for kings and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (Stop here for now)Now, here in 1st Timothy 2: 1 thru 8 you will see that this section of verses presents a much different matter or concern or issue. A completely different spiritual truth that Paul used and we could use to disciple and be involved in directly spiritually mentoring someone for Christ!

For as you can see the major theme in this section of 1st Timothy 2:  1 thru 8, the major theme of this section is, you & I must make prayer a priority.

You & I are to pray for everybody no matter who they are, no matter what they do or have done!  Because everyone’s journey unto Salvation in Christ Jesus, begins with someone’s fervent and consistent prayers on their behalf

So once again, here in the book of 1st Timothy, we will see that each chapter will have its own section of verses within that chapter that present, a particular matter.  Or that will present, a concern or concerns.  Or that will present, an issue or issues. Or that will reveal a spiritual truth or truths that Paul used and that we could use to disciple and be directly involved in spiritually mentoring someone for Christ!

(Question) So, before we begin why is this letter from Paul called, 1st Timothy or 1Timothy?

(The Answer) Because it was the first letter written by Paul to Timothy.  And then much later, Paul would write a second letter unto Timothy, which is most often referred to as 2nd Timothy

or 2 Timothy.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 1:

Paul, An Apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ, our hope,

 To Timothy a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. (Stop here)

Now, these first 2 opening verses, vs. 1&2, could be called, “An Author’s Salutation.” (Repeat)

The word “Salutation” can mean, a greeting expressed in a written manner.  The word “Salutation” can mean a more formal Greeting being written unto a person. 

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:1. Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, (Stop there)

The Apostle Paul is the human author, the human vessel, whom The Lord would use to minister to one of His Servants, and eventually to all His servants by this Epistle or Letter.  But notice, Paul refers to himself as Paul an Apostle! 

Question, is Paul bragging or boasting, or having visions of grandeur or of self-importance about his position in the church the body of Christ?  Not at all, in fact Paul is giving recognition unto God for selecting him to serve Him in a certain manner and in a certain way.

So then, what is an Apostle?

The word apostle means “one who is sent out.” In the New Testament, there are two primary usages of the word apostle. The first is in specifically referring to the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. The second is in generically referring to other individuals who are sent out to be messengers/ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

The twelve apostles held a unique position. In referring to the New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:14 states, “The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” The twelve apostles are also referred to in Matthew 10:2Mark 3:144:106:79:3514:101720Luke 6:139:122:14John 6:71Acts 6:2; and 1 Corinthians 15:5. It was these twelve apostles who were the first messengers of the gospel after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was these twelve apostles who were the foundation of the church—with Jesus being the cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).

This specific type of apostle is not present in the church today. The qualifications of this type of apostle were: (1) to have been a witness of the resurrected Christ (1 Corinthians 9:1), (2) to have been explicitly chosen by the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:15), and (3) to have the ability to perform signs and wonders (Acts 2:432 Corinthians 12:12). The responsibility of the twelve apostles, laying the foundation of the church, would also argue for their uniqueness. Two thousand years later, we are not still working on the foundation.

Beyond the unique twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, there were also apostles in a generic sense. Barnabas is referred to as an “apostle” in Acts 13:2 and 14:14Andronicus and Junias are possibly identified as apostles in Romans 16:7. The same Greek word usually translated “apostle” is used to refer to Titus in 2 Corinthians 8:23 and Epaphroditus in Philippians 2:25. So, there definitely seems to be room for the term apostle being used to refer to someone besides the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Anyone who was “sent” could be called an apostle.

What exactly would be the role of an apostle outside that of the twelve apostles? That is not entirely clear. From the definition of the word, the closest thing today to an apostle, in the general sense, is a missionary. A missionary is a follower of Christ who is sent out with the specific mission of proclaiming the gospel. A missionary is an ambassador of Christ to people who have not heard the good news. However, to prevent confusion, it is likely best to not use the term apostle to refer to any position in the church today. The vast majority of occurrences of the word apostle or apostles in the New Testament refer to the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.

There are some today who are seeking to restore the position of apostle. This is a dangerous movement. Frequently, those claiming the office of apostle seek authority equal to, or at least rivaling, the authority of the original twelve apostles. There is absolutely no biblical evidence to support such an understanding of the role of apostle today. This would fit with the New Testament’s warning against false apostles (2 Corinthians 11:13).

In a sense, all followers of Jesus Christ are called to be apostles. We are all to be His ambassadors (Matthew 28:18-202 Corinthians 5:18-20). We are all to be “ones who are sent out” (Acts 1:8). We are all to be preachers of the good news (Romans 10:15).

Also, Paul calls himself “the apostle to the Gentiles” in Romans 11:13

It’s not as though Paul never preached to the Jews—on the contrary, his custom was to preach first in the synagogue when entering a new city (Acts 17:2). And it’s not as though the other apostles never preached to Gentiles (see Acts 10). But in a real sense, Paul’s ministry among the Gentiles was unique. Paul’s mission was to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles: “He chose me to be a servant of Christ Jesus for the Gentiles and to do the work of a priest in the service of his good news. God did this so that the Holy Spirit could make the Gentiles into a holy offering, pleasing to him” (Romans 15:16, CEV).

Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles by God’s choice. The Lord Jesus declared that He had a specific mission for Paul: “This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel” (Acts 9:15). Paul had been set apart from birth and called by God’s grace so that he might “preach [Christ] among the Gentiles” (Galatians 1:15–16).

Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles because the bulk of his ministry was spent in pagan lands planting churches among the Gentiles. Paul was the first to preach the gospel on European soil. His three missionary journeystook him far from Jewish lands to Gentile areas where Diana, Zeus, and Apollo were worshiped, to Cyprus, to Athens, to Malta, and eventually to Rome. He desired to preach in Spain as well (Romans 15:24), but it’s unsure if he ever made it that far.

Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles because he was under obligation to serve in Gentile lands. Paul’s testimony was that “this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8). Peter preached (mainly) to the Jews, and Paul was commissioned to preach (mainly) to the Gentiles: “God had given me the responsibility of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as he had given Peter the responsibility of preaching to the Jews” (Galatians 2:7, NLT).

Paul was well-qualified to be the apostle to the Gentiles. He was well-educated, being thoroughly trained in the Mosaic Law under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) and having received a classical Roman education in Tarsus. He had the ability to argue his point from Jewish Law (Galatians 4:21–31) and to illustrate it from Greek literature (Acts 17:28Titus 1:121 Corinthians 15:33). Paul’s training as a Pharisee (Philippians 3:5) allowed him access to synagogues everywhere, and he also held the privileges of Roman citizenship, which opened doors of opportunity throughout the Roman world (Acts 22:325–2928:30)..

The Lord specifically chose Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles to show that salvation is offered to all people. Ephesians 3:6 speaks of how Christ brings together both Gentile and Jew: “And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus” (NLT). May the Lord continue to reach people everywhere for His glory, and may we display Paul’s willingness to go wherever God calls us.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God, (Stop here)

The phrase, “by the commandment,” this word “commandment” is not referring to the 10 commandments, or the Law of God.  The word “commandment,” would be better translated, “mandate” or “an injunction” or “a command.” 

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment, or mandate, or an injunction, or a command of *God our Savior and The Lord Jesus Christ, our Hope. (Stop here)

Now, see the phrase, “God our Savior and The Lord Jesus Christ”!  Actually, this is referring to The Lord Jesus Christ who is God, but it’s not to be confused with God, The Father.

In fact, when the Apostle Paul wants to make a distinction between the two, either God, The Father or God, The Son, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul will say it this way like in 1st Timothy 1: 2B, Grace, Mercy, and Peace *from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Again, The Phrase, “God Our Savior and The Lord Jesus Christ,” is actually, this is referring to The Lord Jesus Christ who is God. 

Show you what I mean, see Titus 2:  13, “Looking for the blessed hope and Glorious appearing of *Our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”  Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now notice again, 1st Timothy 1:2. To Timothy a true son in the faith: (Stop here)

See later Acts 16: 1 Thru 4. And also, 2nd. Timothy 1:1 Thru 5.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:2. To Timothy a true son in the faith: Grace, Mercy,

and Peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. (Stop here)

Now, here in 1st Timothy 1:3 thru 20, We have what I want to call, “An Author’s Admonishment” (Repeat).  And actually, in 1st Timothy 1:3 thru 20, there are 4 separate words of admonishment.

#1. Notice 1st Timothy 1:3 thru 6.  #2. Notice 1st. Timothy 1:7 thru 11.

#3. Notice 1st Timothy 1:12 thru 17, which is more like a testimony of God’s mercy and love undeserved.  #4. Notice 1st Timothy 1:18 thru 20.

And remember in the book of 1st Timothy we will see that each chapter will have its own section of verses within that chapter that present a particular matter.

Or that will present a concern or concerns.  Or that will present, an issue or issues. 

Or that will reveal a spiritual truth or truths that Paul used and that we could use, to disciple and be directly involved in spiritually mentoring someone for Christ!

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 1:

3. The KJV Says, As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia.

The NKJV says, As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, you remain in Ephesus. Why?  That you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

Nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith.

Now, the purpose of The Commandment, What Commandment?

Well, see again 1st Timothy 1:1.  Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ, our hope.  The phrase in vs. 1&5 “by the commandment” this word “commandment” is not referring to the 10 commandments, or the Law of God.

The word “Commandment” would be better translated, “mandate” or “an injunction”

or “a command”. 

Now, see again 1st Timothy 1:

Now, the purpose of the commandment or “mandate” or “an injunction” or “a command” is love from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith,

from which some having strayed and have turned aside unto idle talk or The KJV said “vain jangling”. (Stop here)

So again, the major theme in this section of 1st timothy 1:3 thru 6 and throughout

1st Timothy, Titus, and 2nd Timothy.

Listen, the major theme is, you & I must be discerning. You & I must be careful. And you & I must be cautious to whom we listen unto and follow and support because there are false teachers and false prophets inside and outside the church, the Body of Christ!

Now, let’s make an important observation and distinction that we need to understand at this point.

Unfortunately, there are individuals who are in a capacity to communicate God’s word to others.  Either with a large group, or, a small group, or one on one with another individual.  And usually because of a lack of training and humility to receive training.

There are individuals who teach or preach certain scriptural or Biblical matters falsely, or in error, or incorrectly. (Repeat)

Let me show you an example in Acts 18:

24 Now, a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria. An eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures who came to Ephesus.

25 For Apollos had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he only knew the baptism of John.

26 So Apollos began to speak boldly in the synagogue, and when Aquila and Priscilla heard Apollos, they then took him aside and explained unto him the way of God more Accurately.

Quote Romans 10: 2.  The Apostle Paul is speaking, “For I bear record of them that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge, or scriptural knowledge and training”.

Quote 2nd Timothy 2: 15. The Apostle Paul is speaking again, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman or woman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth”.

And from the NKJV James 3: 1 says, “My Brethren let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment”.

So once again, there are individuals who are in a capacity to communicate God’s word to others. Either with a large group, or a small group, or one on one with another individual.  And usually because of a lack of training and humility to receive training.  There are individuals who teach or preach certain scriptural or Biblical matters falsely, or in error, or incorrectly. 

But unfortunately, there are individuals who are false teachers and false prophets who are in a capacity to communicate God’s word to others. Either with a large group, or, a small group, or one on one with another individual.  They also lack training and humility to receive training as well.  But These individuals who teach or preach certain scriptural or Biblical matters have been heavily influenced and spiritually deceived by the enemy himself, or by his minions or demons.

Then, they are usually motivated by greed and the love of money. Or they can be motivated by various kinds of sexual lust. Or they can be motivated by a position of power.  Or their own self-importance. Or having control over others.

So, either knowingly or unknowingly, they have become tools of the devil who infiltrates or insinuate, a local church ministry.  Or Aa Seminary or Bible College. Or a mission ministry. Or a relief ministry. Or a music ministry. Or an evangelistic outreach ministry.

Now, see 2nd Corinthians 11:

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.

14 And no wonder, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

15 Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

Now, see 2nd Peter 2:

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.

And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.

By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; For a long time their judgment has not been idle and their destruction does not slumber.

Sermon Notes For 1-21-24  For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 2. “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s return back to our current series that we have entitled “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.Now, in order to help us to fulfill such an important task, we are going chapter by chapter and verse by verse through these 3 New Testament Books or Letters of 1st Timothy. And then Titus.

And lastly 2nd Timothy.

And the reason why is because within these 3 New Testament Epistles, they are Divine Truths.

There are practical guidelines for Godly living

And there are many Biblical insights that can help us to understand how to fulfill our part in, nurturing, supporting, edifying and giving Spiritual guidance to a person or persons, whom the Lord has brought into our lives so that we could be directly involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring them for ChristSo, then today we are coming back so we can examine this very powerful Letter or Epistle or Book called, 1st Timothy.

Now, we are currently in Chapter 1 and we are still considering vs. 3 thru 20. Now, here in 1st Timothy 1: 3 thru 20, we are calling this section, “An Author’s Admonishment.And by the way, when I say, “An Author’s Admonishment.”  I am not just talking about the Apostle Paul who is the human author whom The Holy Spirit was using.  But I am really talking about the spiritual author, The Holy Spirit Himself and his helpful admonishments!

Because in the Book of 1st Timothy we will see that in each chapter, that each chapter will have its own section of verses within that chapter which present, a particular matter.  Or that presents a concern or concerns. Or that presents an issue or issues.  Or that will reveal a spiritual truth or truths that Paul used and that we could use to be directly involved in discipling and spiritually mentoring someone for Christ!

And here in 1st Timothy 1: 3 thru 20, there are 4 separate words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit Himself, that need to be considered.  And the first one is found in 1st Timothy 1: 3 thru 6Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 1:

3. The KJV says, As I besought Thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went Into Macedonia. But the NKJV says, As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, you Timothy remain in Ephesus.  Why? That you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

Nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith.

Now, the purpose of the commandment, or “the mandate” or “the injunction” or “the command” which is threefold. It is love from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith, the KJV says, a faith un-feigned, or without feign!  And by the way, the word “feign” means a false appearance. Pretending to be something that you are not!  Becoming a phony, a fake, not being genuine.

Now vs. 6. continues, from or away from what? Well, notice at the end of vs. 5. which says, a sincere faith! And remember the KJV says, a faith unfeigned or without feign, in other words, genuine, authentic or real faith!

(Question), What is genuine, authentic or real faith?

Well, see 1st Peter 1:7.  That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes. And though it your genuine faith is tested by fire.  See later 1st Peter 1: 12-19.

 Now, notice again 1st Peter 1: 

That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes. And though it your genuine faith is tested by fire.  May it, your genuine faith be found unto the Praise, Honor, and Glory at the Revelation of Jesus Christ,

Whom Jesus Christ, you have not seen, you love! Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible or unspeakable and full of Glory to God. (Stop here.)

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 1:5.  Now, the purpose of the commandment or “the mandate” or “the injunction” or “the command” it is threefold.

It is love from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith, the KJV says, a faith un-feigned, or without feign! Which some having strayed, have turned aside unto idle talk, or the KJV said “Vain Jangling” (Stop here)

So then, the major theme in this section of 1st Timothy 1:3 thru 6, and really throughout 

1st Timothy, and Titus, and 2nd Timothy. 

Listen, the major theme is, You & I must be discerning. You & I must be careful.  And you & I must be cautious to whom we listen unto and follow and support because there are False Teachers and False Prophets inside and outside the Church, the Body of Christ!

Because there are individuals who are False Teachers and False Prophets who are in a capacity to communicate God’s Word to others.  Either with a large group, or a small group, or one on one with another individual.  Also, they lack training and humility to receive training.

Therefore, these individuals who teach or preach certain Scriptural or Biblical matters have been heavily influenced and spiritually deceived by the enemy himself, or by his minions or demons.

Then they are usually motivated by greed and the love of money. Or they can be motivated by various kinds of sexual lust. Or they can be motivated by a position of power. Or their own self-importance. Or having control over others.

So, either knowingly or unknowingly, they have become tools of the devil who infiltrate or insinuate, a local church ministry. Or a Seminary or Bible College. Or a Mission ministry. Or a Relief ministry. Or a Music ministry. Or an Evangelistic Outreach ministry.

 Now, let’s see Matthew 24:

Now, as Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came unto Him privately saying, Tell us when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?

And Jesus answered and said unto them: Take heed that no one deceives you.

For many will come in My name, saying, I am the Christ, and will deceive many.

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.

24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the Elect, the Pre-Tribulation Saints, as well as the Tribulation Saints.

Now, 2nd Timothy 3:

13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them,

15 and that from childhood you have known The Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

17 that the man or woman of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Now, see 1st John 4:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,

and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

They are of the world. Therefore, they speak as of the world, and the world hears them.

We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

Now, see Jude 1:

Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation,

I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.

For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the Grace of our God into lewdness, and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

17 But you beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ:

18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts.

19 These are sensual persons, who cause divisions not having The Spirit. (Stop here)

Now, speak briefly on how bank tellers in the past were trained on how to spot counterfeit paper currencies like, 1 dollar bills. 20 dollar bills. 50 dollar bills. 100 dollar bills.

Know what you believe and why!  We not only need to be on “the defense” but we need to be on “the offense” as well.  And in order to help us to do better both on “defense” and “offense” I would like to make available unto you by your request, by reaching out to me so that I can email you or send you a hardcopy of a list of recommended basic Bible tools.

These basic Bible tools when used along with the help of The Holy Spirit, when reading and studying the Bible.  Or, when listening to someone ministering the Word of God.

 Will help you both on “defense” and “offense” to know what you believe and why!  And also, how to spot a counterfeit presentation of the word of God, being written, or being spoken!

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now again, notice

1st Timothy 1:3. The NKJV says, As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, you remain in Ephesus (WHY?) That you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

Nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. And why should we do this?

Now, the purpose of the commandment, or “mandate,” or “an injunction,” or “a command.” 

Is love from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith,

from which some, having strayed, have turned aside unto idle talk, or the KJV said “Vain Jangling”, (Stop here)

 Sermon Note For 1-31-24 Part 2 From The Gospel Of Matthew 2: 1-23 The Miraculous Virgin Birth of The King of kings And The Lord of lords.

Turn to the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 1. And please have ready some paper, a pen, or a pencil.

Now today, let’s continue our look at Matthew Chapter 2, vs. 1-23.  As we see again how and why The Holy Spirit led the Apostle Matthew to go into detail regarding Joseph and Mary’s first-hand experience regarding the first Advent. The First Nativity. The Miraculous Virgin Birth of Jesus, God The Son’s Incarnation.

Now, let’s notice again Matthew 2:

Now, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,

Saying, Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?  For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him, (Stop here.)

As I said before, it is important to notice that The Holy Spirit does not lead the Apostle Matthew to describe the many details surrounding the virgin birth of Jesus.

But instead, Matthew was only led to describe some of the matters that happen months later after the birth of Jesus, which is revealed unto us here in Matthew 2: 1-23.

Now, let’s notice again Matthew 2: 1A.  Now, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, (Stop there.)

Unfortunately, both Christian and non-Christian seem to think that the Lord Jesus was born in an animal stable and then was laid in a manger, whatever that is!

But what if I told you that according to the Bible, that most of the things which people think happened, well it really did not happen in the way in which is some time betrayed, in certain books. or in certain movies.  Or in certain TV series.  Or in certain artwork. Or in certain literature.

Now, notice again the Gospel of Luke 2:6. So it was that while (they) Mary and Joseph were (there) in Bethlehem. Notice vs. 4.

Now, Luke 2: 

Continues, that the days were completed for Mary to be delivered.

And Mary brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, WHY? Because there was no room for them in the inn. (Stop there.) 

Now, for the next several minutes with God’s help, I want to challenge our misconceptions.

And our are traditional western mindset when it comes to this familiar scene and statement within the Scripture regarding Luke 2: 7, because there is a very good chance you & I may have it all wrong!

So, let’s break down Luke 2: 7, phrase by phrase in order to understand better what is being revealed, instead of trying to make it say something that is not saying.

Now, notice again the Gospel of Luke 2:7A. And Mary brought forth her firstborn Son, (Stop there.) 

This is highly important because of some church traditions have either given the impression,

or they have made an official statement regarding Mary being a perpetual virgin.

They have said that Mary only giving birth unto Jesus Christ, because Mary experienced 

a supernatural conception by means of The Holy Spirit’s involvement, but not by human involvement like Joseph or by any other man.   (Note Luke 1: 34&35.)

However, they believe that later Mary and Joseph would adopt several children whom they would raise together.

Now notice, the Gospel of Mark 6: 3. Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary! And brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon?  And are not His sisters here with us? So, they were offended at Him.

Now, back to the Gospel of Luke 2.

Now, notice again the Gospel of Luke 2:7A. And Mary brought forth her firstborn Son, (Stop there.)

Please read this Biblical Article later.  ••••••••••••••••

Mary the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ has been the subject of much speculation, primarily because so little is known about her. 

But one thing the Bible clearly indicates about Mary is that she had other children. How many children Mary had is up for speculation.

Luke 1 records Mary’s conversation with the angel Gabriel, who told her she was to be the mother of God’s Messiah. At that time, Mary was a young virgin engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. Some have taught that, due to the sacred nature of the virgin birth, Mary had no other children and remained a virgin throughout her life. However, Matthew 1:24–25 seems to counter that teaching and imply that Mary had other children: “When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.” The key word that tells us that Mary had other children after Jesus is until.

Until means “up to the time of.” It implies that an action did occur after a prescribed pause. Matthew did not end the sentence by saying, “He did not consummate their marriage.” He says, “He did not consummate their marriage until This wording indicates that the action (of consummating the marriage) did occur after the birth of Christ. 

Matthew also makes a point of telling us that Joseph “took Mary home as his wife.” Matthew’s readers would naturally conclude that Mary became Joseph’s wife in every sense of the word. There is no scriptural evidence to support the assertion that Mary remained a perpetual virgin or that she had no other children. In fact, the Bible tells us the opposite.

Mark 6:3 records people becoming angry with Jesus when He taught in His hometown. They rejected Him as a prophet and responded, “‘Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?’ And they took offense at him.” This passage indicates that Mary had at least seven children, including Jesus. There were at least thirty years between the time of Jesus’ birth and this encounter, which allows plenty of time for other children to have joined the family as Jesus’ siblings.

John 2:12 gives us another hint as we answer the question of whether Mary had other children: “After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples.” The fact that the words brothers and disciples are both used means that John was not referring to “spiritual” brothers but to familial relationships. The “brothers” and the “disciples” were different groups. Matthew 12:46 records a time when Jesus’ mother and brothers came to speak with Him. Mother and brothers, used as a phrase, implies a familial relationship. Scripture gives us no reason to think these were not the biological children of Mary.Efforts to prove that Mary remained a perpetual virgin are not based on Scripture but on a misguided allegiance to a woman who was as fallible as any other human being (Romans 3:23). 

While Mary was chosen by God for the holiest of tasks, she was, in her own words, “a humble servant” (Luke 1:48). She obeyed the Lord with faithfulness, as did many other humble servants of the Lord such as Moses, Gideon, Elijah, and Hannah. For Mary to have had marital relations with her lawfully wedded husband, Joseph, would in no way have “defiled” her. 

Those normal relations would have likely produced other offspring who would have grown up with Jesus as their big brother (James 1:1Jude 1:1–2). Mary is given no special place in Scripture, and any effort to exalt her to godlike status is man-made heresy.

So, the answer to whether Mary had other children is “yes.” How many children she had is unknown, but she probably had at least seven, including Jesus.  ••••••••••••••••••••••

Now, notice again the Gospel of Luke 2:7, And (She) Mary wrapped (Him) the baby Jesus, in swaddling cloths, (Stop there)

(Question) What are swaddling cloths?  Many people from other cultures outside the United States are familiar with this item. Native Americans.  Central & South Americans.  Those from northern Africa, central Africa, And the Southern portions of Africa.  Those from the Middle East.  Certain parts of Europe.  Central & Southeast Asia.

Actually, the English verb, “swaddle,” or “swaddling,” can mean to wrap tightly with strips of cloths.  To “Swaddle,” or “Swaddling was, sometime done by a specially design garment for an infant newborn or a baby who is several weeks or months old.

Swaddling is an ancient practice of wrapping infants in blankets or similar cloths so that movement of the limbs is tightly restricted. Swaddling bands were often used to further restrict the infant. Swaddling fell out of favour in the 17th century. 

Note: Please read this First Biblical Article.  ••••••••••••••••••••••

Swaddling clothes are cloths and bands used in the practice of swaddling, or essentially “wrapping” an infant tightly in cloth. The idea behind swaddling is that it helps the baby transition from the womb (a very snug place) to the outside world. Swaddling clothes are still used today, but with some modifications. In general, swaddling has been proved to help infants sleep better, to prevent them from scratching themselves, and to reduce the risk of SIDS. In ancient times, like today, a swaddled infant was safe if wrapped and watched properly. Many cultures still practice swaddling today.

The biblical passage that refers to swaddling clothes is Luke 2: “And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7, ESV). We can assume from the fact that she swaddled the baby Jesus that Mary was an attentive and loving mother. The angel who spoke to the shepherds on the hillside mentions swaddling clothes as part of the sign to the shepherds that they had found the Messiah (Luke 2:12).

There are some interesting theories about Luke’s detail of Jesus’ swaddling clothes. Some have postulated that the swaddling clothes were a foreshadowing—a prophetic reference—of Jesus’ burial cloths. The Greek word sparganoo is the root word used in the phrase “swaddling clothes,” and it means “to clothe in strips of cloth.” But this word sparganoo is never used in the New Testament to refer to burial cloth. In the descriptions in the Gospels of Jesus’ burial, we see variations on the phrase “wrapped in linen cloth,” and different Greek words are used for the binding. The swaddling clothes could prefigure Jesus’ burial (the Magis’ gift of myrrh in Matthew 2:11 is a clearer bit of foreshadowing), but the link can’t be proved linguistically.

When the Son of God came into our world, He was entrusted to responsible, loving parents who sought to meet His every need. Baby Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes according to the custom of the day, an action that showed the tender care and affection of His mother. ••••••••••••••••••••••

Note: Please read this Second Biblical Article. ••••••••••••••••••••••

So, what is swaddling clothes? The word is old-fashioned enough that many modern Bibles now translate it with “cloths” or “strips of cloth.”   The fact that “swaddling clothes” sounds odd makes some people think that Mary was doing something unusual. For example, some have claimed that swaddling clothes were intended for wrapping newborn lambs or dead bodies. But it turns out that the Greek word used for "swaddling" here in Luke was not an unusual word at all, and it did not refer to wrapping lambs or dead bodies.

To find out what this word meant to ancient Greek-speakers, I used a few databases of ancient Greek literature to find all occurrences of the Greek words σπαργανόω (sparganoō, to wrap in swaddling-clothes) and σπάργανον (sparganon, swaddling clothes). I read through every occurrence of these words from literature written before the New Testament and many from after the New Testament as well.

 It turns out that this word was entirely normal. σπαργανόω is a stock word used dozens of times in association with birth and babies. It simply refers to wrapping newborn babies tightly in soft cloths, much like most of us do with babies today. In most of the Greek literature I looked at, σπαργανόω occurs associated with words like “baby,” “give birth,” “wash” and “nurse.” Over and over in ancient literature, birth and swaddling are described in terms much as we find in Luke 2. For example, the physician Galen (2nd century AD) advises that babies “should be wrapped first in swaddling clothes.” The philosopher Plutarch, writing at about the same time as Luke, describes how a new mother “receives her baby with pain and suffering, and with tatters of swaddling clothes she warms and caresses it both night and day.”

The word σπάργανον was so common that people would often say “in swaddling clothes” (ἐν σπαργάνοις) to mean “still a small baby.” 

And while we might say 

“from the cradle” to refer to something we have experienced from birth, Greek speakers often said, “from swaddling clothes” (ἐκ σπαργάνων). Our phrase “from birth to death” was sometimes “from swaddling clothes to death” (ἀπὸ σπαργάνων πρὸς τελειότατον).

So, when Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes, this was a completely normal thing to do. When the angels told the shepherds to look for a baby “wrapped in swaddling clothes,” they were just using ordinary wording to say that he was a newborn. Since Bethlehem was a very small town, he might well have been the only newborn they would find that night; and of course, they could look for the only newborn “lying in a manger.”

Some other interesting facts about ancient swaddling (although not necessarily relevant to the story of Jesus’ birth):

·         Both Ezekiel (Ezek 16:4) and Galen the physician said that newborn babies were bathed, lightly salted and swaddled. Galen said that the salt was to help in the adjustment from the womb to the air.

·         Spartan and Scythian mothers reportedly did not swaddle their babies because they wanted their limbs to move freely to prepare them for future combat.

·         Marcus Cato (2nd century BC senator) was described as a devoted father: “after the birth of his son, nothing could prevent him from being present whenever his wife bathed and swaddled the baby.”

·         Swaddling clothes also functioned as diapers. In a 5th-century BC play by Aeschylus, a nurse describes how she would try to remove the swaddling clothes quickly to avoid them getting soiled.

·         Diogenes (4th century BC philosopher) joked that “rich men are like newborn babies both are in constant need of swaddling clothes.”

·         Sometimes the ancients described keeping a baby’s swaddling clothes for many years. This seemed to happen especially with abandoned or adopted babies, as the distinctive swaddling clothes could be used to identify the baby.

·         Hippocrates (4th century BC physician) explained how to fasten a splint on a leg: “just as babies are swaddled.”  ••••••••••••••••••••••

Now, notice again the Gospel of Luke 2:7, And (She) Mary wrapped (Him) the baby Jesus,

in swaddling cloths, (Stop there)

You know, I think there is another important question that should be asked.  Where did the swaddling cloths that Mary used, where) did they come from?  And Especially, if you believed and think that Jesus was born in an adjacent stable, or in a cave used to shelter and protect certain domesticated animals.

So, where did the swaddling cloths that Mary used, (Where) did they come from?  Did Mary before she left from Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem, did she pack this item just in case?

Or, did Mary and Joseph when they arrived in Bethlehem, they when shopping somewhere for this item?  Or, did Some family member or friend that Mary and Joseph were staying with in Bethlehem, did they already have this common item on hand to give them?

Now, notice again the Gospel of Luke 2:7, and (She) Mary wrapped (Him) the baby Jesus,

in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, (Stop there.)

 (Question), What is a manger? “Mangers” were long open wooden boxes or wooden troughs

used for feeding domesticated animals, in which they could eat from. Therefore, “mangers” were-not outdoor wooden lean-to shelters or structures.

The popular Christmas song, away in a manger.

Away in a manger

No crib for a bed

The little Lord Jesus

Lay down His sweet head.

The stars in the sky

Look down where He lay

The little Lord Jesus

asleep on the hay.

Now, let’s notice again the Gospel of Luke 2:7, and she wrapped Him in swaddling cloths,

and laid Him in a manger, WHY? Because there was no room for them in the Inn. (Stop there.) 

Now, see the phrase “Because there was no room for them in the Inn.”  This one phrase has caused many to suspect that the young couple with their newborn baby were unable to afford any kind of decent accommodation.  Or that the public Inn, like motels, there in the small village of Bethlehem they were all filled up at the time causing them to be homeless!

However, see the words the Inn, which is translated in most English translations of the Bible, and in my humble opinion this is where the problem lies for many of us with English translations of the Bible.  Show you what I mean!

Now, see Luke 22: 11.  Jesus is speaking to his disciples, Then you shall say unto the master of the house, the Teacher says unto you where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with My disciples? 

A Strong's Definition: κατάλυμα (katalyma) which means a lodging place, or a guest chamber.

These guest rooms of a friend or a relative were not like the public Inns or Motels of those days.  But guest rooms were for expected or unexpected guest could stay for an extended time, and in most cases the guest rooms would have been available.  However, let me show you something about the public Inns or Motels of those days.

Now, see Luke 10:

34. So (he) the good Samaritan went to (him) the wounded and beat up man.  And the good Samaritan bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

35. On the next day, when he the good Samaritan departed, he took out two denarii and gave them to the Innkeeper, and said unto the Innkeeper, take care of him the wounded and beat up man, and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.

 Now, notice again Luke 10:34. And brought him to an Inn and took care of him.

A Strong's Definition: πανδοχεῖον (Pandocheîon), which means a public lodging-place. A public house for the reception of strangers. Caravansary-khan. 

Now, back to Luke 22: 11, and let me share with you one more important thing.

Now See Luke 22: 11.  Jesus is speaking to his disciples, Then you shall say unto the master of the house, the Teacher says unto you where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with My disciples? 

 Now, there has been in the past some Archaeological findings, Which reveals that some homes in Israel with guest rooms also had had a upper level and then they would have a lower level. 

The lower level was one large space and only a thin wall separating the people on one side from where certain domesticated animals were kept on the other side safely indoors instead of outdoors.  And you may be asking yourself, Why is this so important?

 Well, let’s see Matthew 2:11.  And when the Wise Men had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him.  And when they had opened their treasure, they presented gifts unto Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

So, as you can see this area regarding where the birth of Jesus Christ actually took place according to the Bible, well, we know it was not in a traditional western understanding of a manger structure or lean-to. And it was not in an outdoor stable adjacent to an Inn.  And neither was it within a cave that was some time use to shelter and protect domesticated animals.

*But instead, the most likely place where Jesus was born was in a family or a friend’s home of either Mary or Joseph. Which would make more sense because of the Jewish custom of hospitality of that day, especially unto their own.

And remember Luke 22: 11, Jesus is speaking to his disciples, Then you shall say unto the master of the house, the Teacher says unto you where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with My disciples? 

Strong's Definitions: κατάλυμα (katalyma) means a lodging place, or a guest chamber. (Check your time.)

Now, let’s notice Luke 2:

Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.

10 Then the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.

11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger.

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

14 Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!

15 So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.

16 And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. 

(Stop there.)

Now, turn to the Gospel of John 2.

Now, one more important thing to note regarding Bethlehem during the times of Jesus for in this small village it was a place where the sacrificial lambs and sheep were kept, before sending them up to Jerusalem, only a few miles ahead.

They were brought to Jerusalem and then they could be purchased by a worshiper at the Temple Site, as a certified kosher sacrificial animal that was acceptable unto God as a sacrifice, According, to the corrupt high priests, and the chief priest of Jesus days who would not allow you to bring your own lamb or sheep to be sacrificed.

Now, notice the Gospel of John 2:

13 Now, the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

14 And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and the moneychangers doing business.

15 When He had made a whip of cords, And Jesus drove them all out of the Temple, with the sheep and the oxen. And Jesus poured out the changers money and Jesus over-turned the tables.

16 Then Jesus said unto those who sold doves, take these things away!  And do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise, and in Matthew 21: 13, Jesus referred to it as a den of thieves!

Now, back to the Gospel Of Luke 2.

Now, Notice Again (vs.15)  So, it was when The Angels had gone away from The Shepherds into Heaven, That The Shepherds said unto one another, Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass which The Lord has made known to us.

16 And the shepherds came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger.

17 Now when The Shepherds had seen (Him) baby Jesus! 

The Shepherds made widely known the saying which was told unto them concerning this Child.

Remember, the Gospel of Luke 2: 

10 Then the angel said to them do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.

11 For there is born unto you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.

12 And this will be the sign unto you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger.

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and goodwill toward men!

Now, notice again the Gospel of Luke 2: 

17 Now, when the Shepherds had seen (Him) baby Jesus! The Shepherds made widely known the saying which was told unto them concerning this Child.

18 And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told unto them by the shepherds.

19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.

20 Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.

So then, according to the Bible, who were the first visitors to witness this blessed event regarding the birth of Jesus Christ? The Shepherds. The Wise Men. The Angels. Or was it all three of them? (The Shepherds!)

Now, let’s turn to Gospel of John Chapter 10.

Now, may I show you in the Scriptures the important symbolism and necessity of Shepherding.

Shepherding is one of the oldest professions in the world.  And throughout the Bible certain individuals were Shepherds for a period of time in their lives.  In fact, Abel, one of the sons of Adam and Eve, would be the first person to be recognize as a shepherd.

For in Genesis 4:2. Abel was identified as a “keeper of the sheep.” And later, so was Jacob, Moses, and David.

However, the greatest of them all would be that infant in Bethlehem, who would grow up and declare Himself along with other parts of the Scriptures, as being the ultimate Shepherd that everybody needs!

 John 10:2 KJV But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 

John 10:11 KJV I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. 

John 10:12 KJV  But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 

John 10:14 KJV I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 

John 10:16 KJV And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one-fold, and one shepherd. 

 Hebrews 13:20 KJV Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 

 1 Peter 2:25 KJV  For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. 

Peter 5:4 KJV And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

Sermon Notes For 2-4-24  For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 3,  

“As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s return back to our current series that we have entitled “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.” So, then today, we are coming back so we can examine this very powerful letter or epistle or book called, 1st Timothy.

Now, we are currently in Chapter 1, and we are still considering vs. 3 thru 20.

Now, here in 1st Timothy 1: 3 thru 20, we are calling this section, “An Author’s Admonishment.” 

And by the way, when I say, “An Author’s Admonishment.”  Remember, I am not just talking about the Apostle Paul who is the human author whom The Holy Spirit was using. But I am really talking about the Spiritual Author, The Holy Spirit Himself, and His helpful admonishments!

Because, in the Book of 1st Timothy we will see that in each chapter, that each chapter will have its own section of verses within that chapter which present a particular matter.  Or that present a concern or concerns.  Or that present, an issue or issues.   Or that with reveals a spiritual truth or truths that Paul used and that we could use to be directly involved in discipling and spiritually mentoring someone for Christ!

Also, here in 1st Timothy 1: 3 Thru 20, there are 4 separate words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit Himself, that need to be considered.  And the first one we found was in 1st  Timothy 1:3 thru 6.  And the second one is found in here in 1st Timothy 1:7 thru 11.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 1: 

Desiring to be teachers of the Law understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm.

But we know that the Law is good if one uses it lawfully!

Knowing this that the Law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and Insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane. For murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers.

10 For fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine,

11 According to the glorious Gospel of the blessed God which was committed unto my trust. (Stop here)

So, here in 1st Timothy 1: 7 thru 11, is the second words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that we need to consider as revealed here in 1st Timothy 1:8 which says, “But we know that the Law is good if one uses it lawfully!”

Listen, it is inevitable when we are directly involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring another for Christ, that we ourselves need to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic which is revealed in both The Old Testament and in The New Testament concerning the Law of God and whether or not the Law or the Law of God, is it really for us today?

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:8. “But we know that the Law is good if one uses it lawfully!”

Therefore, with God’s help, this Sunday and next Sunday, we want to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic which is revealed in both The Old Testament and in The New Testament, what exactly is the Law or the Law of God reveals unto us in the scriptures?

And then, Lord willing, next Sunday we need to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic which is also revealed in both The Old Testament and in The New Testament and that is how do we use the Law or the Law of God lawfully?

But first, what is the Law or the Law of God?  What is a Law both Biblically and naturally speaking?  A Law can be seen as a rule, a principle that regulates or determines or brings about change within the natural world, and within the spiritual world.

A Law can be seen as a rule, a principle that regulates human conduct within a society or a culture or a family.  And such principles originate from God directly or indirectly to promote within His creation, order, stability, and formation, a lasting pattern to be followed. 

Governmental Laws. Civil Laws. Natural Laws. Economic laws or Fundamental Laws of Economics. Scientific Laws, Like Gravity or Thermodynamics.  Spiritual Laws. 

 See Galatians 6:

7. Do not be deceived God is not mocked; for whatever a man or woman sows or plants, that will they also reap. 

8. For he or she who sows or plants unto their flesh will of the flesh reap or harvest Corruption.

However, he or she who sows or plants unto The Spirit will of The Spirit reap or harvest Everlasting Life.

And also, see Romans 8: 

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for the carnal mind is not subject to the Law of God, nor indeed can be.

Now, there is one more important “Law” that really matters, and that is the Law of God!

See again Romans 8: 7. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for the carnal mind is not subject to the Law of God, nor indeed can be.

But, what is a Law?  When it comes to God as the law giver, whatever he says, Or commands, Or declares Or imposes, is a reminder who’s in charge!  And that our God is a God of order who always knows what’s right, what’s best and what will work in the long run.  And therefore, Our God is not a God of disorder or confusion or chaos.

The first law that God ever gave.

Genesis 2:

16 And the Lord God commanded the man saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat;

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

 Apparently, when God gives a law, it is for the purpose of revealing, or testing, or exposing, the heart, the mind and the desires of an individual or individuals whether or not, they’ll seek to comply, obey and Submit unto God.

The Torah

The word “Torah” in Hebrew actually has 2 meanings!

First, “Torah” in Hebrew can mean, “Law.”

Secondly, “Torah” in Hebrew can mean, to teach or instruct,

primarily within the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,


 According to Jewish and Christian traditional teachings, the Torah is said to contain the revelation of God, written down by Moses. But modern scholars suggest that it was put together from a collection of authors from different sources over hundreds of years. In addition, the Torah comprises all the rules by which the Jewish people structure their spiritual lives.

The names of the five books of the Torah are derived from the first unique word that appears in the book. Moreover, the books commence with the creation of the world and end with Moses’ death.

The Torah comprises the five books in the Bible. The five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy and describes the history of the Jewish people and the rules by which the Jewish people structure their spiritual lives.

It is often said that Torah in the Old Testament does not refer so much to commands to the keeping of commandments as it does to instruction to teaching.  According to this view, the word “Torah” does not focus on admonitions, commands, and requirements.

Instead, the word “Torah” has a more general referent so that it includes God’s instruction more generally.  Hence if one follows this view, the word Torah also includes God’s promises to save his people, his threats if they do not obey, and also narrative accounts that we find for example in the Pentateuch.  But such a wide definition for the word Torah is almost certainly wrong.

Torah usually refers to what human beings are commanded to do.  In some instances, a broader sense that goes beyond commands and prescriptions aptly captures the meaning of Torah Job 22:22; Ps. 94:12; Prov. 1:8; 4:2; 13:14; Isa. 2:3; 42:4; 51:4; Mal. 2:6–8), although even in some of these passages the instruction probably consisted of what was required by the law.

In the vast majority of instances, however, the word torah focuses on doing what is commanded in the law, that is the commands and requirements that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai. 

The emphasis on observing the law and carrying out what it demands is evident from the verbs of which torah is the direct object.

 The Pentateuch

The term “Pentateuch” is derived from the Greek words “penta” meaning five.

Combine with the Greek word “teuchos,” meaning book. 

It is used to refer to the first five books of the Christian Old Testament, which are also the books of the Torah.

The Decalogue

Literally means, “ten words or ten separate phrases. Found In Exodus 20: 1-17.

In decalogue the root deca- is combined with logos, Greek for "word". 

In the Biblical book of Exodus, the original Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, was handed to Moses by God atop Mount Sinai. 

In Jewish and Christian tradition, the Ten Commandments are regarded as laws handed down from the highest authority and as the foundation of morality. 

They include commands to honor God, the Sabbath day, and one's parents, and bans on worshiping images, swearing, murder, adultery, theft, 

lying about others, and envying what others have. Individuals have often had their own personal decalogues; Thomas Jefferson's "ten commandments" started off with "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

See Psalms 1:

Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.

Psalms 19

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;

The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

10 More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

Psalms 119

Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord!

34 Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart.

53 Indignation has taken hold of me Because of the wicked, who forsake Your law.

97 Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.

136 Rivers of water run down from my eyes, because men do not keep Your law.

165 Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.

174 I long for Your salvation O Lord, and Your law is my delight.

Matthew 5:

17 Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.

My Outline for 2-11-24 for 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 4 “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s return back to our current series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”  And today, let’s continue to examine this very powerful letter or epistle or book which is called, 1st Timothy.

Now, currently we are in Chapter 1, and we are still considering vs. 3 thru 20.

Also, remember in vs. 3 thru 20, there are at least 4 separate words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that should be considered, because the 4 separate words of admonishment was true then during the times of the Apostle Paul and his mentee, Brother Timothy.  But also, these 4 separate words of admonishment were true then, and they are still true for us today.

Now, we are still considering this second word of admonishment from The Holy Spirit, 

which is found here in 1st Timothy 1:7 thru 11.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 1:

7. Desiring to be teachers of the Law understanding neither what they say, nor the things which they affirm.

8. But we know that The Law is good if one uses it Lawfully!

9. Knowing this that The Law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and Insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane.  For murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers.

10. For fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine,

11. According to the Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God which was committed unto my Trust. (Stop here)

So again, here in 1st Timothy 1: 7 thru 11, is the second word of admonishment from the Holy Spirit that we need to consider and understand much better than perhaps we do now.  Because it is inevitable as we are or will be one day, directly involved in Discipling or Spiritually Mentoring another for Christ, it is at that time we ourselves need to be clear and correct when the question is asked, or when the concern about this subject or topic which is revealed in both The Old Testament and in The New Testament.

When that person or persons ask you about The Law or The Law of God, is it really for us today to obey, what should you say?

And with God’s help last Sunday, we began to make sure that we ourselves were Scripturally clear and biblically correct regarding this controversial subject or topic for so many, and that is whether or not The Law or The Law of God, is it really for us today?

And hopefully, you’ve taken the time to searching and studying the Scriptures for yourself about this matter.  And hopefully, you’ve been prayerfully asking The Holy Spirit’s help and understanding about this most important matter revealed within both The Old Testament and The New Testament as we saw briefly last Sunday.

Because what you & believe and our attitudes about this subject or topic, is The Law or The Law of God is it really for us today?  Because it’s very possible either knowingly or unknowingly, we might have adopted a position or positions regarding this matter.

For example, you may have adopted a position, a belief, and an attitude of Religious Legalism!  Remember in the Gospels, there was a group called the Scribes and Pharisees.  Or, you may have adopted a position, a belief, and an attitude of as a modern-day Christian who is Antinomianistic.  That word comes from another word, Antinomianism.

Which means, a total disregard, or a lack of belief and commitment unto the law, The Mosaic Law given by God unto Moses, because one feels or has been taught that it has become obsolete, unimportant or irrelevant.

Anti-nome-an-ism is an unbiblical attitude regarding The Old Testament Laws and Commands are now obsolete because of The Old Testament teachings regarding Love and Grace that we are to operate in, and not by The Law.

Or, perhaps you may have adopted a position, a belief, and an attitude as a Child of God of, •Indifference. •Or neutrality. •Or complete avoidance regarding this matter.

But, hopefully with God’s help, you have, or you will adopt a position, a belief, and an attitude as a committed follower of Jesus Christ, that you stay open minded. teachable. and be willing to change your position, your beliefs, and your attitudes, regarding The Law, or The Law of God, when it is used and understood correctly, knowing it can be useful and helpful unto us even today.  But most importantly, we can bring Glory unto God through our obedience to God that is revealed within The Law of God

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1: 8, “But we know that The Law is good if one uses it lawfully, rightly or correctly!” (Stop there)

Now, last Sunday, with God’s help, I gave a concise definition regarding The Law or The Law of God that I want to review with all of you one more time.

When it comes to God as The Lawgiver, whatever He says, or commands, or declares or imposes, is a reminder to anyone who’s in charge!   And that our God is a God of order.

Who always knows what’s right, what’s best, and what will work in the long run.  And therefore, our God is not a God of disorder, or confusion, or chaos, or abnormalness.

And lastly, when God gives a law or laws, it is for the purpose of revealing, or testing, or exposing, the heart, the mind and the desires of an individual or individuals whether or not, they’ll seek to comply, obey, and submit unto God completely.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1: 8, “But we know that The Law is good if one uses it lawfully, rightly or correctly!” (Stop there)

Now, with the time we have left, we need to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic which is revealed in both The Old Testament and in The New Testament, and that is How Do We Use The Law Or The Law Of God Lawfully Or Rightly Or Correctly?

Now, see Romans 6:12.  Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.

13 And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but present yourselves unto God as being alive from the dead. And your body members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

*14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for or because you are not under Law, but under Grace.

*15 What then, shall we sin because we are not under Law, but under Grace? Certainly not!

Now, turn to Romans 7.

Now again, we need to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic

and that is, How Do We Use The Law Or The Law Of God Lawfully Or Rightly Or Correctly

Now, see Romans 7:

What shall we say then? Is The Law sin? Certainly not! On the contrary, I would not have known sin except through The Law. For I would not have known covetousness unless The Law had said, You shall not covet. Exodus 20: 17.

12 Therefore, The Law is Holy and The Commandment, Holy and Just and Good.

14 For we know that The Law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.

22 For I delight in The Law of God according to the inward man.

Now, turn to Galatians 2.

Now again, we need to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic and that is, How Do We Use The Law or The Law of God Lawfully Or Rightly Or Correctly?

Now, see Galatians 2:

16 Knowing that a man is-not justified by the works or deeds of The Law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. Even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works or the deeds of The Law. For by the works of The Law no flesh shall be justified.

Now, turn to Galatians 3. Now again, we need to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic and that is, How Do We Use The Law Or The Law Of God Lawfully Or Rightly Or Correctly?

Now, see Galatians 3:10.  For as many as are of the works or deeds of The Law are under The Curse; for it is written, Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of The Law, to do them.

And James 2: 10. Also says, for whoever shall keep the whole Law, and yet stumble in one point, they are guilty of all.

Now, Galatians 3: 11. Continues. But that no one is justified by The Law in the sight of God is evident, for or because the just shall live by faith.

13 Therefore, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of The Law, having become a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.

Listen, Christ Jesus substituted Himself in our place and upon the cross took the punishment that is justly ours so that we are no longer under the curse of the Law.

See Deuteronomy 28:

15 But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

16 Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country.

17 Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.

18 Cursed shall be the fruit of your body and the produce of your land, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.

19 Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out.

20 "The Lord will send on you cursing, confusion, and rebuke in all that you set your hand to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, because of the wickedness of your doings in which you have forsaken Me.

21 The Lord will make the plague cling to you until He has consumed you from the land which you are going to possess.

22 The Lord will strike you with consumption, with fever, with inflammation, with severe burning fever, with the sword, with scorching, and with mildew; they shall pursue you until you perish.

23 And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron.

24 The Lord will change the rain of your land to powder and dust; from the heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed.

25 The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth.

26 Your carcasses shall be food for all the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and no one shall frighten them away.

27 The Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed.

28 The Lord will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart.

29 And you shall grope at noonday, as a blind man gropes in darkness; you shall not prosper in your ways; you shall be only oppressed and plundered continually, and no one shall save you.

30 You shall betroth a wife, but another man shall lie with her; you shall build a house, but you shall not dwell in it; you shall plant a vineyard but shall not gather its grapes.

31 Your ox shall be slaughtered before your eyes, but you shall not eat of it; your donkey shall be violently taken away from before you and shall not be restored to you; your sheep shall be given to your enemies, and you shall have no one to rescue them.

32 Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all day long; and there shall be no strength in your hand.

33 A nation whom you have not known shall eat the fruit of your land and the produce of your labor, and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually.

34 So you shall be driven mad because of the sight which your eyes see.

35 The Lord will strike you in the knees and on the legs with severe boils which cannot be healed, and from the sole of your foot to the top of your head.

36 The Lord will bring you and the king whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you shall serve other gods of wood and stone.

37 And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you.

38 You shall carry much seed out to the field but gather little in, for the locust shall consume it.

39 You shall plant vineyards and tend them, but you shall neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them.

40 You shall have olive trees throughout all your territory, but you shall not anoint yourself with the oil; for your olives shall drop off.

41 You shall beget sons and daughters, but they shall not be yours; for they shall go into captivity.

42 Locusts shall consume all your trees and the produce of your land.

43 The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower.

44 He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.

45 Moreover, all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.

46 And they shall be upon you for a sign and a wonder, and on your descendants forever.

47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything.

Now, back to Galatians 3.

Now, Galatians 3: 14 continues. That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that we might receive the promise of The Spirit through faith.

Deuteronomy 28:

Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.

And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God:

Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.

Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.

Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.

Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

The Lord will establish you as a holy people to Himself, just as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways.

10 Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you.

11 And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you.

12 The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

13 And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.

Now, turn to Galatians 3.

Now again, we need to be clear and correct regarding the subject or the topic and that is, How Do We Use The Law Or The Law Of God Lawfully Or Rightly Or Correctly?

Now, see Galatians 3.

24 Therefore, the Law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.

Sermon Notes For 2-18-24 For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 5 “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s return back to our current series that we have entitled “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now today, let’s continue to examine this very powerful Letter or Epistle or Book which is called, 1st Timothy, and currently, we are in Chapter 1, and we are still considering vs. 3 - 20.

Also, remember there are at least 4 separate words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that we should consider, and the second word of admonishment is found here in 1st Timothy 1:7 thru 11.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 1:

7. Desiring to be teachers of The Law understanding neither what they say, nor the things which they affirm.

8. But we know that The Law is good if one uses it lawfully!

9. Knowing this that The Law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane.  For murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers.

10. For fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine,

11. According to the Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God which was committed unto my trust.  (Stop here)

So then, here in 1st Timothy 1: 7 thru 11, is the second word of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that should be considered, because the time will come when we will be involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

And during those times we need to make sure that we are clear & correct when the question is asked, or when the subject or the topic is brought up regarding The Law, or The Law of God, and is it really for us today?

And for the last 2 Sundays in a row with God’s help, I was led by The lord to challenge us both Scripturally and Biblically about The Law or The Law of God, and is it really for us today?

And hopefully, you’ve been searching and studying the Scriptures for yourself about The Law

or The Law of God.

And hopefully, you’ve been prayerfully asking The Holy Spirit’s help and understanding,

about this most important matter regarding The Law or The Law o God which will come up from time to time both in The Old Testament and in The New Testament as well.

And therefore, as God’s people what should be our attitude and (our) position about this sometimes misunderstood subject. which at times it can be misapplied or misused.

but often times, it is completely missing from our lives altogether.

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 1:8. But we know or we should know, that The Law is good. Other synonym for the word “good,” or useful, or suitable or commendable, or admirable.

Now again, 1st Timothy 1:8. But we know or we should know, that The Law is good, if a conditional particle. If one or someone uses it lawfully, rightly, or correctly! (Stop here)

(Question) what is the three-fold purpose of The Law or The Law of God? First, it is to reveal God’s high and lofty standards which He has declared and He expects because of His Holiness and His Righteousness.

Secondly, the three-fold purpose of The Law or The Law of God is, to expose our pridefulness. our self-righteousness. our stubbornness. and our unwillingness to accept that God knows what’s best for us.

And thirdly, the three-fold purpose of The Law or The Law of God is, to give humanity either saved or unsaved, an understanding of our need for a Savior who can if we would be willing to receive from Him. Divine forgiveness, and deliverance and righteousness, which is apart from The Law or The Law God. 

Now, let’s turn to Romans 3.

Now, one of the three-fold purposes of The Law or The Law of God is, to reveal God’s high and lofty standards which He has declared and He expects because of His Holiness and His RighteousnessNow, see Romans 3:

19 Now, we know that whatever The Law says it says to those who are under The Law, so that every mouth may be stopped and all the world the inhabitants of the Earth may become guilty before God.

20 Therefore, by the deeds of The Law no flesh, no person, jew or gentile will be justified in His sight, for or because by The Law is the knowledge of sin.  And James 2:10 says, for whoever shall keep the whole Law, and yet stumble in one point or area, they are guilty of all.

Now, see Romans 7:7.  What shall we say then, is The Law sin, or bad, certainly not!  But on the contrary, I would not have known sin was an issue with God except through The Law revealing such things. For example, I would not have known covetousness was an issue with God unless The Law had said, You shall not Covet! This is the Tenth Commandment which is revealed unto us within Exodus 20:17

Now, let’s turn to Genesis 2.

Now, the second three-fold purpose of The Law or The Law of God is, to expose •Our Pridefulness. •Our Self Righteousness. •Our Stubbornness. •And our unwillingness to accept that God knows what’s best for us.

Now, see Genesis 2:

16. And the Lord God commanded the man saying, of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 

17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

Now, see Genesis 3:6.  So, when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and it was a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. And she also gave it to her husband with her and he ate.

Now, see Genesis 4.

Now, Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain and said, I have acquired a man from the Lord.

Then she birthed again this time his brother Abel. Now, Abel was a keeper of sheep, a shepherd, but Cain was a tiller of the ground or a farmer.

And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord.

And Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering,

But the Lord did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry and his countenance fell

Now, turn to the Gospel of Luke 18.

Now, the second three-fold purpose of The Law or The Law of God is, To expose •Our Pridefulness. •Our Self Righteousness. •Our Stubbornness. •And our unwillingness to accept that God knows what’s best for us.

Now, see the Gospel of Luke 18:

10 Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee. And the other, a tax collector.

11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God I thank You that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector.

12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.

13 But the tax collector standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to Heaven, instead he beat his chest saying, God be merciful to me a sinner!

14 I tell you this man the tax collector, went down to his house justified rather than the Pharisee! WHY?  For or because everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled, and they who humbles themselves will be exalted

Quote James 4: 6. But He gives more Grace. Therefore, He says: “God resists the proud, but gives Grace unto the humble.”

Now, see the Gospel of Luke 18:

18. Now, a certain ruler in the Gospel of Matthew 10:22, he is identified as being young.

And here in the Gospel of Luke 18:23, he is identified as being very rich.

Now, the Gospel of Luke 18: 18 continues, this young man said unto Jesus, Good Teacher,

What shall I do to inherit eternal life?

19 So, Jesus said unto him, Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One and that is God!

20 You know the commandments, The Decalogue. Do not commit adultery, Do not murder,

Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, And Honor your father and your mother.

21 And the young man said, All these things I have kept from my youth.

22 So, when Jesus heard these things, He said unto him, You still lack one thing!  Sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven; and come follow Me!

23 But when the young man heard this, he became very sorrowful for he was very rich. And in The Gospel of Matthew 10:22, it says when the young man heard that which Jesus said, he went away sorrowful, for or because he had great possessions, or his great possessions had Him!

Now, see Revelation 20:

11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.

13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works.

Now, let’s turn to Genesis 3.

And finally, the third three-fold purpose of The Law or The Law of God is, to give humanity either saved or unsaved, an understanding of our need for a Savior who can if we would be willing to receive from Him. Divine forgiveness, and deliverance and righteousness, which is apart from The Law or The Law God. 

Now, see Genesis 3:21.  Also, for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin and clothed them.

Now, see Galatians 3.

24 Therefore, The Law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.

Now, see Hebrews 10:

For The Law having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, could never with these same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year, make Those who approach perfect.

For then would they not have ceased to be offered. For the worshipers, once purified would have had no more consciousness of sins.

But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year.

For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.

Therefore, when He came into the world, He said, Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me.

In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure.

Then I said, Behold I have come in the volume of the book it is written of Me to do Your will O God.

Previously saying, Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them which are offered according to The Law,

then He said Behold, I have come to do Your will O God. He takes away the first that He may establish the second.                                                                                                                    10 And by that Will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Sermon Notes For 2-25-24 For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 6 “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

And let’s return back to our current series that we have entitled “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

And to help us we are going verse by verse here in this powerful Letter or Epistle or Book that is called, 1st Timothy! And currently we are in Chapter 1 and we are still considering vs. 3 thru 20.

Also remember, in vs. 3 thru 20 there are at least four separate words of Admonishment from The Holy Spirit that we should consider.

So today, with God’s help, we are going to finish up our look at the 2nd words of Admonishment found here in 1st Timothy 1:7 thru 11.

 Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 1:

7. Desiring to be teachers of The Law understanding neither what they say, nor the things which they affirm.

8. But we know that The Law is good if one uses it lawfully!

9. Knowing this that The Law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane. for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers.

10. For fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine,

11. According to the Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God which was committed unto my trust. (Stop here)

So then, here in 1st Timothy 1:7 thru 11, is the second words of Admonishment from the Holy Spirit that should be considered when we are involved in Discipling or Spiritually Mentoring another for Christ.

Especially when it comes to the subject of The Law of God! And as we have learned during this month of February, this can be a very misunderstood and often ignored topic for most of us as God’s people in our day!

And therefore, we need to make sure that we are clear and correct when the question is asked or when the subject or the topic is brought up regarding The Law, or The Law of God, and is it really for us today?

 But what is the Three-fold Purposes of The Law or The Law of God?

First, it is to reveal God’s high and lofty standards which He has declared and He expects because of His Holiness and His Righteousness.

Secondly, the Three-fold Purpose of The Law or The Law of God is, to expose our pridefulness. Our self-righteousness. Our stubbornness. And our unwillingness to accept that God knows what’s best for us.

And thirdly, the Three-fold Purpose of The Law or The Law of God is, to give humanity either saved or unsaved, an understanding of our need for a Savior who can if we would be willing to receive from Him. Divine forgiveness, and deliverance and imputed righteousness which is apart from The Law or The Law of God. 

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 1: 9A, Knowing this that The Law is not made for a righteous person. (And stop there)

Now, at this point, The Holy Spirit leads the Apostle Paul to make known a divine fact that at first it may be surprising, but in reality it makes a whole lot of spiritual sense!

Now, there are two types of Righteous persons that are in view here in vs 9a.

First, the Self-Righteous Person.  Now, let’s turn to the Gospel of Matthew 9.

Now, notice this paraphrase of the Gospel of Matthew 9:

As The Lord Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And Jesus said unto Matthew, Follow Me! So, Matthew got up and followed Jesus.

10 Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house of Matthew, behold many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and His disciples.

11 And when the Pharisees saw it, They said unto His disciples, Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?

12 And when Jesus heard that He said unto the Pharisees, those who are well have no need of a Physician, a Doctor! Except, those who are sick, hurting, or are not doing well!

13 And Jesus then said unto the Pharisees, go and learn what this means! “I desire mercy and not sacrifice,” From Hosea 6: 6.

And Jesus then said unto the Pharisees, For I did not come to call the righteous those who think they are!  But instead, sinners unto repentance.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1: 9A.  Now, remember 1st Timothy 1: 9A which says, knowing this that The Law is not made for a righteous person, (Stop here)

And there are two types of righteous persons that are in view here.  And the 2nd type of Righteous person in view here would be a person who has received the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.

(Question) But what does that mean the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ?

Let’s turn to Romans 4.

Now, notice Romans 4:22.  And therefore, I was accounted unto him for righteousness.

(Quote) Genesis 15: 6. “And (he) Abraham believed in The LORD; and The LORD counted it unto (him) Abraham for righteousness.”  (Repeat)

Now, Romans 4: 23 continues,

23 Now it was not written for (him) Abraham’s sake alone that it was imputed unto him,

24 But also, for us it shall be imputed unto us who believe in Him who raised up Christ Jesus our Lord from the dead,

25 Who was offered up because of our offenses but was raised or resurrected because of our Justification.

Now, also see 2nd Corinthians 5: 21.  For (He) God the Father has made (Him) God the Son to be sin for us For He knew no sin. Why? That we might be made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1: 9A.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:9. Knowing this that The Law is not made for a righteous person, (But for!)

Actually, The Law is for the unrighteous person in any category you can think of!

For example! *The lawless and insubordinate. *For the ungodly and for sinners.  *For the unholy and profane.  *For murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers.  *For manslayers. 

10. *For fornicators, *For sodomites, *For kidnappers, *For liars, *For perjurers,

And now, notice 1st Timothy 1: 10. Concludes saying, And if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound or healthy doctrine or teachings, (Note) this would include self-righteousness as well!

And finally, as we finish up this 2nd Admonition from The Holy Spirit here in 1st Timothy 1:7 thru 11.  The Holy Spirit now leads the Apostle Paul to make known another divine fact that at first it may be surprising, but in reality it makes a whole lot of spiritual sense!

Now, notice 1st Timothy 1:11. According to The Glorious Gospel of The Blessed God, which was committed unto my Trust. (Stop here)

Now, see the phrase, “The Glorious Gospel of The Blessed God.”

This phrase is extremely important and helpful for us to know and to understand how the Gospel, The Glorious Gospel of The Blessed God, who is none other than Jesus Christ, God The Son who is the only pathway to divine salvation, and not by keeping the law in order to be saved!

Listen, even though one of the purposes of The Law of God is to help us to see our need for a Savior, however it is the Gospel that points us to the One who saves and reveals what He will do for those who will believe and receive and have trust in Him.

Now, turn to 2nd Timothy 1.

Now, notice 2nd Timothy 1: 10. But has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light, How?

Through the Gospel.

So, what is the Gospel?

Now, turn to 1st Corinthians 15.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 15:

Moreover brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, in which you also received and in which you Stand,

By which you also are saved if you hold fast that word which I preached unto you unless you believed in vain.

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received: That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.

4 *And that He was buried. *And that He rose or was resurrected again the third day according to the Scriptures. (Stop there)

And also, according to the Scriptures I believe there are two additional factors that are mentioned within parts of the New Testament regarding this Gospel that points to Jesus Christ. Because these two factors are also necessary for one to believe and trust in, in order to receive Divine Salvation!

First, the Miraculous Conception and Virgin Birth and the Incarnation of The Lord Jesus Christ.

 And secondly, the literal physical Return of The Lord Jesus Christ in two distinct phases

or stages, which will bring about His Earthly Kingdom in which He shall rule and reign upon the Earth unopposed by evil men and neither by the devil and his evil minions!

Now, close with 2nd Corinthians 13: 5.  Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the Faith.

Test yourselves! Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you, unless indeed you are disqualified.

Also, see Matthew 7:

21 Not everyone who says unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he or she who does the Will of My Father in Heaven.

22 For many will say unto Me in that day Lord, Lord, have we not *prophesied in Your name?

*Cast out demons in Your name? *And done many wonders in Your name?

23 And then I will declare unto them, I never knew you; Depart from Me you who practice lawlessness!

28 Then as they arrived at their village the Lord Jesus indicated that He was traveling farther than they were.

29 But the two discouraged Disciples of Christ insisted saying, stay with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is coming to a close. And the Lord Jesus accepted their request and stayed with them.

30 Now, it came to pass, as the Lord Jesus was sitting at the table with them, He took bread and blessed and broke it, and gave it unto them.

31 And the two discouraged Disciples of Christ eyes were opened and they knew Him; And He vanished from their sight.

32 And they said to one another, did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures unto us?

33 So, they rose up that very hour and returned to back Jerusalem and found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together,

34 And they said unto them, The Lord is risen indeed and has appeared unto Simon!

44 Then the Lord Jesus said unto the eleven and those who were with them, these are the words which i spoke unto you while I was still with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.

45 And the Lord Jesus opened the understanding of the eleven, so that they might comprehend the Scriptures.

Sermon Notes For 3-10-24 Part 1 Because He Lives!

Let’s turn to The Book of Revelation Chapter 1.

Now, notice Revelation 1:

17  And when (I) The Apostle John saw Him (The Resurrected Glorify Son of God Or God The Son, The Lord Jesus Christ).  I fell at His feet as dead.  But He laid His right hand upon me, and said unto me, Do not be afraid, I am The First and The Last.

18  I am He who Lives and was dead! But behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen! And I have the keys of Hades and of Death. (And let’s stop here.)

Now, starting this Sunday with God’s help, and for the next 3 Sundays coming up,

because most of you know that the last Sunday of this month, March 31st is Resurrection Sunday 2024! 

And I am truly convinced that The Lord wants to prepare us during this special season as His committed followers so that this Resurrection Season in 2024 might be different if we are willing to let The Holy Spirit work on our hearts and minds regarding the most significant. The greatest news that one could ever know and believe, and that is, He Is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

And therefore, I have 4 important questions to ask ourselves.

•Because He lives what difference does it make in our everyday lives?

•Because He lives in what ways does this prepare us for the life which is to come?

•Because He lives are you any different because of the fact that he lives?

•Because He lives can you see any changes that are happening to you because of the fact that He lives?

Now, back in 1971, 53 years ago, a very popular Christian song was released and performed by The Bill Gaither Trio. (Bill, Gloria, and Danny Gaither.  The song was called, “Because He Lives!”Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives, all fear is gone;

Because I know He holds the future,

And life is worth the living Just because He lives!

So again, I want to ask you and me these 4 questions again.

•Because He lives what difference does it make in our everyday lives?

•Because He lives in what ways does this prepare us for the life which is to come?         •Because He lives are you any different because of the fact that he lives?

•And lastly, because He lives can you see any changes that are happening to you because of the fact that He lives?

So then, as we gather here in the house of The Lord during this month of march and beyond, let those 4 important questions that we mentioned, may they help us to evaluate what it is that we really believe, and is it making a difference in our life!

And therefore, I would like to entitle this Mini-Series, “Because He Lives!”

Now, for me this year 2024 will be my 50th Resurrection celebration and observance since I came to know the Lord in 1974, which I shared briefly with you last Sunday as a congregation.

I’m not saying this to impress anyone, but just to let anyone know that 50 years later,

I am still growing. I am still learning.  I still want to understand more about this One, who came to save us! And Why would God so love the world that he would give his only begotten son?

And that I might know How this amazing gift of Grace was bestowed upon folks like you and me who were blind, but now we see!  Who were truly lost, but now we have been found, forgiven, set free and have received eternal life because of Him, Christ Jesus our Lord!

And therefore, there are 2 imaginary stories that I would like to share which I hope would help us to think more deeply and appreciate what has been done for us regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, during this special season that we have started last Sunday.

The first imaginary story I will share with you right now.

But the second imaginary story I will share on resurrection Sunday, March 31, 2024, for this story gives some insight about what happened after the 40 days that Jesus spent on earth after his resurrection, but now He has return to be seated at the right hand of the father.

Now, this first imaginary story I hope would help us to think more deeply and appreciate what has been done for us regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, during this special season that we have started.

The story supposedly, took place right after Adam and Eve has sent, the Lord came to them in the garden and confronted them about what they had done.  Immediately after that, God, the father, God the son, and God, the Holy Spirit had a special meeting among themselves to discuss what should be the fate of these two individuals Adam and Eve who represented mankind. And who brought upon themselves as well as all of mankind, sin and evil, death and destruction.  But most importantly, an immediate termination of their relationship and fellowship with God that they once enjoyed and was blessed by!

Now, the first option, allowed the wrath of God to end everything, and perhaps in the future start all over again at some point.

Now, the second option, allowed the love of God to demonstrate divine forgiveness by

a substitutional sacrifice that would pardon mankind and would restore the relationship and fellowship man once had with God and enjoyed and was blessed by!

Question), but who would be willing do such a thing?

And without hesitation God the Son volunteered and said, I would be willing to go and be a substitutional sacrifice that would pardon mankind and would restore the relationship and fellowship man once had with God and Enjoyed and was Blessed by!

Now, turn to Hebrews 10.

Now, notice Hebrews 10:

Therefore, when He came into the world, and He said, sacrifice and offering You did not desire,  But a body You have prepared for Me.

In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin, You had no pleasure.

Then I said, Behold I have come in the volume of The Book which is written of Me, to do Your will O God!

Previously saying, Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin, You did not desire nor had pleasure in them which were offered according to the Law.

Then He said, Behold I have come to do Your will O God. For He takes away the first, that He may establish the second.

Now, see Matthew 28:

But the angel answered and said unto the women, Do not be afraid for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.

But He is not here; for He is risen as He said! Come see the place where the Lord lay. Now go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and He is going before into Galilee; there they will see Him, as I have told you.

So, they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy and ran to bring His disciples word.

And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them saying, Rejoice! So, they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him.

10 Then Jesus said unto them, Do not be afraid but Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.

16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.

17 When they saw Him they worshiped Him; but some doubted. (Stop there)

 Notice Again, Matthew 28:17 When they saw Him they worshiped Him; but some doubted. (Stop Here. ) •Minor doubts. •Major doubts. •Skeptical. •Uncertain. •Not sure any longer. •Unbelieving.

Now, see Mark 9:

21 So, Jesus asked his father How long has this been happening to his son? And the father said from childhood.

22 And often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.

23 Jesus said unto him, If you can believe, all things are possible unto him who believes.

24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord I believe;

help my unbelief! 

 Sermon Notes For 3-17-24 Part 2 Because He Lives!

Holy Week Sunday, Palm Sunday!

Seen in the Gospel of John 12: 12-19. But also, in the Gospel of Luke 19: 40-48 is where the Lord Jesus is weeping over the people of Jerusalem for their temporary acceptance of Him.

And because of their leaders’ rejection of Him as their Messiah/King in which Jesus prophesies that the judgment of God in 70 Ad would come upon many of them before and during that time.

Holy Week Monday, Zealous Monday!

Seen in the Gospel of Matthew 21: 12&13. Also, in the Gospel of Mark 11: 15-17. The Gospel of Luke 19: 45-48. However, the first time this happened is seen in the Gospel of John 2: 14-16.

Holy Week Tuesday, Prophetic Tuesday!  Seen in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 24 and Chapter 25. Also, in the Gospel of Mark 13: 1-37. And in the Gospel of Luke 21: 5-38.

Holy Week Wednesday, Betrayal Wednesday!  Seen in the Gospel Of Matthew Chapter 26: 14. Also, in the Gospel of Mark 14: 10&11. The Gospel of Luke 22: 3-6.

Holy Week Thursday, Upper Room Thursday.  Seen in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26: 20-35.  Also, in the Gospel of Mark 14: 14-21.  The Gospel of Luke 22: 13-38.  The Gospel of John Chapter 13 thru Chapter 17.

Holy Week Friday, Good Friday because Jesus became our substitute.   Seen in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 27.  Also, in the Gospel of Mark Chapter 15.  The Gospel of Luke Chapter 23.

The Gospel of John Chapter 19.

Holy Week Saturday, Disillusion Saturday!  Seen in the Gospel of Matthew 26: 56, 69-74.

Matthew 27: 62-65.  Also, In The Gospel Of Mark 14: 50-52, and 66-72.  The Gospel of Luke 22: 54-62.

Holy Week Sunday, Resurrection Sunday!  Seen in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 28.

Also, in the Gospel of Mark Chapter 16.  In the Gospel of Luke Chapter 24.  And in the Gospel of John Chapter 20 & Chapter 21.

Let’s turn to the Gospel of Luke Chapter 24.

Now, with God’s help, I was lead of The Lord to entitle our brief mini-series, “Because He Lives!”

I am truly convinced that The Lord wants to prepare us during this special season and beyond as His committed followers we might be willing to let The Holy Spirit work on our hearts and minds regarding the most significant, the greatest news that one could ever know and believe,

and that is, He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

Therefore, as we are move closer to The Annual Celebration Of The Death, Burial, And Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Which This Year Will Start Next Sunday March 24th With Palm Sunday Which Begins Holy Week And Will Culminate On The Following Sunday March 31st. Resurrection Sunday.

Now again, I have 4 important questions that we should ask ourselves.

•Because He lives what difference does it make in our everyday lives?

•Because He lives in what ways does this prepare us for the life which is to come?

•Because He lives are you any different because of the fact that he lives?

•Because He lives can you see any changes that are happening to you because of the fact that He lives?

 So today, as we gather here in the House of The Lord during this month of March and beyond, may those 4 important questions that we mentioned, truly help us to evaluate what it is that we really believe, and is it making a difference in our life!

Now, if we think about it, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and the 40 days that actually followed teach us about the willingness of The Lord Jesus Christ to *Minister unto. 

*To Restore. *To Help. *To Correct. *To Strengthen. *To Guide, *and to Enable those that He had chosen who were currently, overwhelmed, •Distracted. •Hurting. •Afraid. •Dismayed. 

•Unsure. •Disappointed. •No longer committed or involved as they once were. •Struggling with a divinely allowed spiritual assault or attack from the enemy.

(Question) Does this sound like you also? •Overwhelmed. •Distracted. •Hurting. •Afraid. 

•Dismays. •Unsure. •Disappointed. •No longer committed or involved as they once were.

•Struggling with a divinely allowed spiritual assault or attack from the enemy.

Now, let’s notice The Gospel of Luke 24:13 Now, behold two of them unnamed Disciples of Christ, were traveling that same day after The Resurrection of Christ, going to a village called, Emmaus which was seven miles from Jerusalem.

Note: See The Gospel of Luke 10: 1.  After these things The Lord appointed seventy others whom He also sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.

Now, back to The Gospel of Luke 24.

Now, notice again The Gospel of Luke 24:

14 And they the two discouraged Disciples of Christ, were talking together about all these things which had happened.

15 And, so it was while they discussed and try to understand all that had happened, The Lord Jesus Himself came near and walk beside them.

16 However, their eyes were restrained so that they did not know Him.

17 And (He) The Lord Jesus said unto them, what kind of conversation is this that you are having with each other as you are walking, and why are you sad?

18 And then the one of them whose name was Cleopas, He answered and said unto Jesus, are you the only person in Jerusalem, who has not heard about the things which have happen in these days?

19 And The Lord Jesus said unto them what things? So, they said unto Him, the things concerning Jesus of Nazareth who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and

all the people,

20 And how the Chief Priests and our Rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and they crucified Him.

21 But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. And besides all this, today is the third day since these things happened.

22 And certain women of our company who arrived at the tomb very early this morning, and they astonished or shocked us.

23 For the women did not find His body, and also, they came saying that they had seen a vision of angels who said that Christ was alive.

24 And certain Disciples who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, But the Lord Jesus they did not find.

25 Then the Lord Jesus said unto them both, o foolish ones or clueless ones, slow of heart to believe in all that the Prophets have spoken!

26 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and then enter into His Glory?

27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, the Lord Jesus expounded unto them, or He explained unto them from the Scriptures all the things concerning Himself.

Note: What a Bible Study that must have been!

28 Then as they arrived at their village the Lord Jesus indicated that He was traveling farther than they were.

29 But the two discouraged Disciples of Christ insisted saying, stay with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is coming to a close. And the Lord Jesus accepted their request and stayed with them.

30 Now, it came to pass, as the Lord Jesus was sitting at the table with them, He took bread and blessed and broke it, and gave it unto them.

31 And the two discouraged Disciples of Christ eyes were opened and they knew Him; And He vanished from their sight.

32 And they said to one another, did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures unto us?

33 So, they rose up that very hour and returned to back Jerusalem and found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together,

34 And they said unto them, The Lord is risen indeed and has appeared unto Simon!

44 Then the Lord Jesus said unto the eleven and those who were with them, these are the words which i spoke unto you while I was still with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.

45 And the Lord Jesus opened the understanding of the eleven, so that they might comprehend the Scriptures.

The Sermon Notes For 3-24-24 Part 3, Because He Lives!

Let’s turn to The Gospel of John Chapter 20.

Now, let’s return back to our mini-series we entitled, “Because He Lives!”  And again, I have 4 important questions that we should ask ourselves.

Because He lives what difference does it make in our everyday lives?

Because He lives in what ways does this prepare us for the life which is to come?

Because He lives are you any different because of the fact that He lives?

Because He lives can you see any changes that are happening to you because of the fact that He lives?

So today, as we gather here in the House of The Lord on this very special Sunday, Palm Sunday 2024, the beginning of Holy Week were in these next 7 days we have the opportunity to regain our passion. our focus. and our commitment for Christ, just because He lives!

So, I wanted to share with you one more time those 4 important questions that were mentioned.

Because I’m truly convinced that the Lord wants to prepare us for after this season has pass, that we still be willing to let The Holy Spirit transform our hearts and our minds regarding the fact that The Lord Jesus lives!

And in each generation since His Glorious Resurrection from the dead, The Lord continues to be actively involved although usually unseen. Yet, we have seen Him in the Scriptures with the help of The Holy Spirit over these last 2 Sundays in a row.

That over 2000 years from the first Resurrection event we can see our Lord’s willingness to, minister unto. To restore. To help. To correct. To strengthen. To guide. And to enable those that He had chosen who were currently, overwhelmed. Distracted. Hurting. Afraid. Dismayed. Un-sure. Disappointed. No longer committed or involved as they once were.

And finally, there may be those who are struggling with a spiritual assault or attack of some kind from the enemy. But, where is The Lord and why would He allow this to happen to them?

Does this sound like you also? Overwhelmed. Distracted. Hurting Afraid. Dismays.  Un-sure. Disappointed. No longer committed or involved as you once were.  And finally, you may be struggling with a spiritual assault or attack of some kind from the enemy, but where is The Lord and why would He allow this to happen unto you?

Therefore, let us go back to the Scriptures one more time, in order to gain the help we need, believing and trusting that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Now, I would like to show you another example of a committed follower or disciple of Christ who was uncertain, and also doubtful, and was very skeptical about the report regarding The Lord’s bodily Resurrection from the dead.

And now, at this point this person has shut down being dismayed, even though he was

told by some fellow Disciples that The Lord was alive and they had seen Him!

(Question), What will Jesus do? Will our Lord again be willing to, minister unto. To restore. To help. To correct. To strengthen. To guide. And enable this one who He had chosen who was currently, overwhelmed. Hurting. Dismayed. Unsure. No longer committed or involved as they once were. And really struggling with a Spiritual assault or attack from the enemy, not understanding why The Lord would allow this to happen to them?

Well, notice The Gospel of John 20:

19 Then the same day of his resurrection that evening being the first day of the week.

When the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled or hiding, for fear of the Jewish Leaders. Then Jesus came and stood in the midst of them and said, Peace be with you!

20 When Jesus had said this, The Lord showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw The Lord He was alive.

24 Now, Thomas called, “Didymus” who was one of the twelve (Let’s stop here).

Listen, The Word, “Didymus,” Which is used in some translation (KJV).  But The Word, “Didymus,” is The Greek equivalent of The Hebrew Name “Didymus,” and in both languages “Didymus” Means, “Twin”! However, The Scripture never give us the name of Thomas’s twin anywhere.

Now, notice again The Gospel of John 20:

24 Now, Thomas called, “Didymus” who was one of the twelve, But Thomas was-not with them when Jesus had came earlier.

25 Therefore the other disciples said unto Thomas, We have seen The Lord! But Thomas said to them, unless I see His hands and the prints of the nails. And put my finger into the print of

the nails. And put my hand into His side, I will not believe! (Stop here)

With those honest words by Thomas, unfortunately, he is remembered throughout history as “Doubting Thomas”. Yet, if we think about it, Thomas and for many of us, seeing is believing!

For we choose to walk by sight, and not by faith, instead of walking by faith and not by sight!

However, Thomas’s skepticism was not the same as worldly opposition to God’s truth revealed in The Scriptures.

In fact, Thomas’s doubt represents a personal need to know and investigate for yourself, and not just taking the words or the opinions of another or others.  When Thomas told the other disciples that he needed proof to believe that Jesus had risen, he was speaking honestly.

Sincere genuine faith does not prohibit us from being sincere investigators of the facts, those infallible truths found in God’s Word, the Bible.

Now, with the help of The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures, let’s be open to the facts that Thomas may not be what we think he was, a hard-headed doubter!

Now, turn to The Gospel of John 11.

Now, there are 2 places in The Gospel of John where surprisingly, Thomas is the one demonstrating leadership unto his fellow disciples on 2 memorable but separate occasions.

And the first memorable occasion is seen here in The Gospel of John 11: 

So, when Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, Jesus stayed two more days in the place where He was.

Then after this Jesus said unto the disciples, Let us go to Judea again!

But the disciples said unto Jesus, Rabbi the Jewish Leaders have sought to stone You and are You going back there again?

16 Then Thomas who is called, Didymus, the twin, said to his fellow disciples, Let us also go that we may die with Him!

(Note) Thomas’s readiness to stay with Jesus despite the consequences is very noteworthy.

And although, Thomas outlook may appear to be pessimistic and his words rather gloomy. 

Yet, Thomas demonstrated an extreme loyalty to The Lord Jesus, no matter the risk.

Now, turn to The Gospel of John 14.

Now, remember there are 2 places in The Gospel of John where surprisingly Thomas is the one demonstrating leadership unto his fellow disciples on 2 memorable but separate occasions.

And the second memorable occasion is seen here in The Gospel of John 14: 

Jesus is speaking, And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am there you may be also.

And where I go you know. And the way you know.

But Thomas said unto Jesus, Lord, we do not know where You are going and how can we know the way?

Then Jesus said unto Thomas, I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  No one comes unto The Father except through Me, Jesus said!

Now, back to The Gospel of John 20.

Now, notice The Gospel of John 20:

26 And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came and the doors being shut, and He stood in the midst of them and said, Peace to you!

27 Then Jesus said unto Thomas, Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving but believing.

28 And Thomas answered and said unto Him, My Lord and my God!

29 Jesus said unto him Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.

Jesus knew what Thomas needed to believe, and He provided the evidence.  Our Lord Jesus lovingly met Thomas at the exact point of his need and then graciously guided him back to believing who Jesus really was.

Therefore, we learn from the life of the Apostle Thomas that he was deeply committed unto His master, and yet he struggled with doubts and questions. 

We can be honest with God about our doubts and questions; He understands our struggles and 

is quite capable of strengthening our faith. 

Sermon Notes For Good Friday 3-29-24.

On this, Good Friday 2024 will begin an ongoing series that we will entitle, “At The Cross.”

Now, on each Good Friday coming up, we will come back and focus upon a particular matter or situation or circumstance which occurred during the six hours that our Lord Jesus was upon the cross.

Now, today on this Good  Friday 2024, we will begin with the matter or situation or circumstance which occurred during the six hours that our Lord Jesus was upon the cross.

Now, let’s entitle this Good Friday topic for today, from Blasphemer to Believer. The wonderful transformation of The Thief on the Cross.

Now, before we discuss some things about this unnamed man upon the cross with Jesus, let’s make sure that we understand how he got there in the first place.

First, know that this man, and let’s call his name, “Rafael” which means, God has healed! And by the way, “Rafael” was a part of a trio of individuals. The other person we will call, “Yo-sef” which means, God Will Add! And the last man who makes up this Trio, his name is actually in the Bible. And his name is, “Bar-abbas,” which means, son of a father or a master or a teacher.

These 3 Men were responsible over a period of time for murder, robbery, and sedition against the occupying Roman Government there in Judea and in Jerusalem. 

Now, see The Gospel of Mark 15: 7. And there was one named Barabbas, who was chained with his fellow rebels; For they had committed murder in the Rebellion or Insurrection.

Now, also see The Gospel of Luke 23: 19. For Barabbas had been thrown into jail, for a certain rebellion made in the City (Jerusalem) and for murder.

But by the Grace of God at work, Barabbas would be reluctantly set free by Governor Pontius Pilate, because he underestimated the hatred, the evil, and the jealousy that the Jewish leaders at that time had against Jesus.

Now, let’s see The Gospel of Matthew 27:                                                                                   15 Now, at the feast the governor was accustomed to releasing to the multitude one prisoner whom they wished.                                                                                                                               16 And at that time they had a notorious prisoner called, Barabbas.                                                           17 Therefore, when they had gathered together Pilate said unto them, whom do you want me to release unto you, Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ?                                                                            20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.                                                                                                                          21 The governor Pilate answered and said unto them, Which of the two do you want me to release to you? They said, Barabbas!

22 Pilate said unto them, What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ? They all said unto him let Him be crucified!                                                                                                       26 Then Pilate released Barabbas unto them; and when Pilate had scourged Jesus, and he delivered Jesus to be crucified.

Now, let’s take a moment to mention an important, Spiritual Doctrine from The Bible Called, “Substitution”.

Let’s see Romans 5: 8. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners Christ Jesus died for us.

Now, see 1st Corinthians 15: 3, For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received: That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.

And lastly, see Isaiah 53: 5. But He was wounded for our transgressions.  He was bruised for our iniquities.  The chastisement for our peace was upon Him. And by His stripes we are healed.

Now, turn to The Gospel of Mark 15.                                                                                           Now, Notice The Gospel of Mark 15:                                                                                                       15 So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him, to be crucified.                                                                                  25 Now it was the third hour, (9AM) and they crucified Jesus.                                                        27 And along with Jesus they also crucified the two robbers, one on His right and the other on His left.   (Note) In The Gospel of John 19: 18 it says, that Jesus was placed in the center.

Now, notice The Gospel of Mark 15:28. Why was it done this way?                                                So, the Scripture could be fulfilled saying, And He was numbered with the transgressors.

Now, let’s see The Gospel of Luke 23:                                                                                          32 There were also two other criminals, led with Jesus to be put to death.                                            33 And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Jesus and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left.                                                                     34 Then Jesus said Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do as the soldiers divided His garments casting lots.                                                                                                            (Note) I believe that this was the statement which Jesus said, that The Holy Spirit was able to use to miraculously change and to transform Rafael’s heart from a Blasphemer to a Believer.

Now, let’s see The Gospel of Luke 23:                                                                                           36 The soldiers also mocked Jesus by coming and offering Him sour wine.                                    37 And saying If You are The King of the Jews, save Yourself.                                                       

Now, see The Gospel of Matthew 27: 44. Even the robbers who were crucified with Jesus reviled Him with the same thing.                                                                                                       

Now, back to The Gospel of Luke 23.                                                                                             Now, notice The Gospel of Luke 23:                                                                                             39 Then one of the criminals who were hanging, “Yo-sef” blasphemed Jesus saying, if you are The Christ, save Yourself and us.                                                                                                    40 But the other criminal, “Rafael” answering rebuked “Yo-sef” and he said, Do you not even fear God seeing you are under the same condemnation?                                                                 41 And we indeed justly, because we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.                                                                                                                      42 Then the other criminal, “Rafael” said unto Jesus, Lord remember me when You come into Your kingdom.                                                                                                                                   43 And Jesus said unto him, “Rafael,” Assuredly I say unto you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.

However, this promise given by The Lord Jesus unto “Rafael” the thief on the cross, it was not a fulfilled immediately in that moment. (Show you what I mean)

Turn to the Gospel of John 19.                                                                                                       Now, notice The Gospel of John 19:                                                                                                    31 Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath for that Sabbath was a high day, so the Jewish leaders asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away.                                                                   (Note) the breaking of the victims legs who have been crucified was not a form of torture. Actually, it would bring about an end to their suffering. Because having their legs broken, they would not be able with their legs to push themselves up and then down so that they could continue to breathe while nailed to their cross. Remember, people who were crucified could live many days upon their cross before they would actually die.  But now having these men’s legs broken their death would come much quicker, because they would suffocate and then die on their cross.                                                                                                                                         32 Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man Yosef, and then the next man Rafael, for these two were crucified with Jesus.                                                                             (Note) Now, the promise given by The Lord Jesus unto “Rafael” the thief on the cross, could now be fulfilled, as he was dead now.                                                                                            33 However, when they came to Jesus, and saw that He was already dead, so they did not break His legs.                                                                                                                                         34 But one of the soldiers did pierce Jesus’ side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out. (Stop here)

As we finish up with 3 important lessons that everyone needs to consider that happened to 3 Men who had a close encounter with Jesus on the first Good Friday!                                                            First Barabbas, who represents a missed opportunity, not understanding what Jesus had done for Him, substitution.                                                                                                                                     Next Yosef, who represents an unwillingness to accept who Jesus was and what The Lord could do for Him!                                                                                                                                                 And finally, Rafael who represents a change of heart as he understood who Jesus really was, and could accept what The Lord could do for him!

 Sermon Notes For 3-31-24 Part 4

Let’s turn to The Gospel of John Chapter 21.

Now today, lets finish up our mini-series we entitled, “Because He Lives!”

And once again I want to leave with you these 4 important questions that we should being asking ourselves each year when we are, observing, participating, and celebrating

the fact that He lives!

•The first important question is, Because He Lives What Difference Does It Make In Our Everyday Lives?

•The second important question is, Because He Lives In What Ways Does This Prepare Us For The Life Which Is To Come?

•The third important question is, Because He Lives Are You Any Different Because Of The Fact That He Lives?

•And finally, the fourth important question is, Because He Lives Can You See Any Changes That Are Happening To You Because Of The Fact That He Lives?

So today, as we gather here in the house of The Lord on this very special Sunday, Resurrection Sunday 2024. I just had to share with you one last time, those 4 important questions that were mentioned.

Because I am truly convinced that The Lord wants to prepare us for after this season has past. that we would be willing to let The Holy Spirit transform our hearts and our minds regarding the fact that The Lord Jesus lives!

So that, with in our generation everyone might know, that since His Glorious Resurrection from the dead, The Lord Jesus continues to be actively involved although usually unseen.

Yet, we have seen Him in a special way over these last 3 Sundays in a row, with the help of The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. That over 2000 years from the first Resurrection event we can see our Lord’s willingness to minister unto. To restore. To help. To correct. To strengthen. To guide. And to enable those that He had chosen who were currently, overwhelmed, distracted, hurting, afraid, dismayed, unsure, disappointed, no longer committed or involved as they once were.

And finally, there may be those who are struggling with a spiritual assault or attack of some kind from the enemy. Asking where is The Lord and why would He allow this to happen to them?

Does this sound like you also? overwhelmed, distracted, hurting, afraid, dismayed, unsure, disappointed, no longer committed or involved as you once were.

And finally, you may be struggling with a spiritual assault or attack of some kind from the enemy.  But where is The Lord and why would He allow this to happen unto you?

Therefore, let us go back to the Scriptures one more time, in order to gain the help we need, believing and trusting that our Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Now, I would like to show you one more example of a committed follower or disciple of Christ, who is going through a difficult time.

Because they said and they did some things they thought they would never do! And now at this point, they feel like a failure, so unworthy!  In fact, they took themselves out of the ministry, and they resigned   as one of the original Disciples of Christ.

(Question), What Will Jesus Do? Will our lord once again be willing to, minister unto. to restore. to help. to correct. to strengthen. to guide. and enable this one He had chosen who was currently, overwhelmed, hurting, dismayed, unsure, disappointed in themselves, no longer committed or involved as they once were, and really struggling with a spiritual assault or attack from the enemy, not understanding why The Lord would allow this to happen to them?

Now, let’s notice The Gospel of John 21:

Simon Peter, Thomas (called the Twin), Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, James and John. And two others of His disciples were all together.

And Simon Peter said unto them, I am going fishing! And they said unto Peter, we are going with you also. And they went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing.  (Stop here) Share a brief review regarding Peter’s denial of Jesus.

Now, recommend to the congregation to read this section themselves.

But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did-not know that it was Jesus.

Then Jesus said unto them Children, have you any food? And they answered Him No!

And He said to them, Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some. So, they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.

Therefore, that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter it is The Lord!  Now, when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea.

But the other disciples came in the little boat for they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubits, dragging the net with fish.                                                                            Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread.

10 Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.

11 Simon Peter went up and dragged the net upon land full of large fish, 153; and although there were so many of them their net was not broken.

12 Jesus said to them, Come and eat breakfast. Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, Who are You, knowing that it was the Lord.

13 Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.

Now, let’s pick it up here at The Gospel of John 21:

14 Now, this is the third time Jesus showed Himself unto His disciples after He was resurrected from the dead.

15 So, when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said unto Simon Peter, Simon son of Jonah, do you love (Agape) Me more than these?

Notice the English word, “Love” that is used here in verse 15.  As we know in English we only have one word for “Love”. However, depending on the context when you are using the word “love” then it can give a different understanding.  For example, I love Rocky Road ice cream. I love my dog. I love my friend.  I love my spouse.

 Now, this is important to know, that in the original language of The New Testament which was at that time, first century Koine Greek.  By the way, the word “Koine” simply means, “Common”.

You may recognize that the word koine sounds like another Greek word, Koinonia which means, “fellowship” or better yet, having something in common with another or others in which you are a part of.

First century Koine Greek was the opposite of classical Greek.  When people use the term classical Greek the usually mean the dialect of Athens in her heyday, the Attic sub dialect of Ionic. Koine or common developed to replace the various, dialects of Greek with a single common one. Koine is mostly simplified Attic with a mostly eastern (Ionic) pronunciation.

Now, notice again The Gospel of John 21:15 So When they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said unto Simon Peter, Simon son of Jonah, Do you love (Agape) Me more than these? Now, explain what Jesus might have been referring to when He directly ask Peter this question, Do you love (Agape) Me more than (these)?

Was Jesus referring to the large quantity of fish that Peter and his fellow disciples were able to catch with The Lord’s help.  Do you love (Agape) Me more than these?  See vs.11. And Simon Peter went up and dragged the net upon land full of large fish, 153; and although there were so many of them, their net was not broken or torn up.

Or, Perhaps was Jesus referring to the other disciples that were there with Peter?  Do you love (Agape) Me more than these vs. them?

Now, let’s notice again The Gospel of John 21:15. So, when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said unto Simon Peter, Simon son of Jonah,  Do you love (Agape) Me more than these? And Peter said unto Jesus, Yes Lord. You know that I love or I Philéō You!  (Note) Now, this is another different Greek word for love, and it is called, Philéō!  Now, “Philéō” means, to greatly like someone, or, to be fond of an individual like within a platonic relationship.

Now, notice again The Gospel of John 21:

15 Jesus said unto Simon Peter, Simon son of Jonah, Do you love (Agape) Me more than these?

And Peter said unto Jesus, Yes Lord. You know that I love or I Philéō You!  Then Jesus said unto Peter, feed My lambs.

16 Jesus said again unto Peter a second time, Simon son of Jonah, Do you love or Agape Me?

And Peter said unto Jesus, Yes Lord. You know that I love or I Philéō You! Then Jesus said unto Peter, feed My sheep or tend or care for My sheep (Stop here)

Please notice 2 important things that Jesus said that is greatly misunderstood by many of us

who are responsible in shepherding God’s people.  And I’m not just talking about those of us who are in a Pastor or a Bishop role. But I am also talking about those who are Church Ministers, Church Elders, Church Deacons and Deaconess as well!

So, there are at least 2 important things that Jesus said that is greatly misunderstood by many who are responsible and will be one day held accountable, regarding their part  in shepherding God’s people.

Now, look carefully at the end of verses 15 and 16 the phrase feed My lambs. Feed My sheep or tend or care for My sheep!

First, notice whose lambs and sheep they are! Notice twice in verses 15 & 16 Jesus said,

My lambs. My sheep.

Quote Hebrews 13:20. “Now, may the God of peace who raised up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep. Through the blood of the everlasting covenant”.

Now again, there are at least 2 important things that Jesus said that is greatly misunderstood 

by many who are responsible and will be one day held accountable, regarding their part in shepherding God’s people.

Now, look carefully at the end of verses 15 and 16 the verbs, feed My lambs. Feed My sheep or tend or care for My sheep!

Now, the second important thing that Jesus said, In how we are to provide for and this is talking about the regular teaching and preaching of the Word of God. That spiritual food which is essential for spiritual growth and maturity.

Quote 1st  Peter 5:                                                                                                                           2. Feed the flock of God which is among you. Taking the oversight thereof and not by constraint, but willingly, and not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind.

3. Neither as being lords over God's heritage but being an examples unto The Flock.

Now, back to The Gospel of John 21.

Now, let’s notice The Gospel of John 21:17. And Jesus said unto Peter the third time, Simon son of Jonah, do you love Me?   (Stop here)

Surprisingly this time The Lord Jesus uses the same word Greek word that Peter has been saying unto Jesus regarding His Love!

And Jesus said unto Peter, Simon son of Jonah, Do you love Or (Philéō) Me?

And Peter was grieved because Jesus said unto him the third time, Do you love Or (Philéō) Me?

And Then Peter said unto Jesus, Lord, You know all things. You know that I love Or (Philéō) You. Then Jesus said unto Peter, Feed My sheep.  Remember,  “Philéō” means, to greatly like someone. Or, to be fond of an individual like within a platonic relationship.

Now, close with this. Remember when we started this mini-series on Sunday, March 10, 2024, and at that time, I said I wanted to share 2 imaginary stories that I hope could help us to think more deeply, and appreciate what has been done for us regarding The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, during this month of March. And back on Sunday March 10th.

I shared the first imaginary story that supposedly took place right after Adam and Eve had sin and The Lord came to them in the garden and He confronted them about what they had done.

Now ,I want to share with you this second imaginary story and hopefully it can give us some insight about what happened after the 40 days that Jesus spent on earth after his resurrection,

and now He has returned to be seated at the right hand of The Father.

Now before our Lord took His rightful place at the right hand of The Father, our Lord was approached by the angel Gabriel who welcomed Him back home into Glory. And the angel Gabriel asked The Lord a concerning question.

Lord, what if no one will believe and receive what You had done by Your first coming.

And by Your death, burial and Resurrection, is there another plan in the making if no one chooses to believe and receive what You had done?

 Then, The Lord Jesus looked directly at the angel Gabriel and said, when I had ascended on high, there were just a few who were there. And later they met back with some others in the upper room, it was only 120 of them at that time. And then The Lord Jesus said with a smile to Gabriel, there is no other plan in the making if no one chooses to believe and receive what I have done!

But, the wonderful news is God The Holy Spirit is now with them and in them. And therefore, they shall reach others. And those who have been reached because of them they will reach others also. And those who have been reached by them, they will reach others as well!  And I will build My Church throughout every generation until I return again, and not even the gates of hell shall stop it!

(Question), Because He lives does such a reality transcends beyond the everyday routine of our lives? Or, has the fact that He lives become just a report to you and me that we think requires no action, no change, and no responsibility from us? (Repeat)

Sermon Notes For 4-7-24 For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20 Part 7.

“As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

 Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s return back to our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

And to help us fulfill this important mandate from The Lord, we are going verse by verse, and chapter by chapter through this powerful Letter, or Epistle, or Book that is called, 1st Timothy!

Now, currently we are in Chapter 1, and we are still considering vs. 3 thru 20.

 Now, remember in vs. 3 thru 20. There are at least 4 separate sections within vs. 3 thru 20, which have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that we should consider and follow no matter what!

 And today, with God’s help, we are going to begin our look at this 3rd section within vs. 3 thru 20, that have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that can be found here in 1st Timothy 1: 12 thru 17.

So then, here in 1st Timothy 1:12 Thru 17 is the 3rd. section within vs. 3 thru 20, that have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit, which should be considered when we are involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring another for Christ. Especially, when it comes to sharing our personal testimony and some of the details before you had fully surrendered yourself unto Christ. And how it is, at this present time The Lord is still dealing with you, so that you can be a help to another that you are discipling or spiritually mentoring.

Now, notice here 1st Timothy 1:12 And 13, The Apostle Paul’s personal testimony and some of the details he shared about his life before he had fully surrendered himself unto Christ Jesus.

Then in 1st Timothy 1: 14 and 15, the Apostle Paul magnifies Christ Jesus as the Benevolent Savior for everyone.

And finally, in 1st Timothy 1: 16 and 17, the Apostle Paul glorifies Christ Jesus as the Merciful King towards anyone.

First, let’s notice here 1st Timothy 1:12 and 13, the Apostle Paul’s personal testimony and some of the details he shared about his life before he had fully surrendered himself unto Christ Jesus.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 1:

12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,

13 Although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an injurious, insolent, or sadistic man or person. Yet, I obtained Mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. (Stop here)

Now, see Acts 22:

 I persecuted this way unto the death. Binding and delivering into prisons both men and women. (Note) I always wondered about their children and what might have been done unto them!

As also, the high Priest bears me witness and all the council of the elders from whom I also received letters about the brethren, and I went unto Damascus to bring back in chains, and even those who were there to Jerusalem to be punished also.

Now, see Acts 26:

10 This I also did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints I cast them into prison. For I had received authority from the chief priests. And when they were to be put to death or executed, I cast my vote against them.

11 And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme. And being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to far away cities.

And lastly, see Romans 7:

18 For I know that in me that is, in my flesh nothing good dwells. For to will is present with me, but how to perform or carry out what is good, I find difficult.

24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?

25 I thank God through or by Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:

12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,

13 Although, I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an injurious, insolent, or sadistic man or person. Yet, I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. (Stop here)

Now, see The Gospel of Luke 23:

33 And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left.

34 Then Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. And they divided His garments and cast lots.

35 And the people stood looking on. But even the rulers with them sneered, saying, He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.

36 The soldiers also mocked Him, coming and offering Him sour wine

37 and saying, If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself.

 Also, see 1st Corinthians 2:8. Which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, here in 1st Timothy 1:

14 and 15, the Apostle Paul magnifies Christ Jesus as the Benevolent Savior for everyone.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 1:

14 And the Grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

15 Therefore, this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. (Stop here)

Now, see the Gospel of John 3:

16 Jesus is speaking, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through or by Him might be saved.

Now, see Romans 5:19. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so, also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous.

And lastly, see The Gospel of Luke 19: 10. Jesus is speaking, for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that or them which were lost.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:

14 And the Grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.

15 Therefore, this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. (Stop here) 

Quote 1st Corinthians 15: 

9.  For I am the least of the apostles, I am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

10. But by The Grace of God, I am what I am! And His Grace toward me was not in vain, for I labored more abundantly than they all! Yet not I, but The Grace of God which is within me.

And finally, in 1st Timothy 1: 16 And 17, the Apostle Paul glorifies Christ Jesus as the Merciful King towards anyone.

 Now, notice 1st Timothy 1:

16 However, for this reason I obtained mercy, so that in me, first Jesus Christ, might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe upon Him for everlasting life.

17 Now, unto The King Who is Eternal, Immortal, Invisible! To God who alone is wise.

Unto Him be honor and glory forever and ever, Amen. (Stop here)

Now, see Jeremiah 10:10.  But the LORD is the True God, He is the living God, and an everlasting King. At His wrath the earth shall tremble and the nations shall not be able to abide His indignation.

Now, see 1st Timothy 6:

15 Which in His times He shall show who is the blessed and only Potentate. (Stop there.) Potentate means an autocratic ruler or Monarch.  The blessed and only Potentate, The King of kings, and Lord of lords;

16 Who only has immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto. Whom no man has seen, nor can see. To whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:

16 However, for this reason I obtained Mercy, so that in me first Jesus Christ, might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe upon Him for everlasting life.

17 Now, unto The King who is Eternal, Immortal, Invisible! To God who alone is wise.

Unto Him be Honor and Glory forever and ever, Amen. (Stop here)

Sermon Notes For 4-14-24 For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 8.  “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

 Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

 And remember, from The Gospel of Matthew 28: 19&20 which says,

19. Jesus is speaking, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.

20. Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.  And lo I am with you always even unto the end of the age. Amen.

Now, to help us fulfill this important, mandate from The Lord in discipling or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.  We are going verse by verse and chapter by chapter through this powerful Letter, or Epistle, Or Book that is called, 1st Timothy!  Now, currently we are in chapter 1, and we are still considering vs. 3 thru 20.

Now, remember in vs. 3 thru 20, there are at least 4 separate sections within vs. 3 thru 20, which have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that we should consider and follow no matter what!

And today, with God’s help, we will be doing a two-part look at this 4th final section within vs. 3 thru 20, which has some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that can be found here in 1st Timothy 1: 18, 19, & 20.

For in these 3 verses we have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit 

which should be considered when we are involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

Especially, when it comes to helping that person you are discipling or spiritually mentoring, come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding *not becoming a victim, or a statistic, or a casualty of spiritual warfare! And that is what 1st Timothy 1: 18&19, can help us to understand.

But also, helping that person you are discipling or spiritually mentoring, come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, *the divine prerogative when it comes to how The Lord at times will use the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of His own people as a group.

Or, how The Lord at times may choose to use the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of His spiritual sons and daughters as individuals.

And sometimes even those who are not His spiritual sons and daughters!

And that is what 1st Timothy 1: 20, can help us to understand.

First, let’s come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, *not becoming a victim. Or A statistic. Or a casualty of spiritual warfare!

Now, notice here 1st Timothy 1:18. This charge I commit unto you my son Timothy, now according to the previously prophecies made concerning you, that by them those prophecies. May you wage or fight with tenacity, the good warfare that leads unto victory. (Stop here)

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:18. This charge I commit unto you my son Timothy,

now according to the previously prophecies made concerning you, (Stop here)

Now, see 1st Timothy 4: 14. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given unto you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership or presbytery.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:18. This charge I commit unto you my son Timothy, now according to the previously prophecies made concerning you. *that by them those prophecies. may you wage or fight with tenacity, the good warfare that leads unto victory. (Stop here)

Now, see 1st Timothy 6:

11. But you O man of God flee these things seen in vs. 3 thru 10.  But instead pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. 

12. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life. To which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, let’s continue to understand more of what the Bible teaches regarding *not becoming a victim. Or a statistic. Or a casualty of spiritual warfare!

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:19. Having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected concerning the faith, they have suffered shipwreck. (Stop here)

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:19. Having faith and a good conscience (Stop here)

Let’s touch on this lightly regarding “the conscience” and how healthy is yours and mines!

Now, turn to 1st Samuel 24.

Now unfortunately, we know there are some people who have been diagnosed with a psychopath psychological disorder. Which causes them most of the time to have a lack of guilt or conscience when they do something wrong.  Also, they can show a lack of empathy when they have done someone wrong.

Now, notice 1st Samuel 24:

4 Then the men of David said unto David, This is the day of which The Lord said unto you. Behold I will deliver your enemy into your hand that you may do unto him as it seems good unto you! And David arose and quietly cut off a corner of King Saul's robe.

5 However, afterward it happened that David's heart or his conscience troubled him because he had cut King Saul's robe.

6 And David said to his men, The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my master The Lord's Anointed, that I would stretch out my hand against the King seeing he is the anointed of The Lord.

7 So David restrained his men with these words, and David did not allow them to rise against King Saul. And King Saul got up from relieving himself in the cave and went his way.

Now, notice again 1st Samuel 24:5.  However afterward it happened that David's heart or his conscience troubled him because he had cut King Saul's robe.

Now, Biblically-speaking, the conscience is defined as that part of us that can induces mental anguish and feelings of guilt when we violate it and feelings of pleasure and well-being when our actions, thoughts and words are in conformity to our value systems. The Greek word translated “conscience” in all New Testament references is suneidēsis, meaning “moral awareness” or “moral consciousness.” The conscience reacts when one’s actions, thoughts, and words conform to, or are contrary to, a standard of right and wrong. 

There is no Hebrew term in the Old Testament equivalent to suneidēsis in the New Testament. The lack of a Hebrew word for “conscience” may be due to the Jewish worldview, which was communal rather than individual. The Hebrew considered himself as a member of a covenant community that related corporately to God and His laws, rather than as an individual. In other words, the Hebrew was confident in his own position before God if the Hebrew nation as a whole was in good fellowship with Him. 

The New Testament concept of conscience is more individual in nature and involves three major truths. First, conscience is a God-given capacity for human beings to exercise self-evaluation. Paul refers several times to his own conscience being “good” or “clear” (Acts 23:1; 24:16; 1 Corinthians 4:4). Paul examined his own words and deeds and found them to be in accordance with his morals and value system, which were, of course, based on God’s standards. His conscience verified the integrity of his heart. 

Second, the New Testament portrays the conscience as a witness to something. Paul says the Gentiles have consciences that bear witness to the presence of the law of God written on their hearts, even though they did not have the Mosaic Law (Romans 2:14-15). He also appeals to his own conscience as a witness that he speaks the truth (Romans 9:1) and that he has conducted himself in holiness and sincerity in his dealings with men (2 Corinthians 1:12). He also says that his conscience tells him his actions are apparent to both God and the witness of other men’s consciences (2 Corinthians 5:11). 

Third, the conscience is a servant of the individual’s value system. An immature or weak value system produces a weak conscience, while a fully informed value system produces a strong sense of right and wrong. In the Christian life, one’s conscience can be driven by an inadequate understanding of scriptural truths and can produce feelings of guilt and shame disproportionate to the issues at hand. Maturing in the faith strengthens the conscience. 

This last function of the conscience is what Paul addresses in his instructions regarding eating food sacrificed to idols. He makes the case that, since idols are not real gods, it makes no difference if food has been sacrificed to them or not. But some in the Corinthian church were weak in their understanding and believed that such gods really existed. These immature believers were horrified at the thought of eating food sacrificed to the gods, because their consciences were informed by erroneous prejudices and superstitious views. Therefore, Paul encourages those more mature in their understanding not to exercise their freedom to eat if it would cause the consciences of their weaker brothers to condemn their actions. The lesson here is that, if our consciences are clear because of mature faith and understanding, we are not to cause those with weaker consciences to stumble by exercising the freedom that comes with a stronger conscience.

Another reference to conscience in the New Testament is to a conscience that is “seared” or rendered insensitive as though it had been cauterized with a hot iron (1 Timothy 4:1-2). Such a conscience is hardened and calloused, no longer feeling anything. A person with a seared conscience no longer listens to its promptings, and he can sin with abandon, delude himself into thinking all is well with his soul, and treat others insensitively and without compassion.

As Christians, we are to keep our consciences clear by obeying God and keeping our relationship with Him in good standing. We do this by the application of His Word, renewing and softening our hearts continually. We consider those whose consciences are weak, treating them with Christian love and compassion.

Now, let’s see 1st Timothy 1: 5.  Now, the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.

Now, see 1st Timothy 3: 9. Holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 1:19. Having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected concerning the faith, they have suffered shipwreck. (Stop here)

Now, may I show you 3 signs and their consequences for that person who has shipwrecked their faith!

Turn to 1st John 2.

First, notice this paraphrase of 1st John 2:19 which says, They who have shipwrecked their faith, went out or defected from us because they were not a part of us!  For if they had been a part of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: But they went out or defected that they might be made known that they were not all or completely with us.

Next, turn to 2nd Timothy 4.

Now, notice another paraphrase here in 2nd Timothy 4:

3 For the time will come when they who have shipwrecked their faith will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have a self-centered interest which causes them to accumulate for themselves speakers who will say what they want to hear!

4 And also, they will turn their attention away from the truth, and will turn to anything except the truth. 

And lastly, turn to 1st Timothy 6.

Now, notice another paraphrase here in 1st timothy 6: 9 which says, But they who have shipwrecked their faith, who must be rich or materialistic. Will fall Into temptations of all kinds. And will be snare by many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, we come to one of the most difficult and controversial subjects in all the Bible!

and with God’s help we need to prepare ourselves so when we are discipling or spiritually mentoring someone, we can help them to come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, *the divine prerogative when it comes to how The Lord at times will use the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of His own people as a group.  Or, how The Lord at times may choose to use the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of His spiritual sons and daughters as individuals.  And sometimes even those who are not His spiritual sons and daughters!  And that is what 1st Timothy 1: 20, can help us to understand.

Now, notice here, 1st Timothy 1:20. Of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. (Stop here)

Now, this time lets go back to 1st Timothy 1:19. Having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected concerning the faith, they have suffered shipwreck.

Now, keep reading into 1st Timothy 1:20. Of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, (Stop here)

Now, turn to 2nd. Timothy 2.

Now, notice 2nd. Timothy 2:

16 But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.

17 And their message will spread like a cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this kind,

18 For they Hymenaeus and Philetus have Strayed concerning the Truth.

For example, they said or taught that the Resurrection of God’s People had already past; and thereby, overthrow the faith of some. (Stop here)

So, who were Hymenaeus, Philetus, and Alexander in the Bible?  First, Hymenaeus and Alexander were men in the early church in Ephesus who had “suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith” and so were “handed over to Satan” by the Apostle Paul. (1 Timothy 1:19 20). 

Hymenaeus and Alexander are thus examples of those who reject the true doctrine and follow the false.  Later, Hymenaeus is mentioned with Philetus, another false teacher in 2 Timothy 2:17). 

Another opponent of Paul was named Alexander the metalworker is mentioned in 2 Timothy 4: 15&16.

Although it’s not certain that this Alexander is the same Alexander mentioned in 1st Timothy 1: 20, we cannot be certain.

But Paul writes to his apprentice Timothy, for the express purpose of exhorting him to fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience (1 Timothy 1:18–19) while pastoring a church. 

Paul begins his epistle with a warning against false doctrine and myths (verses 3–4) and a charge to remain true to sound doctrine that conforms to the gospel (verses 10–11). 

Paul then provides the names of Hymaneaus and Alexander as examples of what can happen when someone does not fight the good fight and keep the faith and a clear conscience.

Here is the passage that mentions Hymenaeus and Alexander: Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme (1Timothy 1:18–20).

Paul does not expound on the error of Hymenaeus and Alexander.  Timothy obviously knew who they were and knew their situation well. 

Second Timothy 2:18 gives a little more detail, saying that Hymanaeus and his new partner in sin, Philetus, have departed from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. Paul likens their false doctrine to a gangrene that spreads corruption and destroys life (verse 17).

The idea of the “shipwrecked” faith of Hymenaeus and Alexander in 1 Timothy 1:19 is that they had veered off course, away from good teaching, and drifted into the dangerous rocks of false teaching, And They had wrecked their faith. 

Paul clearly links faith with a good conscience (and the righteous behavior that comes with good conscience) in 1 Timothy 1:5 and 19. Interestingly, the word translated “rejected” in verse 19 is a nautical term meaning “thrown overboard.” Hymenaeus and Alexander had tossed out the good conscience that comes with proper belief in other words, they loved sin. The “ship” of their faith, not having the ballast it needed, went out of control and wrecked. So those who accept false teachings and ignore their conscience will suffer spiritual damage, like a ship that hits the rocks and is broken up.

It seems that Hymenaeus and Alexander must have professed faith in Christ at one point, since it is their “faith” that was shipwrecked. But they refused to follow the dictates of their conscience. They walked according to the flesh and not the Spirit (see Romans 8:5–9), claiming the name of Christ while behaving like unbelievers.

As commentator Albert Barnes wrote, “People become infidels because they wish to indulge in sin. No man can be a sensualist, and yet love that gospel which enjoins purity of life. If people would keep a good conscience, the way to a steady belief in the gospel would be easy. If people will not, they must expect sooner or later to be landed in infidelity” (Notes on the Bible, commentary on 1 Timothy 1:19). Hymenaeus and Alexander did not lose their salvation; either they were pretenders exposed for what they were or they were straying believers disciplined by a loving God (see Hebrews 12:6).

Paul says that he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme (1 Timothy 1:19). There is one other time when Paul had delivered a person to Satan: a man who professed to believe in Jesus but simultaneously living an immoral lifestyle was delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord (1 Corinthians 5:5). Note that the reason Paul metes out such a harsh apostolic judgment is the benefit of all those involved. The church would be purified, and the erring individuals would be brought to repentance. The goal for the man in Corinth was that he would submit to God and be saved from spiritual ruin. The goal for Hymenaeus and Alexander was that they “be taught not to blaspheme” (1 Timothy 1:20).

Paul himself had been a blasphemer at one time (1 Timothy 1:13), but, praise God, he testified that the grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” (verse 14). Paul’s desire for the shipwrecked Hymenaeus and Alexander is that they would also learn not to blaspheme and come to know the grace and mercy of the Lord.

Now, back to 1st Timothy 1.

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 1:20 Of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, *Whom I delivered unto Satan that They Hymenaeus and Alexander may learn not to blaspheme. (Stop here)

Now, notice the phrase in 1st Timothy 1: 20B, *Whom I delivered unto Satan, (Stop there.)

No doubt this is one of the many biblical paradoxes in the Bible that is very troubling and hard to understand.

I Mean, let’s think about this!  How can this be, that a Holy And Righteous God Who is Good!

or how could any of us as God servants in a leadership role, how could God or God’s servants in leadership have any dealings with!

Or would want to utilize the devil, the Evil One, God’s number one enemy, in the disciplining or the chastening of God’s people as a group.

Or, in the disciplining or the chastening of God’s spiritual sons and daughters as individuals, or perhaps at times, even those who are not God’s spiritual sons and daughters!

This really doesn’t make sense to many of us and perhaps this is some kind of anomaly that just happened one time and we should not focus upon it! (Check your time)

Well, turn to 1st Corinthians 5

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 5:

1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles that a man has his father's wife!

2 And you are puffed up and have not rather mourned that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you.

3 For indeed though I am as absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged as though I were present with you about this one who has so done this deed.

*4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power or authority of our Lord Jesus Christ,

5 Deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, yet his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus, (Stop here)

Now, notice again, 1st Corinthians 5:

*4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power or authority of our Lord Jesus Christ,

5 Deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, yet his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus, (Stop here)

Well one thing is for certain that we can say, this form of spiritual discipline or chastening was not some kind of anomaly that we can dismiss.

And with God’s help next Sunday, I can show you a divine pattern that will probably shock you! And for many of us we have either unintentionally or intentionally have overlooked this particular subject, because it goes against our finite understanding of God, and how we think He should or should not operate.

Terefore, our homework over these next several days, which really can renew our minds and can help our finite understanding about God, and how we think He should or should not operate.

Then please read and re-read the first two chapters of The Book of Job.

Sermon Notes For 4-21-24 For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 9. “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

And remember, The Gospel of Matthew 28: 19&20 which says,

19. Jesus is speaking, Go therefore and make Disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in

the name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.

20. Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. And lo I am with you always even unto the end of the age. Amen.

Now, to help us fulfill this important, mandate from The Lord in Discipling or Spiritually Mentoring another for Christ.  We are going verse by verse and chapter by chapter through this powerful Letter, or Epistle, or this Book that is called, 1st Timothy!

Now, currently we are in Chapter 1, and we are finishing up vs. 3 thru 20.                                   Now remember in vs. 3 thru 20 there are at least 4 separate sections within vs. 3 thru 20, which have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that we should consider and follow no matter what!

And today with God’s help, we will be dealing with this 4th and final section within vs. 3-20, which also has some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that can be found here in 1st Timothy Chapter 1, but this time it will be in verses 18, 19, & 20.

For in these 3 verses we have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit, which should be considered when we are involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

And especially, when it comes to helping that person we are Discipling or Spiritually Mentoring, helping them come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, not becoming a victim, or a statistic, or a casualty of spiritual warfare!

And that is what 1st Timothy 1: 18&19 can help us to understand. But also, helping that person we are discipling or spiritually mentoring, helping them come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, the Divine Prerogative when it comes to how The Lord at times will use or utilize.

Notice I did not say work with or work together! Which can imply, equality or a partnership with another.

So again, we want to be able to help ourselves and others, come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, *The Divine Prerogative When It Comes To How The Lord At Times Will Use Or Utilize The Devil Or Satan In The Disciplining Or The Chastening Of His Own People As A Group. 

Or, how The Lord at times may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of His Spiritual sons and daughters as individuals.

But sometimes, The Lord may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of those who are not His spiritual sons and daughters!  And frankly, that is what 1st Timothy 1: 20, can help us to understand.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 1:20 the Apostle Paul is speaking, of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, *whom I delivered unto Satan that they, Hymenaeus and Alexander may learn not to blaspheme. (Stop here)

Now, we can’t be sure whether or not Hymenaeus and Alexander were truly saved, but one thing is for sure they were doing things within the Church that was truly wrong!

Or, perhaps Hymenaeus and Alexander were false teachers who had infiltrated this Church in Ephesus by pretending to be servants of The Lord, but who were actually tools of the devil.

In either Case, The Apostle Paul who was led by the Holy Spirit took action against this spiritual threat of false teaching by doing something that is very uncommon and unconventional.

Now, let’s notice again this shocking phrase here in 1st Timothy 1: 20B, *whom I delivered unto Satan, (Stop there)

Now, see the word “Delivered” here in 1st Timothy 1: 20B.

Some Bible Translations use the words, *Hand over.  *Handed them over. A Strong's Definition of this NT Greek Verb, παραδίδωμιparadídōmi, Par-ad-id'-o-mee. Which can mean, to surrender i.e. yield something or somebody up. To intrust, To transmit, to betray, to bring forth, to cast, to commit, to deliver up, give over, up, to put in prison. to give into the hands of another.

To give over into one's power or use.

To deliver to one something to keep, to use, to take care of, to manage.

To deliver up one into custody, to be judged, condemned, punished, scourged, tormented,

to put to death.

To deliver up treacherously, by betrayal to cause one to be taken. Or to deliver one to be taught or moulded.

Now, here in 1st Timothy 1: 20B, this is also one of the many Biblical paradoxs in the Bible that is very troubling and hard to understand.

And most of us are thinking, how can this be? That a Holy and righteous God who is good! Or, any of us as God servants in leadership,

How could we have any thing to do with, or consider utilizing the devil, the evil one, God’s number one enemy.

For the disciplining or the chastening of God’s people as a group, or as individuals.

for this really doesn’t make sense!

So maybe here in 1st Timothy 1: 20B, that this is some kind of anomaly which happened this one time, and therefore, we should not be concerned with such things!

Well, let’s turn to 1st Corinthians 5.

Now, Notice 1st Corinthians 5:

1. It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles that a man has his father's wife!

2. And you are puffed up and have not rather mourned that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you.

3. For indeed though I am as absent in body but present in spirit, I have already judged as though I were present with you about this one who has so done this deed.                                                       4. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power or authority of our Lord Jesus Christ,

5. Deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, and yet his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus, (Stop here)

Well, one thing is for certain that we can say, this form of Spiritual Discipline or Chastening was not some kind of anomaly that we can dismiss.

In fact, with God’s help may I show you this Sunday and next Sunday, a Divine pattern that is revealed throughout the Scriptures which we cannot deny, or overlook, or ignore just because it goes against our finite understanding how we think that God should or should not operate.

And yet, the Bible teaches that our sovereign God has the prerogative when it comes to how he will at times use or utilize.

Notice I did not say work with or work together! That could imply, equality or a partnership with another.  And yet, the Bible teaches that our sovereign God has the prerogative when it comes to His decision to use or utilize at times the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of His own people as a group.

Or, His Spiritual Sons And Daughters as individuals. And sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, The Lord may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of those who are not His Spiritual sons and daughters!

Now, to help us, lets first establish a couple of Spiritual truths that we need to understand about God according to the Bible, that we tend to forget. For example, turn to Isaiah 55.

Now, notice Isaiah 55:

8. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways says The Lord.

9. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways.  

And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Stop here)

Listen, our God is infinite, but we are finite. Listen, we may not always understanding the ways of God.  Nor can we think or say what God can or cannot do!

For example, how could a Holy and righteous God who is good have anything to do with, or consider utilizing the devil, the evil one, His number one enemy.

How could The Lord of Heaven and Earth, discipline or chasten sometimes His own people as a group?  Or as individuals?  Or even those who are not His own.

This really doesn’t make sense!  And when those moments come, may The Lord help us to remember Isaiah 55:

8. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways says The Lord.

9. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways. 

And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Remember our God is infinite, but we are finite! And we will not always understand His ways!  And therefore, we cannot sit in judgment over God, thinking or saying what He can or cannot do!

Now, turn to The Book of Job Chapter 1.

Remember We Said, There Were A Couple Of Spiritual Truths That We Need To Understand About God According To The Bible, That We Tend To Forget.

Well, Notice Job 1:

6. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord,

And Satan also came among them.

7. And the Lord said unto Satan, from where do you come from? Where have you been?

Now, this next part is fascinating! So, Satan answered The Lord and said, From going to and fro on the earth, And from walking back and forth within it. (Stop here)

Three major things we should know!

First, Satan was compelled to tell the truth to God.

Next, Satan is and always will be, under the control of God. And therefore, Satan is submissive to God, which makes him totally accountable unto God! (Repeat)

And finally, for now, ever since the fall of man in Genesis Chapter 3.  With limitations, Satan is allowed and has been given divine permission, to operate within the Earth and its inhabitants. To function over the Earth and it’s inhabitants.  And to rule upon the Earth and its inhabitants, for now!

Now, notice Job 1:12. And the Lord said unto Satan regarding Job, Behold all that he has is in your power. Only do not lay a hand on his person. So, Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

Now, see Job 2:

1. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

2.  And the Lord said unto Satan, from where do you come from?  Where have you been? So, Satan answered The Lord and said, From going to and fro on the earth, And from walking back and forth within it.

6. And then the Lord said unto Satan regarding Job, Behold he is in your hand, but you spare his life!

7. So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.

Now, remember with Divine limitations, Satan is allowed and has been given permission, to operate within the Earth and its inhabitants, for now!

Satan is allowed and has been given permission to function over the Earth and its inhabitants, for now!

And Satan is allowed and has been given permission to rule upon the Earth and its inhabitants, for now!

Now, turn to 1st Samuel 16.

Now remember, the Bible teaches that our sovereign God has the prerogative when it comes to His decision to use or utilize at times the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of His own people as a group.  Or, His Spiritual Sons And Daughters As Individuals.

And sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, the Lord may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of those who are not His Spiritual sons and daughters!

Now, notice 1st Samuel 16:

13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the midst of his brothers; And The Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward.  So, Samuel arose and went to Ramah.

14 But The Spirit of the Lord departed from King Saul, And an evil or distressing spirit from The Lord troubled King Saul.  (Stop here)

Now, may I recommend that you read for yourself so you can understand why this happened unto King Saul.  1st Samuel Chapter 15.  1st Samuel Chapter 16.  Now, turn to Matthew 4.

Now remember, the Bible teaches that our sovereign God has the prerogative when it comes to His decision to use or utilize at times the devil or Satan In The Disciplining Or The Chastening Of His Own People As A Group.

Or, His Spiritual sons and daughters as individuals.  And sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, The Lord may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of those who are not His spiritual sons and daughters!

 Now, notice Matthew 4:

1. Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

2. And when Jesus had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. (Stop here)

 Sermon Notes For 4-28-24 For 1st Timothy 1: 1-20, Part 10

“As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, remember in vs. 3 thru 20 there are at least 4 separate sections within vs. 3 thru 20, which have some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that we should consider and follow no matter what!

Now, currently we are in chapter 1 and today we are finishing up our look at vs. 18,19, & 20.  And with God’s help renewing our minds regarding this 4th and final section in vs. 18,19, & 20, which has some important words of admonishment from The Holy Spirit that will help us and that person we are discipling or spiritually mentoring for Christ.

Because we need to come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, not becoming a victim, or a statistic, or a casualty of spiritual warfare! And that is what 1st Timothy 1: 18&19, can help us to understand.

But also, we need to come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, the divine prerogative when it comes to how The Lord at times will use or utilize. 

Notice, I did not say work with or work together! which can imply, equality or a partnership with another.

So again, we want to be able to help ourselves and others, come to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, the divine prerogative when it comes to how The Lord at times will use or utilize the devil or Satan either directly or indirectly, in the disciplining or the chastening of His own people as a group, either to test their faithfulness unto The Lord. An example, see later Revelation 2: 8-11.

Now also, The Lord at times will use or utilize the devil or Satan either directly or indirectly, in the disciplining or the chastening of His own people as a group, because of their sinfulness or their disobedience towards The Lord. Another example, see later Revelation 2: 18-29.

Now, we also need to know that The Lord at times may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan either directly or indirectly, in the disciplining or the chastening of his spiritual sons and daughters as individuals for various reasons which we may not be aware of at the time. And we will see this shortly from 2nd Corinthians 12: 7-10.

And finally, sometimes The Lord may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan either directly or indirectly, in the disciplining or the chastening of those who are not his spiritual sons and daughters! And we will see this shortly from The Gospel of John 13: 2, & 25-27 which deals with the false Disciple Judas Iscariot.

Now, for the last 2 Sundays in a row, we have been coming to terms with what the Bible teaches regarding, 1st Timothy 1: 20.

Now, let’s notice one last time 1st Timothy 1:20. The Apostle Paul is speaking, of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered unto Satan that they Hymenaeus and Alexander may learn not to blaspheme. (Stop here)

Now, the Apostle Paul who was led by The Holy Spirit to take action against this spiritual threat of false teaching by doing something that is very uncommon and unconventional.

In fact, this is one of the many Biblical Paradoxs in the Bible that is very troubling and hard to understand.

Because most of us are thinking, how can this be, that a Holy and Righteous God who is Good would do anything like this.

Or, that he would allow any of us as His Servants in leadership to do anything like this which is mentioned here in 1st Timothy 1: 20, because this really doesn’t make sense!

And perhaps you may be thinking that this kind of over-the-top reaction mentioned here in 1st Timothy 1: 20, that this was a one-time situation way back then, and we do not need to be concerned with such things like this now!

Well, let’s turn again to 1st Corinthians 5, and let’s see if that’s correct.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 5:

1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles that a man has his father's wife!

2 And you are puffed up and have not rather mourned that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you.                                                                                                         3 For indeed though I am as absent in body but present in spirit, I have already judged as though I were present with you about this one who has so done this deed.

4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power or authority of our Lord Jesus Christ,

5 Deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, and yet his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus, 

 6  Your glorying or your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?   (Note) The Word “Leaven” mentioned here is making reference to,

•An effect that something is having upon something else.

•A Influential change that something is having upon something else.

•The spreading or the taking over of something which now has affected the rest.

•Also, in some cases in The Bible the word “Leaven,” is a metaphor which can explain the ill effects of Sin.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 5:7. Therefore, purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump since you are truly unleavened. (Stop here)

Listen, in some cases, not all!  But in some cases, certain matters will have to be address, which may require extreme actions which need to occur for the sake of, a group, a family, a community, a country or nation.

For example, see The Gospel of Matthew 18:

15 Moreover, if your brother or sister sins against you, Go and tell them their fault between you and them alone. If they hears you, you have gained your brother or sister.

16 But if they will not hear, then take with you one or two more, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

17 And if they refuse to hear them the 2 or 3 witnesses, then tell it to the church.  But if he refuses even to hear the church, then let them be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. (Stop here)

Now, back to 1st Corinthians 5.

Now, notice again 1st Corinthians 5:5. Deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, and yet his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.  (Stop here)

So again, the Apostle Paul was led by The Holy Spirit to take action against this immoral threat that was causing this Congregation to become boastful and too lenient that such sinful behavior mentioned in 1st Corinthians 5: Please look at verse 1 again.

But, instead of dealing with this matter according to God’s word, this congregation had become boastful and too lenient about this kind of sinful behavior.

And therefore, the Apostle Paul was led by The Holy Spirit to take action against this immoral threat by doing something that is very uncommon and unconventional, but yet very biblical and in some case, it is very necessary.

Now, back to 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Now, let’s notice again, 1st Timothy 1:19. The Apostle Paul is speaking, and having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected concerning the Faith i.e., all the Scriptural truths revealed in the Bible, in which we believe in which we trust *in which we stand upon without compromise.

Now again, notice Vs. 19, And having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck,

20 Of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander. And because of that I delivered them unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. (Stop here) 

Now, turn to The Gospel of Luke 22.

Now, let me show you one last time from the Bible, this divine pattern that we cannot deny. This divine pattern that we should not overlook. and neither should this divine pattern be ignored just because it goes against our finite understanding how we think that God should or should not operate.

Because the Bible teaches how the lord at times may choose to use or utilize. Notice I did not say work with or work together! which can imply, equality or a partnership with another.

But The Lord at times may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan in the disciplining,

or the chastening of his own people as a group.  Or His Spiritual sons and daughters as individuals.

And sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, The Lord may choose to use or utilize the devil or Satan in the disciplining or the chastening of those who are not his Spiritual sons and daughters!

Now, notice The Gospel of Luke 22:

31 And the Lord Jesus said Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat.

32 But I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail. And when you have returned unto Me, strengthen your brethren.

33 But Peter said unto Jesus, Lord I am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death. 

34 Then Jesus said, I tell you Peter the rooster shall not crow this day before you will deny three times that you know Me.

Now, turn to The Gospel of John.

Now, notice The Gospel of John 13:

2. And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon's son, to betray Jesus.

25.  And John who was reclining very close to Jesus, he asked The Lord, Lord who it is that will betray You?

26. Jesus answered John, It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it. 

Then Jesus having dipped the bread He gave it unto Judas Iscariot the son of Simon.

27. And after receiving the piece of bread, Satan entered Judas Iscariot. Then Jesus said unto Judas, what you do, do quickly, or do it now!

Now, turn to 2nd Corinthians 12.

Now, notice 2nd Corinthians 12:

7 The Apostle Paul is speaking, and lest I should be exalted by above measure by others or by myself because of the abundance of revelations given unto me.  A thorn in the flesh was given unto me, A messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.

8 And concerning this thing, A thorn in the flesh was given unto me, A messenger of Satan to buffet me. I pleaded with The Lord three times that it the messenger of Satan might depart or be removed from me.

9 But the Lord said unto me, My grace is sufficient for you! For My strength is made perfect in weakness.  Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Now, turn to Luke 11.

Now, now Luke 11:

1 Now it came to pass, as Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He ended, one of His disciples said unto Him Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples.

2 So Jesus said unto the disciples, when you pray say, *Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

3 Give us day by day our daily bread.

4 And forgive us our sins, as we also forgive everyone who is indebted unto us. And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

For me, here are some huge takeaways that The Lord helped me to see over these 3 Sundays which I pray The Lord will continue to teach you and me and will give us more insight and understanding about this important matter in order that we may do that which pleases Him and not ourselves.

The first huge takeaway for me, I don’t know about you, but for me is, when we are mentoring and discipling another, it’s ok to admit or to say we don’t know about something within the scriptures that is difficult to understand. Or it’s ok to admit or to say I’m not sure about something within the Scriptures.

The next huge takeaway for me, I don’t know about you, but for me is, if God wills and chooses to use Satan in certain situations and circumstances, then Satan can be useful and necessary in the disciplining and the chastening of those whom God has determine.

•And therefore, the practice of binding the devil. •Or the practice of rebuking the devil!

Or the practice of pleading the blood of Jesus against the devil.  All of these kinds of practices will not work because The Lord has determined in some cases and in certain situations and circumstances, that Satan can be useful and necessary in the disciplining and the chastening of those whom God has determine is absolutely necessary.

And lastly, the final huge takeaway for me, I don’t know about you, but for me is, I’m not and you’re not always going to understand God’s ways and why He does what he does, or why He doesn’t do what I asked or think He should do! Remember, our God is infinite, but we are finite.

Remember, notice Isaiah 55:

8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor, are your ways My ways says The Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways. 

And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Stop here)

Sermon Notes For 5-5-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 1-8, Part 1. “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, in 1st Timothy 2: 1-15, which is the shortest chapter in the book of 1st Timothy, there are 2 separate sections which has some important directives from The Holy Spirit, that we should know about and that we should follow no matter what!

Now, the first section which has some important directives from The Holy Spirit, that we should know about and that we should follow no matter what, is seen here in verses 1 thru 8.

And the second section which has some important directives from The Holy Spirit, that we should know about and that we should follow no matter what, is seen here in verses 9 thru 15.

So today, with God’s help, let’s begin with this first section which has some important directives from The Holy Spirit, that we should know about and that we should follow no matter what, seen here in verses 1 thru 8.

Now, let’s first start with 1st Timothy 2:1. Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *a Giving of Thanks, be made for all men or people. (Let’s stop here)

Now, it’s been a while as a congregation since we have dealt with one of the most important topics in all the Bible, *and that would be on the subject of prayer!

Which by the way, for me i don’t know about for you!  But for me this subject regarding prayer for me happens to be the most challenging and the most difficult,

•For me to maintain. 

•To be consistent in. 

•To be selfless, not always about me and mines, but about others when I am doing it. 

•To be to totally focused when I am doing it. 

•To be humble or submissive to the will of God when I am doing it.

•And being at times hypocritical. Just going through the motions instead of enjoying my time with God.

And that is of the reasons why I’m not sure that I am the right one that should be teaching on this subject of prayer!

And yet, the Lord reassures Me that by His Grace and help I can share about the subject of prayer, as long as I be humble, vulnerable, and biblical.

I believe most people look at the person (he or she) who is upfront, visible, one of the Spiritual Leaders in some capacity, in a church. In a ministry. In an organization in a school or university.  Most people look at the person (he or she) that they must have it all together in every area of their life!

Now, when it comes to the subject of prayer according to the Bible, these 7 questions need to be answered, believed, and practice by all of God’s children. (Repeat)

1.  What is Prayer?

2.  How do we pray?

3.  When do we pray?

4.  Where do we pray?

5.  Who can pray?

6.  For whom should we pray for? 

7.  And why should we pray?

So, with the time we have left let’s deal with the first one. What is prayer?  Simply stated prayer is talking to God!  But if we think about it, what does that really mean, prayer is talking to God?

Because there are many things that can be misleading about the statement, prayer is talking to God!

For example, sometimes, whoever is making this statement. Sometimes nothings is said about,

•Being still at times and listening to God.  •Communion or fellowshipping with God. Surrendering to the Will of God.  •Seeking God.

Therefore, to answer our first question, what is prayer?  Prayer is not just talking to God!

•But prayer is being still at time and listening to God. 

•Prayer is communion or fellowshipping with God.

•Prayer is surrendering to the Will of God.

•And prayer is seeking God.

Now, see the Gospel, Matthew 6: 

9 Therefore in this manner pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.  For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen!!! 

 Sermon Notes For 5-19-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 1-8, Part 2 “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now today, let’s continue with this first section here in 1st Timothy 2: 1 thru 8.  And by the way, the second section here in 1st Timothy 2: 9 Thru 15. Also, has some important directives from the Holy Spirit, that we should know about and that we should follow no matter what.

But today, let’s continue with this first section which again has some important directives from The Holy Spirit that we should know about and that we should follow no matter what, and they are revealed to us here in Verses 1thru 8.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2:1. 1 The Apostle Paul Is Speaking, Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of thanks, be made for all men or people, and let’s stop here.

So then, how do we pray? You and I may think well this is easy, just open your mouth and just start talking to God! As the song says, call so then, with God’s help lets pick up where we left off 2 Sundays ago as we go back to the basics.  

And let’s continue to better understand one of the most important topic in all the Bible and that would be “prayer!”

Now, when it comes to the subject of prayer according to the Bible, These 7 questions need to be answered, believed, and practice by all of God’s Children.

1.  What Is Prayer?

2.  How Do We Pray?

3.  When Do We Pray?

4. Where Do We Pray?

5.  Who Can Pray?

6.  For Whom Should We Pray For?

7.  And Why Should We Pray?

Now, let’s do a quick review, and let’s go back to the first one mentioned on our list,

“What Is Prayer?”

Now, last time we agreed that prayer is simply, talking to God!  However, there is a lot more to it than just that! For example,

•Talking to God should include being still at times and listening to God with our hearts, and listening to God as He speaks unto us by His Word, the scriptures during our private times with Him.

(Question) During your private times with God, do you have your Bible available as you are praying about different matters, then searching the Scriptures to know what The Lord has to say about it?

•Also talking to God should involve communing or fellowshipping with God.

•Talking to God should be all about surrendering to the Will of God.

•And talking to God should be always talking to God should be always about seeking God, knowing God, and focusing upon God.

And therefore, the answer to our first question, what is prayer? Prayer is not just talking to God!

•But prayer should include being still at times and listening to God with our hearts and listening to God as He speaks unto us by His Word, the Scriptures.

•Also talking to God should involve communing or fellowshipping with God.

•Talking to God should be all about surrendering to the Will of God.

•Talking to God should be always about seeking God, knowing God, and focusing upon God.

Now, remember when it comes to the subject of prayer according to the Bible, these 7 questions need to be answered, believed, and practice by all of God’s children. (Repeat)

Now, let’s go on to the second one mentioned here on our list, “How Do We Pray?”

Call Him up and tell him what you want! And by the way, I have some problems with that song that is called, “Jesus is on the main line, tell Him what you want.”

(Question) Is there more to prayer than just opening your mouth and talking to God? The Answer is Yes! There is more to prayer than just opening your mouth and talking to God!

Because most of the time it is easy to forget who we are talking to!  You might recall in your teenage years, growing up in your home with your parent or parents.  And perhaps in the heat of the moment, your tone or the volume of your talk would change. Which at that time your parent or parents would look at you straight in the eye and say, Don’t forget who you’re talking to!

Now, turn to Psalms 103.

Now, let’s take some time now and remind ourselves, that when we are praying to God, that don’t forget who we are talking to!

In other words, God knows us better than we know ourselves.  He sees and He knows the condition of our hearts before we utter a word.

Most importantly, it is totally impossible to deceive or to trick. hide or coverup.  Out-think. Or manipulate God in anyway.

So then, when we are praying to God, let’s not forget who we are talking to! For example, Notice Psalms 103:14.  For He, The Lord knows our frame, our inward structure. He remembers that we are but dust!

The NLT of Psalm 103: 14 says, For He knows how weak we are; He remembers that we are only dust.  Another English version says regarding Psalm 103: 14, For He knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust. So, with that in mind, let’s not forget who we are talking to!

In other words, God knows us better than we know ourselves, agreed! For He fully knows

all about, our past, our present, our future.  He really knows about, •Our hurts. •Our issues. •Our brokenness. •Our limitations. •Our insecurities. •Our fears. •Our weaknesses. •Our struggles •Our sinfulness. For The Lord sees.

And He knows the condition of our hearts before we utter a word. So then, it is totally impossible to deceive or to trick.  Hide or coverup. out-think. or manipulate God in anyway.

Now, let’s turn to the N.T. Book of James Chapter 3.

Remember, I said The Lord sees and He knows the condition of our hearts before we utter a word. For it is our words that reveal a whole lot about us!

•Again, our hurts. •Our issues. •Our brokenness. •Our limitations. •Our insecurities. •Our fears. •Our weaknesses. •Our struggles  •Our sinfulness.

Now, notice James 3:                                                                                                                              8 Without God’s help, no one can tame the tongue, i.e., their speech, their talk, their words.  Why?  It’s our speech, our talk, our words, are an unruly evil, and full of deadly poison.

9 With it, our speech, our talk, our words, we bless our God and Father.

However, with It, our speech, our talk, our words, we Curse others who have been made in the likeness of God.

10 For out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing? My brethren, these things ought not to be so!

Now, turn to The Gospel of Luke 6.

Now remember, I said that God knows the condition of our hearts before we utter a word,

for our words reveal a whole lot about us!

Now, notice Luke 6:45. A good person out of the good treasure of their heart brings forth good.

But an evil person out of the evil treasure of their heart brings forth evil.  Why? *For out of the abundance of the heart their mouth speaks.  Notice again, the phrase, “out of the abundance of the heart!”

Now, let’s remind ourselves again of what the Bible teaches about the heart of man, before salvation and even after salvation.

For example, see Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?  (Note) even our own hearts can deceive us, making us think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

Again, Jeremiah 17:                                                                                                                           9 Says, the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?

10. I The LORD search the heart. I try or test the reins (KJV) or our inward parts, our spirit, soul, mind, conscience and our desires.  And therefore, I am able to give every person according to their ways and according to the fruit of their doings.

Now, also, see Psalms 139:

23 Search me O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my thoughts;

24 And see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. (Stop here)

(Question), Do you request daily when you pray, that The Lord would search your heart and all that is within you. and, then that He would reveal unto you anything that would displease Him and would hindered your prayers and fellowship with Him.

Now, see Isaiah 59:                                                                                                                             1. Behold, the Lord's hand is not short that it cannot save or rescue.  Nor are His ears heavy or Impaired that they cannot hear.  (Note) So then, what is the problem when We pray unto God, And Our Prayers are mostly answered by God in these ways!  •No. •Grow. •Wait. •But rarely is it Yes! •Why is this?                                                                                                                               2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear you.

Now, see Psalms 66:

13 I will go into Your house with burnt offerings; I will pay You my vows,

14 Which my lips have uttered and my mouth has spoken when I was in trouble.

15 I will offer You burnt sacrifices of fat animals, With the sweet aroma of rams; I will offer bulls with goats. Selah

16 Come and hear, all you who fear God, And I will declare what He has done for my soul.

17 I cried to Him with my mouth, And He was extolled with my tongue.

18 If I regard or aware of iniquity in my heart, implying, I am not dealing with it Biblically. then The Lord will not hear.

19 But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.

20 Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me!

And that is why it is so important with God’s help, that you and I would daily deal with the sins of omission and co-mission in our lives, (Explain).

•Also, with God’s help, that you and I would daily deal with any disobedience, •Or transgressions. •Or rebellious attitudes we have towards God’s commands revealed within the Scriptures.

Therefore, let’s see Psalms 32:                                                                                                       5.  King David is speaking, I acknowledged my sin unto You O Lord, and my iniquity I have not hidden.  Instead, I will confess my transgressions unto The Lord, and You O Lord forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah

6 For this cause everyone who is Godly shall pray unto You O Lord, in a time when You may be found; (Stop here).

Also, let’s see 1st. John 1:

9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. For Example.

See Matthew 6:12. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.  Quote Luke 11: 4A. And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us or has sinned against us.

Also, let’s see Matthew 6:

14 For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

15 But if you do-not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Wow!

Also, see Mark 11:

25 And whenever you stand praying if you have anything against anyone, forgive them,

that your Father in Heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.

Listen, after we have dealt with certain matters before The lord. •like the sin of unforgiveness. •Or the sin of fornication.  •Or the sin of slander, gossip, and evil speaking about others just to name a few!

Listen, after we have dealt with certain matters before The Lord.  Confessing, acknowledging and repenting before The Lord.

Then let us seek The Lord and His ability to restore us, to transform us, and to empower us in order that we can move forward.  (Show you what I mean)!

Now, let’s see Psalms 51:10. Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right or steadfast spirit within me.

Also see Psalms 19:14. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight. O Lord my strength, and my Redeemer. (Stop here)

 Sermon Notes For 5-26-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 1-8, Part 3                                                       “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now today, let’s continue with this first section.

Here in 1st Timothy 2: 1 thru 8 which has some important directives from The Holy Spirit, that we should know about and that we should follow no matter what.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2:1. The Apostle Paul is speaking, Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of Thanks, be made for all men or people, (Stop here)

Now, when it comes to the subject of prayer according to the Bible, these 7 questions need to be answered, believed, and practice by all of God’s children.

1.  What Is Prayer?  2.  How Do We Pray?  3.  When Do We Pray?  4. Where Do We Pray?

5.  Who Can Pray?  6.  For Whom Should We Pray For?  7.  And Why Should We Pray?

Now, let’s do a quick review from our list that we just mentioned.  And let’s go back again to the Second Directive from The Holy Spirit regarding, “How Do We Pray?”

And last time we saw an important factor that should influence how we pray, and that is when you pray to God, don’t forget who you are talking to!

Now, let’s turn to Hebrews 4.

Now, notice Hebrews 4:13. And there is no creature or beings, human or angelic, we would say.  Again, there is no creature or being, human or angelic, who are hidden or unseen or able to go undetected from His sight, or His omniscience, i.e., all knowing!

Now, all things everything, everyone, anywhere, they are naked and open before the eyes of Him, to whom we must give account, a reckoning, an answer.

So once again, let’s not forget who we are talking to!  Because He fully knows all about,

our past, our present, our future.

The Lord really knows about, our hurts, our issues, our brokenness, our limitations, our insecurities, our fears, our weaknesses, our struggles, our sinfulness, and therefore, it is totally impossible to deceive or to trick, hide or coverup, out-think or manipulate God in any way.

(Question), So, in your private prayer time with God, do you first spend some time seeking The Lord’s help to search your heart, mind, thoughts, desires, attitudes, feelings, emotions, even your conscience which helps you to know right from wrong?

(Question), In your private prayer time with God, do you truly ask The Lord that He would reveal unto you anything that would displease Him and that would hinder your prayers and your fellowship with Him?

Quote Psalms 139:                                                                                                                         23 Search me O God, and know my heart; try or test me and know my thoughts;

24 And see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

Now, a final question, in your private prayer time with God, are you and I willing to deal with any matter by acknowledging confessing unto God.  And also, with God’s help turn away from,

any disobedience, or, transgressions, or rebellious attitudes you might have towards God’s commandments revealed within the Scriptures?

Quote Psalms 32:                                                                                                                                5 I acknowledged my sin unto You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said I will confess my transgressions unto The Lord, and You forgave the iniquity of my sin.

6 For this cause everyone who is Godly shall pray unto You in a time when You may be found.

And Quote Proverbs 28:13.  He or She who covers their sins will not prosper. But whoever confesses and forsakes them will receive Mercy.

Now, turn to 2nd Chronicles 7.

Now, let’s move on from our quick review, and let’s focus upon some other areas regarding the question on our list, “How Do We Pray?”  And our first area regarding the question “How Do We Pray?”  Surprisingly, the answer will come from *a familiar Old Testament passage from God to His people both then and now.  Which gives to us 4 spiritual principles that we could use in our prayer time with God. (Repeat)

Now, let’s see 2nd Chronicles 7:14. If My people who are called by My name will, Humble themselves.

See 1st Peter 5: 5-7. And pray.

See 1st Timothy 2: 1. And seek My face.

See 1st Chronicles 16: 10-12 and Psalms 27: 8.  And turn from their wicked ways.

See 1st Thessalonians 1: 9.  Then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.

Now, turn to Ephesians 6, and Romans 8.  (Repeat)

Now, here is another area to consider regarding the question, “How Do We Pray?”

Now, notice Ephesians 6:18. Praying always, with all prayer and supplication in The Spirit being watchful unto this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.

Now, see Jude 1: 20. But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in The Holy Spirit. So, what exactly does it mean to pray in the Spirit?  The Greek word translated "pray in" can have several different meanings.  It can mean, "by means of," "with the help of," "in the sphere of," and "in connection to."

Praying in the Spirit does not refer to the words we are saying. Rather, it refers to how we are praying.  Praying in the Spirit is praying according to the Spirit's leading. It is praying for things the Spirit leads us to pray for.

Now, turn to Romans 8.

And let’s notice Romans 8:

26 Likewise the Spirit, The Holy Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought.  But The Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

27 Now, He, either God the Father or God the Son, or Both, searches the hearts and also knows what the mind of The Spirit, The Holy Spirit Is, because (He) The Holy Spirit makes Intercession for the saints according to the Will of God.

Now, turn to The Gospel of John 15.

Now, here is another area to consider regarding the question “How Do We Pray?”

Now, notice The Gospel of John 15:16. Jesus is speaking, You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain. That whatever you ask the Father in My Name (He) the Father may give you.

Praying in Jesus' name means praying with His authority and asking God the Father to act upon our prayers because we come in the name of His Son, Jesus.

Praying in Jesus' name means the same thing as praying according to the will of God,

Praying in Jesus' name is praying for things that will honor and glorify Jesus.

 Remember Saying, "in Jesus' name" at the end of a prayer is not a magic formula.

Praying for things that are in agreement with God's will is the essence of praying in Jesus' name.  The name of Jesus stands for all that He is.

Throughout Scripture, God’s names are the same as His attributes.  Therefore, praying in the name of Jesus is more than merely mentioning His name at the end of our prayers.

What praying in Jesus’ name really means is that we should pray as if our Lord Himself were doing the asking.

But most importantly, *Praying in the name of Jesus is never to be seen as demanding or commanding God to do anything we want or ask, no matter how sincere we may be.

No matter what we think would be the best, and no matter if we assume that it would bring Glory unto God!  (Repeat) 

Now, turn to Isaiah 45.

But someone might be thinking or has heard that the Bible says, That we can command God!

for God said in Isaiah 45:11 “Command me!”

Now, see Isaiah 45:11 (KJV).  “Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons; and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.Now, see Isaiah 45:11 (NKJV.)  “Thus says the Lord The Holy One of Israel and his Maker, ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; (Israel) And concerning the work of My hands, you command Me?”

Now, listen to Isaiah 45:11 (NIV).  “This is what the LORD says the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands?”

Now listen to Isaiah 45:11 (RSV).  “Thus says the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: "Will you question me about my children, or command me concerning the work of my hands?”

Actually, the context for Isaiah 45: 11, begins at Isaiah 45:9 thru 12.

Notice Isaiah 45:9. Woe to him or her who strives with their Maker!

Quote Psalms 100:3. Know that the Lord is God; And He is the One who has made us and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Now, Isaiah 45:                                                                                                                                       9 Continues.  Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth or the ground!  Shall the clay say to him who forms it, What are you making? Or shall your handy work say, He has no hands or skills?

10 Woe to him who says to his father, What are you begetting? Or to the woman, What have you brought forth?

11 Thus says the Lord The Holy One of Israel and his Maker, Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; (Israel), And concerning the work of My hands, you command Me?

12 I have made the earth and created man on it. I-My hands stretched out the heavens and all their host, I have commanded.

Please take time and carefully read the entire chapter of Isaiah 45.

Now, see Isaiah 45:1 Thus says the Lord unto His anointed, to Cyrus whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut:

Now, go back and see Isaiah 44: 28. Who says of Cyrus, He is My shepherd, and he shall perform all My pleasure, saying to Jerusalem, You shall be built and to the temple, Your foundation shall be laid.

I have available for you by request, an excellent article that is scriptural and biblical regarding Cyrus.

Who was Cyrus in the Bible?

Answer: Cyrus is a king mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible and is identified as Cyrus the Great (also Cyrus II or Cyrus the Elder) who reigned over Persia between 539—530 BC.

This pagan king is important in Jewish history because it was under his rule that Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity.

In one of the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, the Lord revealed Cyrus’s decree to free the Jews to Isaiah.

One hundred fifty years before Cyrus lived, the prophet calls him by name and gives details of Cyrus’s benevolence to the Jews: “This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him . . . ‘I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me’” (Isaiah 45:1, 4; see also 41:2-25; 42:6). Evincing His sovereignty over all nations, God says of Cyrus, “He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please” (Isaiah 44:28).

Cyrus’s decree releasing the Jewish people, in fulfillment of prophecy, is recorded in 2 Chronicles 36:22–23: “Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: ‘Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, “The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the LORD his God be with him. Let him go up. ”Other Old Testament books that mention Cyrus include Ezra and Daniel.

King Cyrus actively assisted the Jews in rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem under Zerubbabel and Joshua the high priest. Cyrus restored the temple treasures to Jerusalem and allowed building expenses to be paid from the royal treasury (Ezra 1:4–11; 6:4–5). Cyrus’s beneficence helped to restart the temple worship practices that had languished during the 70 years of the Jews’ captivity. Some commentators point to Cyrus’s decree to rebuild Jerusalem as the official beginning of Judaism.

Among the Jews deported from Judah and later placed under the rule of Cyrus include the Prophet Daniel.  In fact, we are told Daniel served until at least the third year of King Cyrus, approximately 536 BC (Daniel 10:1).

That being the case, Daniel likely had some personal involvement in the decree that was made in support of the Jews. The historian Josephus says that Cyrus was informed of the biblical prophecies written about him (Antiquities of the Jews, XI.1.2). The natural person to have shown Cyrus the scrolls was Daniel, a high-ranking official in Persia (Daniel 6:28).

Besides his dealings with the Jews, Cyrus is known for his advancement of human rights, his brilliant military strategy, and his bridging of Eastern and Western cultures. He was a king of tremendous influence and a person God used to help fulfill an important Old Testament prophecy. God’s use of Cyrus as a “shepherd” for His people illustrates the truth of Proverbs 21:1, “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.

Now, turn to 1st John 5.

Finally, here is the last area to consider for now regarding the question “How Do We Pray?”

Now, see 1st John 5:

14 Now, this is the confidence that we have (in Him) in Christ that if we ask anything according to His Will, (He) hears us.

15 And if we know that He hears us whatever we ask, then we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

Sermon Notes For 6-2-24 For 1st Timothy 2:1-8, Part 4 “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: 1, As we remember that the Apostle Paul is being used by The Holy Spirit, to make known unto all of us as God’s people both then and now about the significance of a committed prayer life.

Notice vs. 1. Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions,

*And Giving of Thanks, be made for all men or people. (Stop here) 

Now, when it comes to the subject of prayer according to the Bible, these 7 questions need to be answered, believed, and practice by all of God’s children. 

1.  What Is Prayer?  2.  How Do We Pray?  3.  When Do We Pray?  4. Where Do We Pray?

5.  Who Can Pray?  6.  For Whom Should We Pray For?  7.  And Why Should We Pray?

And today, let’s go on to the third one mentioned here on our list, “When Do We Pray?”

Now, for some of us this question, when do we pray, may not be so obvious.  But for others this is a much-needed reminder.

Now, when do we pray may really come down for some a certain time of the day, morning or evening or a certain day of the week (Sunday). Or, a certain time during a month (The first Sunday of the month).  Or, when everything is fine or is going well.  Or, when you feel like it or you don’t.  Or only when there is a call to prayer!  Or, when you need something.  Or, when there is an emergency.  Or, when things are really bad.  Or, when there is nothing else you can do!

However, for others, when do we pray for a lot of us it is all the time!  For Example, in every situation, circumstance, issue, matter, problem, difficulty, trial, challenge, or temptation.

When do we pray?  In times when we are discourage. Disappointed. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. Defeated.  Depleted. Rejected. Unhappy. Lonely. Frighten. Afraid. Anxious. Worried.

When do we pray?  When there is conflict. A misunderstanding. When there is division, distrust or malice. Or, or when you are dislike hatred!

When do we pray? When it is hard to forgive. Or, when you are hurt by another or others.

Or, when you have been betrayed by another or others.  Or, when you have been rejected by another or others.

When do we pray? When you are under spiritual attack. Or, even when it seems to you that God doesn’t care or is near!

Now, let’s turn to The Gospel of Luke Chapter 18.  Now, this may also help when it comes to the question, when do we pray, because the answer, is always)

Now, notice Luke 18:1. Then The Lord Jesus spoke a parable unto them, that men always ought to pray, and not lose heart.

Now, notice Colossians 1:3. We give thanks unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying Always for you.

Now, notice Colossians 4:2. Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in doing it with thanksgiving.

Now, notice Ephesians 6:18. Praying Always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.

And lastly, notice 1st Thessalonians 5: 17. Pray without ceasing.

Maybe, this could help to think of prayer as in the present tense, and not in the past tense, nor in the future tense! 

Because prayer is always now and not later! And not what you did yesterday, but now!

Prayer is like breathing! It’s always now! Not later. And not what you did yesterday, it’s now!

However, for some your prayer life has become very sporadic. very inconsistent.  And if the truth were known, it is seldom and rare for them to pray now.

(Question) But why? Here are some answers that might revealed the problem.  •Perhaps being convinced by the cultural influences of our times.

For example, •Being overcommitted is good! •Being too busy is virtue!  •And being fatigue or tired is proof of how overcommitted and how busy you are!

Hinderance To Prayer

Next. So why is it that for some that their prayer life has become very sporadic. Very inconsistent.  And if the truth were known, it is seldom and rare for them to pray now.

(Answer.) Possibly you have become technology dependent or addicted.

For example, easily distracted, or unable to concentrate for a short or long period of time.

Or, unable to be without your devices for a long period of time.

Next. So why is it that for some that their prayer life has become very sporadic?  Very inconsistent. And if the truth were known, it is seldom and rare for them to pray now.

(Answer.) Lacking self-discipline.

For example, like someone who Lacks the self-discipline to trains or to practices.

•An Athlete. •A Musician. •A Singer. •A Dancer.

Next. So, why is it that for some that their prayer life has become very sporadic. Very inconsistent. And if the truth were known, it is seldom and rare for them to pray now.

(Answer.) Personally disappointed with God.

For example, having wrong expectations when they pray. Having the wrong understanding about prayer. And unfortunately, over time all these things that i just mentioned can lead to.

•No communication and fellowshipping with God.  •We shut down with God on a relational level.  •We are avoiding God on a relational level.  •We have lost interest God on a relational level.

Now, Let’s Turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: 8, I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

Sermon Notes for 1st Timothy 1:1-8, Part 5. “As We Are Becoming A Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Involved In Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s continue with our current series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: 1, as we remember that the Apostle Paul is being used by The Holy Spirit, to make known unto all of us as God’s people both then and now about the significance of a committed prayer life.

Notice vs 1. Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of Thanks be made for all men or people. (Stop here) 

Now again, when it comes to the subject of prayer according to the Bible, these 7 questions need to be answered, believed and practiced by all of God’s children. 

So today, lets finish up our list of the 7 questions as we now move on to the fourth question out of the 7 questions that are mentioned here on our list. However, Biblically this fourth question also needs to be answered, believed and practiced by all of God’s children. 

So, our next question is, “Where Do We Pray?”

Now, let me share with you some examples of certain people from the Bible including our Lord Jesus, they all prayed just about anywhere.

• First, the Prophet Samuel cried out unto The Lord on a battlefield, to help the children of Israel during a fierce battle with the Philistines. (1Samuel 7: 7-9).

•  Nehemiah the Cupbearer who later becomes a leader of His people and the builder of the breach. Nehemiah prayed in the palace of the king while the king himself was presence.

(Nehemiah 2:4-5).

• The Prophet Jeremiah called upon the name of the LORD while being held captive within

A deep pit. (Lamentations 3:55-57).

• The Prophet Jonah prayed while in the belly of a great fish. (Jonah 2: 1).

• Our Lord Jesus spent all night in prayer before He selected His 12 Disciples. (Luke 6: 12-16,

• Also, our Lord Jesus told an insightful parable based upon a true story, about 2 men who went up to the outside temple grounds area in order to pray.  One was a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. (Luke 18: 9-14).

• Lastly, our Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, prayed unto the Father, if it be possible let this cup pass before me! Nevertheless, not my will, but Your will be done. (Matthew 26:36-45).

• Now, A thief on the cross cried out unto Jesus, saying Lord remember me. (Luke 23: 39-43).

• After the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, in an upper room the 11 disciples and others were praying together. (Acts 1: 12-14).

• Stephen being stoned to death at his own execution, prayed not for himself but for his executioners, saying Father forgive them. (Acts 7:59-60).

• Peter went to a rooftop to pray. (Acts 10: 9).

• And lastly, Paul prayed by the seashore with other believers as Paul said farewell unto them. (Acts 21: 4&5).

Now, let’s move on to the fifth question out of the 7 questions that are mentioned here on our list.  However, Biblically, this fifth question also needs to be answered, believed and practiced by all of God’s children.

So, our next question is, “Who Can Pray?”

Generally speaking, anyone can pray unto God!  •No matter their gender.  •No matter their age.  •No matter their ethnicity or spoken language. •No matter where they live on earth.

•No matter their level of education, or their employment skills, talents or abilities.  •No matter their social economical status.  •No matter if they are saved or unsaved.   •And no matter if they are a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter.

Listen, anyone can pray unto God!

However, the Bible teaches that the individual who is offering up their prayers, or their request or need unto God, should know there are certain conditions we must be aware of and committed unto when we pray.

Now, let’s turn to Jeremiah 29.

Now, let’s consider the unsaved person who prays unto God.

Now, this particular section of Jeremiah 29: 11-13, has been commonly used to encourage the Body of Christ. And from a spiritual principal standpoint I believe that is ok, although this passage was actually being spoken unto the kingdom of Judah as they were being taken in captivity.  (Note) Vs 1 thru 4.

But here’s my point from a spiritual principal standpoint, I believe that this section of Jeremiah 29: 11-13, could also be used to encourage sinners to come to The Lord in prayer regarding His great salvation.   (Show you what I mean.)

Notice Jeremiah 29:

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you says The Lord. Thoughts of peace and not of evil or not of misery or distress. To give you a future and a hope.

12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me and I will listen to you.

13 And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. (Stop here)

Therefore, for the unsaved person who prays unto God, there are certain conditions one must be aware of and committed unto when they pray.

Now, let’s turn to Isaiah 59.

Next, let’s consider the saved person who is spiritually speaking a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter, and yet, they still are praying unto God even though it is sporadic or rare!

Now, let’s notice Isaiah 59:

1 Behold, The Lord's hand is not short that it cannot save or rescue.  Nor are His ears heavy or impaired that they cannot hear.

2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins has He hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear you. (Stop here)

Now, let’s also, see Psalms 66: 

13 I will go into Your house with burnt offerings; I will pay You my vows,

14 Which my lips have uttered and my mouth has spoken when I was in trouble.

15 I will offer You burnt sacrifices of fat animals, with the sweet aroma of rams; I will offer bulls with goats. Selah

16 Come and hear, all you who fear God, And I will declare what He has done for my soul.

17 I cried to Him with my mouth, and He was extolled with my tongue.

**18 If I regard or aware of iniquity in my heart, implying that I am not dealing with it Biblically. Then, The Lord will not hear. (Stop here)

19 But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.

20 Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me!

Therefore, for the saved person who is spiritually speaking a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter, and yet they still are praying unto God even though it is sporadic or rare

Now, let’s turn to 1st Peter 3.

And lastly, let’s consider the saved person who is a husband or someone who would like to be some day. Are there certain conditions one must be aware of and committed unto when they pray?

Now, let’s see 1st Peter 3: 7.  Husbands, likewise, dwell with them (our wives) according to Kknowledge (KJV) or understanding (NKJV) and giving honor unto the wife as to the weaker vessel.  And as being heirs together of the grace of life, you be gracious and merciful unto her.

Please see later Ephesians 5: 25-31 & 1st Corinthians 13: 4-8A.

Now, notice again, 1st Peter 3:7C.

And as being heirs together of the grace of life, you be gracious and merciful unto her.

(Note) Although this is a general statement that should be acceptable unto every husband.

Yet, every husband’s situation is unique and different depending upon the kind of wife that he is married unto.

Please see later 1st Peter 3: 1-6, And Ephesians 5: 22-24.

Now, one last time, notice 1st Peter 3: 7C. And as being heirs together of the grace of life, you be gracious and merciful unto her.  (Why?)  So that your prayers may not be hindered.

Now, for the saved person who is a husband or someone who would like to be some day. Are there certain conditions one must be aware of and committed unto when they pray?\

Now, let’s move on to the sixth question out of the 7 questions mentioned here on our list.

However, Biblically, this sixth question also needs to be answered, believed, and practiced 

by all of God’s children.

Now, our next question is, “for whom should we pray for?”

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: 

1  Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of Thanks be made for all men or people.

2 For Kings and all who are in authority. (Stop here)

Now, let’s notice Ephesians 6:

18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints,

19 And for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,

20 For which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

(Stop here)

Now, let’s notice The Gospel of Matthew 5:

43 You have heard that it was said to You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy!

44 But I say unto you, love your enemies. Bless those who curse you. Do good unto those who hate you. And pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. (Stop here) 

And finally, let’s move on to the seventh question out of the 7 questions that are mentioned here on our list.

Now Biblically, this seventh question also needs to be answered, believed, and practiced

by all of God’s children.

Now, then our last question is, “Why Should We Pray?”

Notice 1st Timothy 2:

1 Therefore, I exhort first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,

2 For kings and all who are in authority. (Stop here)

(Question) Why Should We Pray? Vs. 2  Continues, so that, or because we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

 See Proverbs 29: 2.  When the Righteous are in authority, the people rejoice! But when a wicked man rules the people groan! (Stop here)

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2.                   

(Question) Why Should We Pray?

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2: Vs. 3. For or Because this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. (Stop here)

(Question), What is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior?

Well, see 1st Timothy 2:

1 Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks 

be made for all men,

2 for kings and all who are in authority, *that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. (Stop here)

(Question), What is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior?

Well, see 1st Timothy 2:

4 Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,

6 Who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

8 Therefore, I desire that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. (Stop here)

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2.

(Question) Why Should We Pray?

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2: Vs. 4. Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (Stop here)

Now, see 2nd Peter 3: 9. The Lord is not slack or slow or tardy concerning His promise as some count slackness slowness or tardiness. But instead, He is longsuffering toward us not willing that any should perish. But that all should come unto repentance. (Stop here)

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2.

(Question) Why Should We Pray?

Finally, notice 1st Timothy 2: Vs. 5.  For or because there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, The Man Christ Jesus! (Stop here)

Now, see Matthew 20: 28. Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve!

And to give His life a ransom for many. (Stop Here)

Now, see Luke 19: 10. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Stop Here)

Finally, see 1st Timothy 1:15. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief! (Stop here)

 Sermon Notes For 7-7-24 For 1st Timothy 2:1-8, Part 6.

Now, for the rest of us, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, today’s message is going to be divided into 2 parts or possibly 3 we will just have to see how The Lord leads us coming up.

So today, will only be Part 1 and Lord willing, next Sunday will be Part 2, and I am praying that all of you can be with us.

Now, let’s return back to our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: 1,

As we remember that the Apostle Paul is being used by The Holy Spirit, to make known unto all of us as God’s people both then and now about the significance of a committed prayer life.

Now, notice vs. 1.  Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of Thanks, be made for all men or people (Stop here)

Now, let’s also see Philippians 4: 6, Be anxious for nothing, instead in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. (Stop there)

Now, did you notice the words, Prayer, Supplication, Thanksgiving?   These words are the very same words we saw in 1st Timothy 2: 1, with one exception, the word “intercession” that we saw in 1st Timothy 2: 1, does not appear here in Philippians 4: 6.

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2: 1.

Now again, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: 1,

How The Holy Spirit makes known unto us as God’s people, regarding these 4 biblical types or kinds of prayers that should be utilized throughout our lifetime as a priority, and not as a suggestion!

Now, notice again vs. 1. Therefore I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers,  *Intercessions, *And Giving of Thanks, (Stop here)

Now, I want to highly recommend to all of us who desire to grow in your prayer life, that we would better understand these 4 biblical types or kinds of prayers that should be utilizing throughout our lifetime, again as a priority, and not as a suggestion. 

Because these 4 Biblical types or kinds of prayers it would be good to make the time, and to take the time, and study for ourselves each one of these words and their meanings, which are describing their unique and special application when we are praying unto God.

But most importantly with God’s help, that you would understand how and when to use each one of these 4 types or kinds of prayers consistently in your daily life!

Now, for the next several minutes without going into a whole lot of detail right now, allow me to give a brief summary going one by one about these 4 types or kinds of prayers that are given unto us.

First, notice the word here in 1st Timothy 2: 1A. *Supplication(s), or Petition(s), or Entreatie(s).

See Proverbs 18:23. The Poor Man uses Entreaties, But the Rich answers back roughly, or angrily, or disrespectfully.

Now, see Psalms 61

1 A Psalm of David. Hear my cry O God; (Attend) unto my prayer. Or, pay attention or give attention to my request, or petition, or supplication.

2 From the end of the earth I will cry unto You. When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

3 For You O God have been a shelter unto me. A strong tower from the enemy.

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2: 1.

Now, notice the word here in 1st Timothy 2: 1.

*Prayer(s). The basic idea of prayer(s) is that it is a prayer that focuses upon the attributes and the character traits of God which causes us to worship and praise and trust Him. Instead of being overwhelmed by the situation or circumstance.

Like flying over the Grand Canyon at 30,000 feet looking down upon it. The Grand Canyon doesn’t look so big when you’re flying that high.

Now, see Psalms 95.

1 Oh come let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully Unto the Rock of our salvation.

2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully unto Him with Psalms.

3 For The Lord is the great God And the Great King above all gods.

4 In His hand are the deep places of the earth; The heights of the hills are also His.

5 The sea is His because He made it; And His hands formed the dry lands.

6 Oh come let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2: 1.

*Next, Intercession(s) •Intercession can mean standing in the gap for another or for others.

See later, Ezekiel 22: 30.

•Intercession can also mean petitioning for another who is in danger or they are facing uncertainty.

•Intercession can Mean Requesting God’s favor, mercy, and help upon another or others.

Now, see Psalms 20

1 A Psalm of David. *May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble. *May The Name of The God of Jacob defend you!

*2 May (He) The God of Jacob send you help from The Sanctuary, And Strengthen you out of Zion.

*3 May (He) remember all your offerings and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah

*4 May (He) grant you according to Your Heart's Desire, And Fulfill all your purpose.

5 We will rejoice in your salvation, And in the name of our God we will set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.

6 Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand.

7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

8 They have bowed down and fallen; But we have risen and stand upright.

9 Save Lord! *May the King answer us when we call!

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2: 1.

And finally, see the words here in 1st Timothy 2: 1, and giving of thanks, or thanksgiving! (Stop here)

See Psalms 136                                                                                                                                 1 Oh give thanks unto The Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

2 Oh give thanks unto The God of gods! For His mercy endures forever.

3 Oh give thanks unto The Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever:

4 To Him who alone does great wonders, For His mercy endures forever;

5 To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, For His mercy endures forever;

6 To Him who laid out the earth above the waters, For His mercy endures forever;

7 To Him who made great lights, For His mercy endures forever--

8 The sun to rule by day, For His mercy endures forever;

9 The moon and stars to rule by night, For His mercy endures forever.

10 To Him who struck Egypt in their firstborn, For His mercy endures forever;

11 And brought out Israel from among them, For His mercy endures forever;

12 With a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm, For His mercy endures forever;

13 To Him who divided the Red Sea in two, For His mercy endures forever;

14 And made Israel pass through the midst of it, For His mercy endures forever;

15 But overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, For His mercy endures forever;

16 To Him who led His people through the wilderness, For His mercy endures forever;

17 To Him who struck down great kings, For His mercy endures forever;

18 And slew famous kings, For His mercy endures forever--

19 Sihon king of the Amorites, For His mercy endures forever;

20 And Og king of Bashan, For His mercy endures forever--

21 And gave their land as a heritage, For His mercy endures forever;

22 A heritage to Israel His servant, For His mercy endures forever.

23 Who remembered us in our lowly state, For His mercy endures forever;

24 And rescued us from our enemies, For His mercy endures forever;

25 Who gives food to all flesh, For His mercy endures forever.

26 Oh give thanks unto The God of heaven, For His mercy endures forever.

Now, let’s turn to Psalms 32.

(Question) Are there other types or kinds of prayers that are biblical, which are mentioned in other places of the Bible?

Now, because of time let me share with you, one of many other types or kinds of prayers that are Biblical, which are mentioned in other places of the Bible, for example a prayer of confessing one’s sin or sins unto God.

Now, let’s notice Psalms 32:

5 I acknowledged my sin unto You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said I will confess my transgressions unto The Lord, and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah

6 For this cause everyone who is godly shall pray unto You In a time when You may be found; Surely in a flood of great waters they shall not come near him or her.

Now, the word unbiblical can be define in several ways.

First, the word unbiblical can refer to a teaching, or a belief, or a practice which is based upon a single verse or a partial verse that was taken out of its context from a particular passage or a section of verses within a chapter of the Bible.

Next, the word unbiblical can refer to, a teaching, or a belief, or a practice that diminishes your trust and faith in God.

And lastly, the word unbiblical can refer to a teaching. or a belief. or a practice that increases, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-determination, self-gratification, or self-recognition.

(Question) Are there certain types or kinds of prayers that are unbiblical?

First, praying unto a different deity or deities or gods and goddesses.

Next, praying unto a religious or non-religious image or symbol.  Like a picture or a statue of the Virgin Mary. Or, of The Lord Jesus Christ. Or, of any of the Apostles. Or, of those who are known as the Saints. Or, praying facing a cross or a crucifix.

Next, praying with and holding a religious or non-religious object or item. Here are some examples, •Rosary Beads. •A Cross or a Crucifix. •Holding a close religious book or Bible while praying.

(Note) Explain the difference when having your Bible open and The Spirit of God is leading you to different Scriptures and passages in the Bible That you may read out loud as a prayer unto God.

Now, here are a few more non-religious objects or items that are used by some in which they prayed with that is unbiblical!

•Using a crystal as you are praying unto God. •Using your personal zodiac sign as you are praying unto God. •Using your personal horoscope information while you are praying unto God. •Using an ancestral mask or statuesque as you are praying unto God. •Using an amulet or a talisman as you are praying unto God.

Now, again let’s remember the meaning of the word “unbiblical” which can be define in several different ways.                                                                                                                                 First, the word unbiblical can refer to a teaching, or a belief, or a practice which is based upon a single verse, or a partial verse that was taken out of its context from a particular passage, or a section of verses within a chapter of the Bible.

Next, the word “Unbiblical” can refer to a teaching, or a belief, or a practice that diminishes your trust and faith in God.

And lastly, the word “Unbiblical” can refer to, a teaching, or a belief, or a practice that increases, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-determination, self-gratification, or self- recognition.

(Question) Are there certain types or kinds of prayers that are unbiblical? (Repeat)

Yes, like for example *praying unto a human leader, or a person or persons, either living or dead and expecting help, guidance, or favor from them. •Praying unto an ethnic ancestor. •Praying unto a deceased family member. •Praying unto an immortalize saint. •Praying unto popular human personality, or an influential person. •And lastly, praying unto a so-called, spirit guide.

Now, for next time. For next Sunday with God’s help, I would like to show you the types or kinds of prayers that are unbiblical when they are done incorrectly. (Repeat)

First, praying in tongues or praying with the understanding using vain repetition.

Secondly, praying the prayer of agreement but taking it out of context from Matthew 18: 19&20.

Thirdly, praying a prayer of binding and loosening in which we see ourselves in charge of the angelic world.

Fourthly, praying a prayer in which you are pleading the blood of Jesus, but you are taking it out of its context from Revelation 12:11.

And fifthly, trusting in the prayer of contact by the laying on of hands or the holding of hands, as we are focusing upon a certain person or trusting in the ministry or the calling of that person, instead of trusting in The Lord.

 Sermon Notes For 7-14-24  For 1st Timothy 2:1-8, Part 7

Let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.”

Now, let’s notice again closely here in 1st Timothy 2: 1, how The Holy Spirit, makes known unto us as God’s people regarding these 4 Biblical Types or Kinds of Prayers that should be utilized throughout our lifetime as a priority and not as a suggestion!

Now, notice again vs. 1. Therefore, I exhort first of all that, *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *And Giving of Thanks, (Stop here)

Now, last Sunday with God’s help, I gave a basic introduction regarding each one of these 4 biblical types or kinds of prayers.

However, this Sunday and on the 3rd Sunday coming up, we need to address this important question, “Are There Certain Types Or Kinds Of Prayers That Are Unbiblical When

They Are Done Incorrectly?

But first, what do i mean when i use the word “unbiblical?”

Now, the word “unbiblical” can be define in several ways.

First, the word unbiblical can refer to A Teaching, Or A Belief, Or A Practice Which Is Based Upon A Single Verse Or A Partial Verse That Was Taken Out Of Its Context From A Particular Passage Or A Section Of Verses Within A Chapter Of The Bible.

Next, the word unbiblical can refer to, A Teaching, Or A Belief, Or A Practice That Diminishes Your Trust And Faith In God.

And lastly, the word unbiblical can refer to, A Teaching, Or A Belief, Or A Practice That Increases, Self-Reliance, Self-Confidence, Self-Determination, Self-Gratification, Or Self- Recognition.

(Question), Are There Certain Types Or Kinds Of Prayers That Are Unbiblical When They Are Done Incorrectly?

Now, with God’s help, and your willingness to listen to what the Word of God has to say about this issue, I would like us to see together this Sunday, and on the 3rd Sunday Coming Up.

Because I want you to see for yourself, what the bible has to say about these 5 often used prayers by some within the Body of Christ.  For in some cases, these 5 particular types or kinds of prayers when they are done incorrectly, then they qualify as being unbiblical!

Now, let’s turn to 1st Corinthians 14.

Notice 1st Corinthians 14:

14. For if I pray in a tongue my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. 

15. What is the conclusion then, I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding.  I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding.

(Question) Are There Certain Types Or Kinds Of Prayers That Are Unbiblical When They Are Done Incorrectly?

Now remember, we said that 5 types or kinds of prayers that are unbiblical when they are done incorrectly.

And our first one I would like you to consider is, “Praying In Tongues Or Praying With The Understanding Using Vain Repetition.” (Repeat)

Listen, it is unfortunate that when we are praying in either a tongue or praying with the understanding.  And we just allow ourselves to just go through the motions. 

Or, we are totally unengaged, we are on auto pilot, just using vain repetitions, which will diminish your trust and faith in God.  And if that is the case, we may be involved in “an unbiblical practice” that we need to change with God’s help!

(Another Question) So what is vain repetitions?

Well, turn to The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 6.

Now, let’s see Matthew 6:

7 The Lord Jesus is speaking, And when you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.

8 Therefore, do not be like them!  For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. (Stop here)

Now, I have available by request, a really good article from a Biblical perspective, for you to read and make up your own mind regarding what Jesus met when He said, “When you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.”

An article is called, what Did Jesus mean when He said, when you pray do not use vain repetitions?

Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “When ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” (Matthew 6:7, KJV). The word vain means “empty” or “useless”; so Jesus is warning us that repeating worthless phrases in our prayers will not help them be heard by God. Our Heavenly Father is not concerned with word count, flowery expressions, or mantras; He desires “truth in the inward being” (Psalm 51:6, ESV).

“Use not vain repetitions” is the King James translation of Matthew 6:7. Other translations say, “Do not use meaningless repetition” (NASB), “Do not heap up empty phrases” (ESV), or “Do not keep on babbling” (NIV). As Jesus points out, the use of repetitious words or formulaic phrases is a “heathen” or “pagan” practice and should not be part of Christian prayer. Our prayers should be more like the short, simple prayer of Elijah on Mt. Carmeland less like the prolonged, repetitious prayers of the prophets of Baal (see 1 Kings 18:25–39).

When we are praying, we are talking with God and worshiping Him. It is like a conversation, from the heart. Many religions—including some branches of Christianity—have rote prayers that they advise repeating over and over again. Some churches even go so far as to require their members to recite a certain prayer a specific number of times in order to be absolved of sin. This is a throwback to paganism and superstition; such formulaic prayers are “vain repetitions” that have no place in the church. Jesus has already atoned for our sins once and for all (Hebrews 10:10), and we can approach the throne of grace boldly on the merit of Christ’s sacrifice (Hebrews 4:15–16), not because of our “many words” (Matthew 6:7).

It’s easy to be caught up in vain repetitions, repeating the same words in our prayers instead of thinking about our words or letting them come from the heart. We should be focused on God in prayer and honor Him in our hearts. In Isaiah 29:13, God says, “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”

Jesus’ warning against vain repetitions means we should avoid vain or meaningless words and repetition in our prayers. Repeating things fills up time, 

but it does not prove our devotion or better our chances of God’s hearing us. We should teach our children at an early age to pray in a natural, conversational manner, with reverence for the One they are addressing.

Being persistent in prayer is not the same as using vain repetitions. There is nothing wrong with praying for the same thing more than once (see 2 Corinthians 12:8). After all, Jesus taught us that we should “always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1). But it’s understood that our prayers are from the heart, spontaneous, and honoring to God, not the repeating of words written by someone else.

The Bible teaches us to pray in faith (James 1:6), in direct address to God (Matthew 6:9), and in Jesus’ name (John 14:13). We should offer our prayers with reverence and humility (Luke 18:13), with perseverance (Luke 18:1), and in submission to God’s will (Matthew 6:10). The Bible teaches us to avoid prayers that are hypocritical, designed to be heard only by men (Matthew 6:5), or rely on vain repetitions (Matthew 6:7).

So once again, I want to make sure I am clear, when we are praying in either a tongue, or praying with the understanding.  And we just allow ourselves to just go through the motions. 

Or, we are totally unengaged, we are on auto pilot, using vain repetitions, which will diminish your trust and faith in God.  if that is the case, we may be involved in “an unbiblical Practice” that we need to change with God’s help!

Now, let’s turn to Matthew Chapter 18.

(Question) Are There Certain Types Or Kinds Of Prayers That Are Unbiblical When They Are Done Incorrectly?

Our next concern would be, Praying The Prayer Of Agreement, But Taking It Out Of It’s Context From Matthew 18: 19&20.

Show you what I mean, now notice Matthew 18:

19 Our Lord Jesus is speaking, Again I say unto you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. (Stop here)

Now remember, we said that one of the definitions for the word, “unbiblical” Can Refer, To A Teaching, Or A Belief, Or A Practice Which Is Based Upon A Single Verse Or A Partial Verse That Was Taken Out Of It’s Context From A Particular Passage Or A Section Of Verses Within A Chapter Of The Bible.

(Question) So where does the context actually begin regarding Matthew 18: 19&20? Well, look at your Bible, and starting at Matthew 18: 15 is where the context actually begin

Then, from vs. 16 all the way thru to vs. 20 is where the context actually ends.  So then, this particular section here in Matthew 18: 15 thru 20, interestingly our Lord Jesus is actually teaching us what to do when a brother or a sister in Christ has sinned an egregious sin like, •Slandering. •Sowing discord. •Involved in an assault. •involved in a domestic or sexual abuse Matter. •Or, involved in some kind of thievery that was against you or me personally.

FIRST, we go to them alone and we share with them what they did was wrong and was a sin! With God’s help as a result of our Godly confrontation they admit, they acknowledge, and they confess what the Bible says they have been doing or saying, is sin and is wrong!

And with God’s help, they repent and turn away from what they were doing and apologize to everyone they have offended. This would be the best-case scenario that we could pray for!

However, in Matthew 18: 16 Thru 20, our Lord Jesus continues his instruction to us what to do when a brother or a sister in Christ has sinned an egregious sin like, •Slandering. •Sowing Discord. •Involved in an assault. •Involved in a domestic or sexual abuse matter.  •Or, involved in some kind of thievery that was against you or me personally.

And after we have first gone unto them alone and we share with them what they say or did was wrong and was a sin!

But unfortunately, in that moment, they will not admit.  They will not acknowledge. and they will not confess what the Bible says they have been doing or saying, was a sin and was wrong!  in fact, in a defiant way they are continuing to do what they want!

Now, with that in mind, it should be clear that Our Lord is not teaching us here in Matthew 18: 19&20, that When 2 Or 3 Or More Are In Agreement With A Specific Prayer Request That Is Being Prayed, Then It Will Be Done For Them As Requested!

And therefore, if you or I are using Matthew 18: 19&20, and we are assuming that these words from our Lord Jesus guarantees a yes from God when 2 or 3 or more are in agreement with a specific prayer request which is being prayed for by them who are in agreement.  then this type or kind of prayer has be come “unbiblical” because it was taken out of its context, and is being used incorrectly!

Now, let’s continue to stay here in Matthew Chapter 18.

Now, let’s notice Matthew 18:

Vs. 18.  For our Lord Jesus is also speaking here as well.  Assuredly I say unto you whatsoever, notice that our Lord did not say whosoever you bin) on earth will be bound in heaven.

And whatsoever, notice that our Lord again did not say whosoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Stop here)

Now, let’s also see Matthew Chapter 16:

18 Our Lord Jesus Is also speaking here, and I also say unto you that you are Peter, and upon this Rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, *And whatsoever, notice that our Lord t you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.

And whatsoever, notice again that our Lord did not say whosoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Stop here)

Our next concern would be, Praying A Prayer Of Binding And Loosening In Which We See Ourselves In Charge Of The Angelic World.

Now remember, we said that one of the definitions for the word “unbiblical” can refer to A Teaching, Or A Belief, Or A Practice That Increases, Self-Reliance, Self-Confidence, Self-Determination, Self-Gratification, Or Self Recognition

Listen, based upon Matthew 16: 19 and Matthew 18: 18, It Is Very Possible If We Are Praying A Prayer Of Binding And Loosening In Which We May See Ourselves In Charge And In Control Of The Angelic World. Either over Satan and the fallen angels, aka demons.  Or, over the Lord’s faithful and Holy Angels, like Michael or Gabriel.

But what is also very concerning is this type or kind of prayer, has become “unbiblical” because it has been taken out of its context as well!

Now later, please go back and carefully look at Matthew 16: 13 thru 20 in its context. And then see again Matthew 18: 15 thru 20 in its context which we have done already today but look at it again!

Here is what you will find out, surprisingly, that neither one of these passages from our Lord in Matthew 16: 19, or in Matthew 18: 18.  Neither one of these passages are instructing us how we are to deal with the angelic world.  Either over Satan and the fallen angels. aka demons. Or, over The Lord’s faithful and Holy Angels, like Michael or Gabriel.

Now, let’s turn to Revelation Chapter 20.

(Question) But is there any place in the Bible that shows an individual other than God, who is responsible for binding and loosening the devil?

Well, let’s notice Revelation 20:

1 Then I saw an unnamed angel coming down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

2 The unnamed angel laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;

3 For The unnamed angel cast the devil or Satan into the bottomless pit, and shut or closed him up, and set a seal upon him, so that he should deceive the nations no more until the thousand years were finished. But after these things the devil or Satan must be released or loosened for a little while.

Now, let’s also see Psalms 103:

20 Bless the Lord you His Angels, who excel in strength, *Who do what He says! Who listen for the words of His voice!

21 Bless The Lord, all you His Hosts, you Ministers of His, who do His pleasure!

Now, let’s go back to Matthew Chapter 18. 

Now, notice again Matthew 18: Vs. 18.  For Our Lord Jesus is speaking here, Assuredly I say unto you, and whatsoever, notice that our Lord did not say whosoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. And whatsoever, notice again that our Lord did not say whosoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Stop Here)

Therefore, it is very possible when you are praying a prayer of binding and loosening. *You could be acting in a self-determining way. *Or, in a self-reliant way. *Or, in a self-confident way.

*Or, even in a self-recognizing way that one could easily think or say, “look what i did against Satan and the fallen angels!”  And if that is the case, then unfortunately this prayer of binding and loosening has now be come “unbiblical.”

*Because we are acting in a self-determining way. *Or, in a self-reliant way *or, in a self-confident way. *Or, even in a self-recognizing way, thinking or saying, “look what i did!”

Now, let’s turn to Ephesians 6.

Now, before we finish less you think that I believe and teach that the Body of Christ both then and now is, totally defenseless when it comes to dealing with and overcoming Satan and demons and the hierarchy of the other fallen angels who are mentioned in The Book of Ephesians 6: 12. 

Let me close with a few things for us to consider, that the Bible teaches that we can do when it comes to dealing with and overcoming Satan and demons and the hierarchy of the other fallen angels who are mentioned in The Book of Ephesians 6: 12 that are described to us.

And then next Sunday, Lord willing, we will come back and also look at the last 2 areas of those 5 types or kinds of prayers that are unbiblical when they are done incorrectly, for obviously we didn’t finish this list, but next time we should.

And also, next time with God’s help, I would like to show you a few more things that the Bible Teaches that we can do when it comes to dealing with and overcoming Satan and demons and this hierarchy system of other fallen angels who are mentioned in the Book of Ephesians 6: 12 that are described to us.

So then, let me close with a few things that the Bible teaches we can do when it comes to dealing with and overcoming Satan and Demons and the hierarchy system mentioned in The Book of Ephesians 6: 12, that is described to us.

Now, let’s notice Ephesians 6:

10 Finally, my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.                         

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

*17 And take the helmet of salvation, and The Sword of The Spirit, which is the Word of God;

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.

 Now, notice again Ephesians 6:*17. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of The Spirit, which is the Word of God.  (Stop here)

 Now listen, our responsibility with God’s help, is that we would over a period of time commit to memorizing key verses and special sections within the Bible.

In addition, we are carefully studying God’s Word about key verses and special sections within the Bible.  And we know where in the Bible those areas are when we are being, tempted, tested, or discourage by the devil.  As a result, we can declare with our voice like our Lord Jesus did, it is written!

See later Matthew 4:

1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.

3 Now, when the tempter came to Him, he said, If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.

4 But He answered and said, It is written Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple,

6 and said to Him, If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: He shall give His angels charge over you and In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.

7 Jesus said to him, It is written again, You shall not tempt the Lord your God.

8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

9 And he said to Him, "All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.

10 Then Jesus said to him, Away with you, Satan! For it is written You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.

11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.

•It Is Written! •A Powerful Statement. •A Faith-Filled Confession.

(Question) Do you know what is written regarding the Gospel, that points to the Lord Jesus Christ?

Sermon Notes For 7-21-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 1-8, Part 8

Now, for the rest of us, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now again, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: Vs. 1, as we are reminded by The Holy Spirit of these 4 Biblical Types or kinds of prayers that we should be utilizing throughout our lifetime as a priority and not as a suggestion!

Now, notice again vs. 1 therefore, (I) The Holy Spirit is using the Apostle Paul to say or to write these words.  Exhort that first of all *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving Oof Thanks, be made for all men or peoples.  (Stop here)

Listen, these 4 Biblical types or kinds of prayers which have been given unto us, are essential and strategic for us to utilize daily in our prayer life.

However, lately as you know, The Holy Spirit has been guiding us to ask and to answer an unexpected question!  “Are there certain types or kinds of prayers that are unbiblical when they are done incorrectly?

But, what do I mean when I use the word, unbiblical?  Now, the word “unbiblical” can be define in several ways.

First, The Word unbiblical can refer to a teaching, or a belief, or a practice which is based upon a single verse or a partial verse that was taken out of it’s context from a particular passage or a section of verses within a chapter of the Bible.

Next, the word unbiblical can refer to, a teaching, or a belief, or a practice that diminishes your trust and faith in God.

And lastly, the word unbiblical can refer to, a teaching, or a belief, or a practice that increases, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-determination, self-gratification, or self- recognition.

Now, with God’s help, we have been addressing the issues regarding the 5 types or kinds of prayers that are unbiblical when they are done incorrectly.

Now, the first issue that we addressed is when someone is praying in tongues or praying with the understanding using vain repetition!

Now, the second issue that we addressed is when someone is praying the prayer of agreement but taking it out of its context from Matthew 18: 19&20.

Now, the third issue that we addressed is when someone is praying a prayer of binding and loosening in which we see ourselves in charge of the angelic world.

Now, you might recall this is where we ended last Sunday, because of time.  So today, with God’s help, and your willingness to listen to what the word of God has to say about these issues, I would like us to consider the last 2 remaining prayers that are often used in by some within the Body of Christ.

And in some cases, these last 2 types or kinds of prayers when they are done incorrectly, they are unbiblical!

Now, let’s move on to the fourth issue that we to address that often times is done incorrectly, which makes this type or kind of prayer unbiblical!

Therefore, when someone is pleading the blood of Jesus, and it is being done based upon

the words of Revelation 12: 11 and Exodus 12: 13, and using these passages, but taken them out of their context, then this type or kind of prayer unbiblical!

Now, turn to the Book of Exodus Chapter 12.

Now, let’s notice Exodus 12: 13 which says, Now, the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when (I) The Lord see the blood, I will pass over you. And the plague of death shall not be upon you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.  (Stop Here)

Now later, take the time to read for yourself the entire 12th Chapter of the book of Exodus in order to understand the context.

But for now, let’s go back to Exodus 12:                                                                                      12 For (I) The Lord will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment, I am the Lord.

13. Now The Blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when (I) The Lord see The Blood, I will pass over you. And The Plague of Death shall not be upon you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. (Stop Here)

So, there are those today who assume that the blood itself from a lamb was a protective agent which would ward off or, would protect them from the judgment to come, the plague of death that was to strike the land of Egypt at that time.

But Notice Carefully Exodus 12: 13 That Says, Now The Blood shall be A Sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I The Lord See The Blood, I will pass over you. (Stop Here

Also, please notice that nothing is said about Pleading The Blood Of The Lamb Upon the entrance way of your house. Actually, Exodus 12: 7 Commands Something Quite Different.

Now, let’s turn to Revelation Chapter 12.

Now, notice Revelation 12: 11. And they overcame Him by the blood of The Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives unto the death, referring to their martyrdom. (Stop here)

Now later, take the time to read for yourself the entire 12 Chapter of The Book of Revelation in order to understand the context.

Now, let’s go back and start at Revelation 12:                                                                                 10.  Then I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven. Is this an angel or one of the Saints in heaven? Now, salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come.

For or because the accuser of our brethren, the accuser of our brethren aka the dragon, who accused them our brethren before our God, day and night, has been cast down, who has been cast down? The Accuser of our brethren AKA the Dragon. See vs. 9, 12, &13.

11. (They) Our Brethren, overcame (Him) the accuser of our brethren AKA the Dragon, by the blood of The Lamb and by the word of Their testimony, and they did not love their lives unto the death. (Stop here)

Notice again, vs 11. By the blood of The Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.

Now, notice again vs 11, by the blood of The Lamb!

Now, at this point, some will try to link this statement here in Revelation 12: 11, all the back to Exodus 12: 13, which says, *Now, the Blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are.  And when (I) The Lord sees the blood, I will pass over you. And the plague of death shall not be upon you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. (Stop here)

Now, their assumption is that the blood itself from a Lamb was a protective agent which would ward off, or, would protect them like it did for the children of Israel from the Plague of Death that struck the land of Egypt at that time.

But remember, Exodus 12: 13 says, Now, the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when (I) The Lord see the blood, I will pass over you. (Stop here)

Also, please notice that nothing is said about pleading the blood of The Lamb upon the entrance way of your house. Actually, Exodus 12: 7 commands something quite different.

Now, some of us have heard or were taught that there is a prayer in which we can plead the blood of Jesus! And some say and teach that pleading the blood of Jesus can be used in many ways, or situations, or circumstances. *Counteracting Satan. *Disarming the devil or removing evil spirits. *Bringing peace to the mind. *Covering the affairs of life. *And for protecting one’s health, or possessions, or property.

However, there is one huge problem regarding those examples I just mentioned, there is no where in the Scriptures, there is nowhere in the Bible we have someone is saying or praying,

“I plead the blood of Jesus Christ, the blood of The Lord!”

For neither one of these phrases I just mentioned, is ever found anywhere in the Bible, Whether in The Old Testament or The New Testament.

Our English word “plead,” can mean to beg or passionately try to persuade someone to do something. It's similar to the word beg, which often means to request again and again. The word “Plead” can mean the same thing, but it's especially used to imply that the request is passionate and that the person doing the pleading is desperate.

Synonyms Are: appeal, ask, petition, pray, solicit ,beg, crawl, importune, supplicate.

Now, watch. The term “the blood of Jesus, or the blood of Christ” is a metonym, that is it is a substitute for another term, “death itself.”

It is the blood of Christ that simply is a metonym for the death of Christ, but it is used because the Hebrews used such a metonym to speak of violent death. Whenever you talk about the blood of somebody being poured out, to the Hebrew that meant violent death. And when you commune with the blood of Christ, it doesn’t mean the literal blood of Christ, that is a metonym for His death; you commune with His death.

And so, when it says here, we are communing with the blood of Christ, it does not mean the literal blood of Christ is efficacious, it does not mean the literal blood of Christ is involved; it means we enter into a genuine, vital participation in His death. But it is not the blood; the blood is only the symbol of the poured out life. So, taking the cup which Jesus blessed, and in turn blessing.

Now, please listen to me very carefully, based upon Exodus 12: 13 and upon Revelation 12: 11, it is very possible if you are praying a prayer in which you are pleading the blood of Jesus over, *A certain person. *Or yourself personally. *Over a situation or circumstance. *Or against Satan and demons. And if that be the case, then unfortunately this praying a prayer in which you are pleading the blood of Jesus has now become “unbiblical” because *when every we act in a self-determining way. *Or, in a self-reliant Way. *Or, in a self-confident way. *Or, even in a self-recognizing way, thinking or saying, “look what I did!”

Also, this type or kind of prayer has be come “unbiblical” because it has been taken out of it’s context as well!

Now, let’s move on to our fifth and final type or kind of prayer that often times is done incorrectly, which also makes it unbiblical!  because this next type or kind of prayer that we should be concerned about, is when someone is trusting in the prayer of contact by either the laying on of hands or the holding of hands. and now their focus is on a certain person, or they are trusting in the ministry or the calling of that person. instead of trusting in the Lord.

Now, let’s turn to Mark 16.

Now, notice Mark 16:                                                                                                                    17. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;

18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly it will by no means hurt them;

*They will lay hands upon the sick and they will recover. (Stop here)

Now, let’s also see James 5:14.  Is anyone among you sick let him or her call for the Elders of the church, and let them, the Elders pray over them, the sick anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. (Stop here)

Listen, trusting in the prayer of contact by either the laying on of hands or by the holding of hands. but now we are focus on a certain person. Or trusting in the ministry or the calling of that person instead of trusting in The Lord is unbiblical!!!

Now remember, we said that one of the definitions for the word “unbiblical” can refer to a teaching, or a belief, or a practice.                                                                                                     And remember, we said that one of definitions for the word “unbiblical” can refer to, a teaching, or a belief, or a practice that diminishes your trust and faith in God.

and if you and I give or receive the prayer of contact by the laying on of hands or the holding of hands, now we are focusing upon a person, now we are trusting in the ministry of or the calling of a person instead of the Lord!  Then that practice has diminished our trust and faith in God, becoming a type or a kind of prayer that is “unbiblical” when it is done incorrectly.

Now, turn to 1st Peter Chapter 5.

Now with God’s help, I would like to show you a few more things that the Bible teaches that we can do when it comes to dealing with and overcoming Satan and demons and this hierarchy system of other fallen angels who are mentioned in the book of Ephesians 6: 12 that is described unto us.

Now, notice 1st Peter 5:

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

9 Resist him, not rebuke him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.  (Say something about rebuking the devil.)

Please see Jude 1: 9. Yet, Michael the Archangel in contending with the devil, when (he) Michael the Archangel disputed about the body of Moses.  Dared not bring against the devil

a reviling accusation. but instead said, The Lord rebuke you!

Now, here are a few more things that the Bible teaches that we can do when it comes to dealing with and overcoming Satan and demons and this hierarchy

system of other fallen angels who are mentioned in the book of Ephesians 6: 12.

Now, let’s see Ephesians 4: 27. Neither give place unto the devil!

Now, let’s see James 4:

7 Therefore, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Now, let’s see again Mark 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe:  *In My name they will cast out demons, (Stop There)

Now, let’s see Luke 10:

17 Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name."

18 And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

Now, let’s see Acts 16: 18. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.

16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling.

17 This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, "These men are the servants of the Most-High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation."

18 And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out that very hour.

Now, let’s see Matthew 12:

43 When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.

44 Then he says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.

45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation."

 Sermon Notes For 7-28-2024  1st Timothy 2:1-8, Part 9

Now, for the rest of us, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now today, with God’s help lets finish up this first section here in 1st Timothy Chapter 2 and that would be vs. 1 thru 8, that has been very helpful and has truly challenged us, as we have had the opportunity over these few months, since 5-5-24 until now 7-28-24. 

To better understand what we believe and why regarding one of the most important subjects in all the Bible, and that is prayer!

And even though we are finishing up this subject for now regarding prayer.  let’s agree that for the rest of our lives to continue to grow in our personal prayer life so that we can correctly disciple or spiritually mentor another for Christ especially when it comes to this area regarding prayer.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:  

1, Therefore, (I) The Holy Spirit using the Apostle Paul to say or to write these words.

exhort that first of all *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of Thanks, be made for all men or peoples.

2 For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. (Stop here)

So, here in 1st Timothy 2: 1&2, this should become our focus driven mandate from The Lord!

Now, let’s notice one more time vs. 1&2, Therefore,  I  The Holy Spirit using the Apostle Paul  to say or to write these words. exhort that first of all *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of Thanks, be made for all men or peoples.

2 For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Peter Chapter 2.

Now, the next several minutes I want us to consider at least 4 things that we should know and do as an earthly citizen of this country.  Or, for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in other countries these 4 things they should know and do as an earthly citizen as well!

Now, the first thing that we should know and do as an earthly citizen of this country.

Or, for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in other countries the first thing 

they should know and do as well as an earthly citizen. Show you what I mean!

Now, notice 1st Peter 2: 17.  •Honor all people. •Love the brotherhood. •Fear God. •Honor the king. To revere the divine position that the person is in!  Also, we are to submit ourselves to every ordinance of man!

Now, notice 1st Peter 2:13. Therefore, submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, (Stop here)

This would be referring to local, or state, or national governmental authorities. 

For Eexample, •Presidential Authorities. •Congressional Authorities. •Legislative Authorities.

•Judicial Authorities. •Gubernatorial Authorities. •Civil Service Authorities. •Educational Authorities.  Superintendents, principles, teachers. •Law-Enforcement Authorities.

Secret Service, FBI, Counter Terrorist Agencies , Federal, State And Local Marshalls, Federal, State And Local Police. •Military Authorities. National Guard, The Military Police M P’s.

Now, notice 1st Peter 2: 

13 Therefore, submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for The Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme,

14 Or to governors, as to those who are sent by him or them for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise or the commendation of those who do good or what is right!

Now, notice it did not say to oppress or harass law abiding people. Nor does it say to malign, slander, or ridicule those who do good or are doing what is right!

Now, turn to Romans Chapter 13.

Now, let’s notice Romans 13:1.  Let every soul or person, (no exceptions) be subject unto

the Governing Authorities. (Why?) *For there is No authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. (Stop here) Please read later vs.2 thru vs. 5.

Now, let’s stay here in Romans Chapter 13.

And we should let me show you the second thing that know and do as an earthly citizen of this country. Or, for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in other countries this second thing they should know and do as well as an earthly citizen, *And that would be pay your taxes!

Now, notice Romans 13:

6 For or because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God's Ministers attending continually to this very thing.

7 Therefore, render to all their due. •taxes to whom taxes are due! •Customs to whom Customs are due! •Fear to whom fear is due!  •Honor to whom honor is due! (Stop here)

Now, notice again, taxes to whom taxes are due!

Remember Matthew 17: 24 Thru 27.

When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax went up to Peter and said, Does your teacher not pay the tax? He said Yes. And when Peter came into the house, but Jesus spoke to him first, saying, What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others? And when Peter said, From others?

Jesus said unto Peter, then the sons are free. However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself.

Matthew 22: 17 Thru 21.

Tell us then what do you think, Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites?  Show me the coin for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” 

They said, “Caesar's.”  Then Jesus said unto them, Therefore, render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's!

Now, let’s turn to Acts Chapter 5.

Now, let me show you the third thing that we should know and do as an earthly citizen of this country.  Or, for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in other countries this (third thing) they should know and do as well as an earthly citizen, and that would be *to live a law- abiding life unless you are require to disobey one of God’s Holy commands, or a divine precept.

Now, notice Acts 5:

27 And when they had brought Peter and the other apostles including John, they set them before The Council. And the High Priest asked them,

28 Saying did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? (Stop here.)

Now, let’s see Acts 4: 

18 And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.

19 But Peter and John answered and said to them, Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen unto you more than to God, you judge!

20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard! (Stop here) 

Back to Acts Chapter 5.

Now, notice Acts 5:

27 And when they had brought Peter and the other apostles including John, they set them before the Council. And the High Priest asked them,

28 Saying did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And now look you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this Man's blood on us!

29 But Peter and the other apostles including John, answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men!

Remember Daniel 3:

1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.

2 And King Nebuchadnezzar sent word to gather together the satraps, the administrators, the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and all the officials of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

3 So the satraps, the administrators, the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and all the officials of the provinces gathered together for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

4 Then a herald cried aloud: "To you it is commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages,

5 that at the time you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, you shall fall down and worship the gold image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up;

6 and whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace."

7 So at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the horn, flute, harp, and lyre, in symphony with all kinds of music, all the people, nations, and languages fell down and worshiped the gold image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

8 Therefore at that time certain Chaldeans came forward and accused the Jews.

9 They spoke and said to King Nebuchadnezzar, "O king, live forever!                                            10 You, O king, have made a decree that everyone who hears the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, shall fall down and worship the gold image;

11 and whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

12 There are certain Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego; these men, O king, have not paid due regard to you. They do not serve your gods or worship the gold image which you have set up."

13 Then Nebuchadnezzar, in rage and fury, gave the command to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. So they brought these men before the king.

14 Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying to them, "Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which I have set up?

15 Now if you are ready at the time you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, and you fall down and worship the image which I have made, good! But if you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?"

16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king,

O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter.

17 If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.

18 But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up."

19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was full of fury, and the expression on his face changed toward Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. He spoke and commanded that they heat the furnace seven times more than it was usually heated.

20 And he commanded certain mighty men of valor who were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, and cast them into the burning fiery furnace.

21 Then these men were bound in their coats, their trousers, their turbans, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

22 Therefore, because the king's command was urgent, and the furnace exceedingly hot, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.

23 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

24 Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished; and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors, "Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?" They answered and said to the king, "True, O king."

25 "Look!" he answered, "I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

 See later Daniel 6:

 It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom one hundred and twenty satraps, to be over the whole kingdom;

2 and over these, three governors, of whom Daniel was one, that the satraps might give account to them, so that the king would suffer no loss.

3 Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm.

4 So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.

5 Then these men said, "We shall not find any charge against this Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God."

6 So these governors and satraps thronged before the king, and said thus to him: "King Darius, live forever!

7 All the governors of the kingdom, the administrators and satraps, the counselors and advisors, have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree, that whoever petitions any god or man for thirty days, except you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions.

8 Now, O king, establish the decree and sign the writing, so that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which does not alter."

9 Therefore King Darius signed the written decree.

10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days.

11 Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.

12 And they went before the king, and spoke concerning the king's decree: "Have you not signed a decree that every man who petitions any god or man within thirty days, except you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions?" The king answered and said, "The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which does not alter."

13 So they answered and said before the king, That Daniel, who is one of the captives from Judah, does not show due regard for you, O king, or for the decree that you have signed, but makes his petition three times a day."

14 And the king, when he heard these words, was greatly displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him; and he labored till the going down of the sun to deliver him.

15 Then these men approached the king, and said to the king, Know, O king, that it is the law of the Medes and Persians that no decree or statute which the king establishes may be changed."

16 So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, 

Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you."

17 Then a stone was brought and laid on the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the signets of his lords, that the purpose concerning Daniel might not be changed.

18 Now the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting; and no musicians were brought before him. Also, his sleep went from him.

19 Then the king arose very early in the morning and went in haste to the den of lions.

20 And when he came to the den, he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. The king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?"

21 Then Daniel said to the king, "O king, live forever!

22 My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also, O king, I have done no wrong before you."

23 Then the king was exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in his God.

24 And the king gave the command, and they brought those men who had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions-them, their children, and their wives; and the lions overpowered them, and broke all their bones in pieces before they ever came to the bottom of the den.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Finally, let me show you the fourth thing that we should know and do as an earthly citizen of this country. Or, for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in other countries this fourth thing they should know and do as well, and that would be in pray for those in authority.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:  

1, Therefore, (I) The Holy Spirit using the Apostle Paul to say or to write these words. 

exhort that first of all *Supplications, *Prayers, *Intercessions, *and Giving of Thanks, be made for all men or peoples.

2 For kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. (Stop here)

Listen, We are to pray for those in authority, whether we like them or not! Whether we voted for them or not! Whether we agree with them on certain things or not!

Because our main responsibility is to pray for each person in authority that they would come to the knowledge of the truth and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that they might be Saved.

For how can they lead unless they are led by God first!

Now remember, our focus driven mandate from the Lord that we saw here in 1st Timothy 2: 1&2 and in other places of The New Testament, is the first part that we should be committed unto.

However, the second part we should also be equally committed unto is seen here in 1st Timothy 2: 3 thru 7.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2:

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,

4 Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

6 Who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,

7 For which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle, I am speaking the Truth in Christ and not lying. A teacher of the Gentiles in Faith and Truth.

Remember, it is in The Faithful One whom we trust! And finally, the third part we should also be equally committed unto is seen here in 1st Timothy 2: 8.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2:  8.  I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting, (Stop here) 

Do you see the word “the men” this is specifically referring to only biological males who are truly Saved!

Listen, the males who have a personal relationship with God because of Christ Jesus, are the chosen facilitators who are to initiate, exemplify, and are always ready as prayer warriors for the body of Christ. To be seen in every local Church Ministry.

To Be A Pillar In Every Family No Matter How Big Or small.  And most importantly God has them “everywhere” whether local, or nationally, or internationally.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2: 8

Therefore, I desire, is actually The Holy Spirit using the Apostle Paul to say or to write these words. that the men be the leaders. Be the examples. be the initiators. Pray everywhere! Lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting, (Stop here)

Now, see the phrase lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting, is in regards to praying,

Notice 1st Timothy 2:8 says, That the men pray, HOW? Lifting up Holy hands, (Stop here)

Listen, In some Middle Eastern Religions like Judaism and Islam, The prayer position mainly for the men they can standing up, holding their hands as high as their mouths. Their heads bowed and their eyes closed. The palms of your hands would wide open. Remember to demonstrate.

(Note) 3 things we should know about this prayer gesture the lifting up of hands.

•First, the cleanliness of the person’s hands symbolized one’s heart and mind. Even their conduct and behavior is clean and pure, uncontaminated. They are totally consecrated unto The Lord!

•Next, this prayer gesture of lifting up of hands is seen as a request for help, because the person’s hands being empty.

•And finally, this prayer gesture of lifting up of hands is seen as the dedication of one’s hands for service.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:8 says, That the men pray, how? Lifting up Holy hands,

without or the absence of, wrath and doubting, (Stop here)

Now, the word “wrath” can also mean, being angry. Being explosive. or being contentious.

However, the word “doubting” can have two possible meanings. First, hesitation or being unbelieving. Secondly, quarreling or arguing in a ungodly way.

(Note) The RSV of 1 Timothy 2: 8, says, “I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands, without anger or quarreling!”

Now, let’s see for the last time 1st Timothy 2:8, I desire therefore, that the men pray everywhere, Lifting up holy hands, without wrath or quarreling, (Stop here) 

Now, remember the word “the men,” is specifically referring to only biological males who are truly saved! These are the males who have a personal relationship with God because of Christ Jesus. 

This same requirement is also expressed in 1st Timothy 3:

1 This is a faithful saying:  If a man desires the position of a Bishop, he desires a good work.

2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach.

12 Let Deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

And also, in Titus 1:6.  If a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination.

Now, please listen to me, don’t consider marrying any man who doesn’t pray, Or he won’t pray for you if you ask.  And if they don’t read their Bible nor follow its instruction to their lives. 

Don’t marry someone because of their physical appearance, especially their body, especially they’ve been advertising to you in the whole world and their attire that they’re walking sex machine!

Look what you’re going, look what you’re going to get if you put a ring on it! Sex on demand, but in reality is not true, it’s false advertisement.

 Sermon Notes For 9-1-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 9-15, Part 1.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.  and let’s return back to our series which we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, remember our objective which we started on the first Sunday of 2024, not just to seek our own desires moving forward in this year.  Nor, a particular New Year’s resolution for that is all about self and neither should we be obsessed with our own goals and ambitions.

But instead, for in this year and over these last several months from January until now on this first day of September, I truly believe The Lord has been challenging you and me but also equipped you and me, as well as, preparing you and me so that we might be directly involved sooner than later in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

And therefore, The Holy Spirit has been graciously showing us how we can fulfill this Divine assignment effectively and faithfully by opening our understanding using 3 special books from The New Testament. 

•1st Timothy, •2nd. Timothy, •And Titus, •As well as, using other parts of the bible as well, and along with our cooperation and willingness to be used.

Then, The Lord will help us to become that person who is regularly involved

in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ, Amen!!!

So today, with God’s help, let’s begin this second section that is here in 1st Timothy Chapter 2, beginning at verses 9 thru 15.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves (HOW?) In modest apparel,

with propriety, And in moderation. Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was formed first then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived fell into transgression.

15 Nevertheless the women will be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control. (Stop Here) Wow!!!

As most of you know, this is one of the most controversial section in all the Bible, that is revealed unto us here in 1st Timothy Chapter 2, and vs. 9 thru 15.

Also, as you might imagine that this particular section of 1st. timothy 2: 9 thru 15,

the devil has used this section to cause more arguments and misunderstandings among the Saints. as well as widespread division and abusive practices towards females.  Causing resistance and disobedience within the Body of Christ both then, as well as now!

And therefore, when The Lord calls upon you and me to disciple, or to be involved in the spiritual mentoring of a person of the same gender as ourselves. 

(Question) So, how will you and I help that person of the same gender as yourselves to overcome the efforts of Satan, has he comes to *deceive, *disrupt, *divide, *and destroy, *a local congregation that they may be involved with?  *Or, within their own *families, *or within their own communities, cultures or societies that they come from? So, how do we help them if they truly know The Lord, +to overcome Satan’s tactics?

Well, fortunately we are blessed to have the Scriptures and the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us in regards to this important matter, in order that we can be different, so we can make a difference for the Glory of God!

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves (HOW?) In modest apparel, with propriety, And in moderation.  Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. (Stop Here)

Now, over the next few Sundays in a row with God’s help, we will be considering 1st Timothy 2: 9&10 as we deal with a very important matter that is mostly avoided and is seldom taught from the Scriptures in most churches when it comes to the question, “Does God Look At  The Heart Of A Person Only, And What About What They Choose To Wear As A Child  Of God?”

After all, doesn’t the Scripture Say, “That God Looks At The Heart Of A Person?”

However, that same Scripture that is often missed quoted out of context also says, man or people, human being, whether they are male or female, we do look at the outward appearance of another person!

In fact, let’s see this verse together in its context so that we might know what it is really saying.  So, let’s turn to 1st Samuel 16.

Now, let’s notice 1st Samuel 16:                                                                                                    1 Now, The Lord said unto the Prophet Samuel, How long will you mourn for King Saul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go for I am sending you unto Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have provided Myself a king among his sons.

2 And the Prophet Samuel said, How can I go if King Saul hears of it? For King Saul will kill me! But The Lord said to the Prophet Samuel, Take a heifer with you and say, “I have come to sacrifice unto The Lord!”

3 Then, invite Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show unto you what you shall do! For you shall anoint for Me the one I will name unto you.

4 So, the Prophet Samuel did what The Lord said and went to Bethlehem.  And the Elders of the Town of Bethlehem trembled at the Prophet’s coming and said, Do you come peaceably?

5 And the Prophet Samuel said Peaceably! For I have come to sacrifice unto The Lord. Therefore, sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice.  Then the Prophet Samuel consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.

6 And so it was when Jesse and his sons came that the Prophet looked at Eli-ab and said, Surely this is The Lord's anointed is before Him, The Lord!

7 But The Lord said unto the Prophet Samuel, Do not look at his appearance nor at the height of his stature, because I have refused him!

For or because The Lord does not see as man sees!  For man looks at the outward appearance, But The Lord looks at the heart! (Stop here)

Remember our question, Does God Look At The Heart Of A Person Only? Actually, the answer is no! God does not look at the heart of a person only, for God can see both the heart of a person as well as their outward appearance.

See again, 1st Samuel 16:7.  But The Lord said unto the Prophet Samuel, You do not look at his appearance, nor at the height of his stature, because I have refused him!

Now, notice again, 1st Samuel 16: 7B.  For or because The Lord does not see as man sees! For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart, as well as the outward appearance!

Listen, as frail, finite human beings, whether male or female, we all are greatly limited, because we automatically look at the outward appearance of a person and unable to see the heart of that person, unless God helps us at times to see the heart of another person or our own hearts!        So again, as frail, finite human beings, whether we male or female all are greatly limited, because we automatically look at the outward appearance of a person.

And whether you think that it is right or wrong! or, it’s fair or unfair, we all are capable of being judgmental. making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person whether it’s regarding their race or ethnicity.  Or their body features, •tall or short. •thin or overweight. •or sexually attractive or not.  or even their choice of clothing that they are wearing.

We all are capable of being judgmental. Making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person!

Now, turn to James Chapter 2.

Now, let’s notice James 2:

1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Lord of Glory, with Partiality.

2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel.

But there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes,

3 And you pay attention unto the one wearing the fine clothes and say unto him, You sit here in a good place, and say unto the poor man, You stand there or you sit here at my footstool.

Have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?

9 But if you show partiality, you commit sin and are convicted by the Law as transgressors.  (Stop here)

So again, whether you think that it is right or wrong! Or, it’s fair or unfair!  We all are capable of being judgmental. Making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person whether it’s regarding their race or ethnicity.  Or their body features, •tall or short. •thin or overweight. •or sexually attractive or not. •or even their choice of clothing that they are wearing.

We all are capable of being judgmental. Making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person!

Now, back to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s again notice 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves, HOW? In modest apparel, with propriety and in moderation, not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. (Stop here)

Now, with the time we have left, let’s focus upon a keyword in vs 9, so that we can have a better understanding of what is being said and why!

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:9.  In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves, (Stop there)

See the words, the women this is a keyword that is so important!  Listen, in the same way that the men in 1st Timothy 2: 8, Are commanded and directed and are held to a very high standard, “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.”

And by the way, the words, the men, would be better translated, the males who are in Christ!

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2: 9A. In like manner also, that the women (Stop there)

So, in the same way that the men, or the males were commanded and directed and were held to a very high standard here in 1st Timothy 2: 8,  in like manner also, that the women in 1st Timothy 2: 9 are commanded and directed and are held to a very high standard also!

And by the way, the words, the women, would be better translated, the females who are in Christ!

(Question) But who exactly are these women in 1st Timothy 2: 9A?

Now, what would help us a lot if we could know where do the women who are being referred to, where exactly do they come from within the Mediterranean world of the first century.

Now, let’s see 1st Timothy 1:

2 To Timothy a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God Our Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord.

3 As I urged you Timothy when I Paul went into Macedonia, that you Timothy remain in Ephesus so that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, Or heretical doctrine,  (Stop there)

Now, let’s also see Ephesians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, unto the Saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus, (Stop here)

Now, with that in mind, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2: 9A.

Listen these women mentioned here in 1st Timothy 2: 9A. They were mainly from a coastal city called Ephesus which was very similar to the coastal city called, “Corinth!”  In fact, these two coastal cities were quite similar to a couple of modern cities that we have today. •San Francisco. •and Las Vegas.

Now, the women and men in both Ephesus and Corinth were mostly pagan gentiles, who were very liberal, progressive, having no morality! They were a part of an anything goes kind of culture and society. 

And especially for the women in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth, for their societies had undergone a feminist liberation movement!  And therefore, feminism ideology was widely accepted and supported in most facets of life.

And here are some examples that might surprise you that existed for women back then in the first century in Ephesus and in Corinth.

•For women, they owned Business or they were involved in Entrepreneurships.

•Women could be involved with Politics, and governing either locally and regionally areas.

•Women could be involved in the area of Education.

•Women could be involved in the area of entertainment.

•Women could be involved in the area of competitive sports likely those within the ancient Olympic games that were called, “The Isthmian Games.”

•And women could be involved in their religion as Leaders, like being, a Oracle, Priestess, or a Temple Prostitutes on behalf of some Pagan Deity.

But, by the Grace of God, a Divine revival broke out in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth and multitudes of people both women and men were coming to The Lord! 

However, they really needed discipling, and to be Spiritually mentored by someone of their same gender.  And in the case of some, not all!  But some of the women in Ephesus who were now saved, but for some of them they were former temple prostitutes who served at the temple of Diana in the City of Ephesus.  You can see later Acts 19: 23 thru 41, to see a little bit about the Temple of Diana in the City of Ephesus.

Now, let’s finish up by looking at 1st Corinthians 6.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 6:

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous the unsaved will not inherit the kingdom of God?  So do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,

10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

11 But such were some of you! And you were washed, and you were sanctified, and you were justified in the name of The Lord Jesus and by The Spirit of our God, who is God The Holy Spirit!

12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, But I will not be brought under the power or control of any, that is anything or anyone.

15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not!

16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot or temple prostitute is one body with her? Because the two The Lord said shall become one flesh.

17 however, he who is joined unto The Lord is one spirit with Him.

18 Therefore, flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.                                                             19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

20 For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

Sermon Notes For 9-1-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 9-15, Part 1.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.  and let’s return back to our series which we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, remember our objective which we started on the first Sunday of 2024, not just to seek our own desires moving forward in this year.  Nor, a particular New Year’s resolution for that is all about self and neither should we be obsessed with our own goals and ambitions.

But instead, for in this year and over these last several months from January until now on this first day of September, I truly believe The Lord has been challenging you and me but also equipped you and me, as well as, preparing you and me so that we might be directly involved sooner than later in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

And therefore, The Holy Spirit has been graciously showing us how we can fulfill this Divine assignment effectively and faithfully by opening our understanding using 3 special books from The New Testament. 

•1st Timothy, •2nd. Timothy, •And Titus, •As well as, using other parts of the bible as well, and along with our cooperation and willingness to be used.

Then, The Lord will help us to become that person who is regularly involved

in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ, Amen!!!

So today, with God’s help, let’s begin this second section that is here in 1st Timothy Chapter 2, beginning at verses 9 thru 15.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves (HOW?) In modest apparel,

with propriety, And in moderation. Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was formed first then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived fell into transgression.

15 Nevertheless the women will be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control. (Stop Here) Wow!!!

As most of you know, this is one of the most controversial section in all the Bible, that is revealed unto us here in 1st Timothy Chapter 2, and vs. 9 thru 15.

Also, as you might imagine that this particular section of 1st. timothy 2: 9 thru 15,

the devil has used this section to cause more arguments and misunderstandings among the Saints. as well as widespread division and abusive practices towards females.  Causing resistance and disobedience within the Body of Christ both then, as well as now!

And therefore, when The Lord calls upon you and me to disciple, or to be involved in the spiritual mentoring of a person of the same gender as ourselves. 

(Question) So, how will you and I help that person of the same gender as yourselves to overcome the efforts of Satan, has he comes to *deceive, *disrupt, *divide, *and destroy, *a local congregation that they may be involved with?  *Or, within their own *families, *or within their own communities, cultures or societies that they come from? So, how do we help them if they truly know The Lord, +to overcome Satan’s tactics?

Well, fortunately we are blessed to have the Scriptures and the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us in regards to this important matter, in order that we can be different, so we can make a difference for the Glory of God!

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves (HOW?) In modest apparel, with propriety, And in moderation.  Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. (Stop Here)

Now, over the next few Sundays in a row with God’s help, we will be considering 1st Timothy 2: 9&10 as we deal with a very important matter that is mostly avoided and is seldom taught from the Scriptures in most churches when it comes to the question, “Does God Look At  The Heart Of A Person Only, And What About What They Choose To Wear As A Child  Of God?”

After all, doesn’t the Scripture Say, “That God Looks At The Heart Of A Person?”

However, that same Scripture that is often missed quoted out of context also says, man or people, human being, whether they are male or female, we do look at the outward appearance of another person!

In fact, let’s see this verse together in its context so that we might know what it is really saying.  So, let’s turn to 1st Samuel 16.

Now, let’s notice 1st Samuel 16:                                                                                                    1 Now, The Lord said unto the Prophet Samuel, How long will you mourn for King Saul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go for I am sending you unto Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have provided Myself a king among his sons.

2 And the Prophet Samuel said, How can I go if King Saul hears of it? For King Saul will kill me! But The Lord said to the Prophet Samuel, Take a heifer with you and say, “I have come to sacrifice unto The Lord!”

3 Then, invite Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show unto you what you shall do! For you shall anoint for Me the one I will name unto you.

4 So, the Prophet Samuel did what The Lord said and went to Bethlehem.  And the Elders of the Town of Bethlehem trembled at the Prophet’s coming and said, Do you come peaceably?

5 And the Prophet Samuel said Peaceably! For I have come to sacrifice unto The Lord. Therefore, sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice.  Then the Prophet Samuel consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.

6 And so it was when Jesse and his sons came that the Prophet looked at Eli-ab and said, Surely this is The Lord's anointed is before Him, The Lord!

7 But The Lord said unto the Prophet Samuel, Do not look at his appearance nor at the height of his stature, because I have refused him!

For or because The Lord does not see as man sees!  For man looks at the outward appearance, But The Lord looks at the heart! (Stop here)

Remember our question, Does God Look At The Heart Of A Person Only? Actually, the answer is no! God does not look at the heart of a person only, for God can see both the heart of a person as well as their outward appearance.

See again, 1st Samuel 16:7.  But The Lord said unto the Prophet Samuel, You do not look at his appearance, nor at the height of his stature, because I have refused him!

Now, notice again, 1st Samuel 16: 7B.  For or because The Lord does not see as man sees! For man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart, as well as the outward appearance!

Listen, as frail, finite human beings, whether male or female, we all are greatly limited, because we automatically look at the outward appearance of a person and unable to see the heart of that person, unless God helps us at times to see the heart of another person or our own hearts!        So again, as frail, finite human beings, whether we male or female all are greatly limited, because we automatically look at the outward appearance of a person.

And whether you think that it is right or wrong! or, it’s fair or unfair, we all are capable of being judgmental. making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person whether it’s regarding their race or ethnicity.  Or their body features, •tall or short. •thin or overweight. •or sexually attractive or not.  or even their choice of clothing that they are wearing.

We all are capable of being judgmental. Making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person!

Now, turn to James Chapter 2.

Now, let’s notice James 2:

1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Lord of Glory, with Partiality.

2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel.

But there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes,

3 And you pay attention unto the one wearing the fine clothes and say unto him, You sit here in a good place, and say unto the poor man, You stand there or you sit here at my footstool.

Have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?

9 But if you show partiality, you commit sin and are convicted by the Law as transgressors.  (Stop here)

So again, whether you think that it is right or wrong! Or, it’s fair or unfair!  We all are capable of being judgmental. Making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person whether it’s regarding their race or ethnicity.  Or their body features, •tall or short. •thin or overweight. •or sexually attractive or not. •or even their choice of clothing that they are wearing.

We all are capable of being judgmental. Making assumptions and evaluations regarding the outward appearance of another person!

Now, back to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, let’s again notice 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves, HOW? In modest apparel, with propriety and in moderation, not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. (Stop here)

Now, with the time we have left, let’s focus upon a keyword in vs 9, so that we can have a better understanding of what is being said and why!

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:9.  In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves, (Stop there)

See the words, the women this is a keyword that is so important!  Listen, in the same way that the men in 1st Timothy 2: 8, Are commanded and directed and are held to a very high standard, “I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting.”

And by the way, the words, the men, would be better translated, the males who are in Christ!

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2: 9A. In like manner also, that the women (Stop there)

So, in the same way that the men, or the males were commanded and directed and were held to a very high standard here in 1st Timothy 2: 8,  in like manner also, that the women in 1st Timothy 2: 9 are commanded and directed and are held to a very high standard also!

And by the way, the words, the women, would be better translated, the females who are in Christ!

(Question) But who exactly are these women in 1st Timothy 2: 9A?

Now, what would help us a lot if we could know where do the women who are being referred to, where exactly do they come from within the Mediterranean world of the first century.

Now, let’s see 1st Timothy 1:

2 To Timothy a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God Our Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord.

3 As I urged you Timothy when I Paul went into Macedonia, that you Timothy remain in Ephesus so that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, Or heretical doctrine,  (Stop there)

Now, let’s also see Ephesians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, unto the Saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus, (Stop here)

Now, with that in mind, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2: 9A.

Listen these women mentioned here in 1st Timothy 2: 9A. They were mainly from a coastal city called Ephesus which was very similar to the coastal city called, “Corinth!”  In fact, these two coastal cities were quite similar to a couple of modern cities that we have today. •San Francisco. •and Las Vegas.

Now, the women and men in both Ephesus and Corinth were mostly pagan gentiles, who were very liberal, progressive, having no morality! They were a part of an anything goes kind of culture and society. 

And especially for the women in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth, for their societies had undergone a feminist liberation movement!  And therefore, feminism ideology was widely accepted and supported in most facets of life.

And here are some examples that might surprise you that existed for women back then in the first century in Ephesus and in Corinth.

•For women, they owned Business or they were involved in Entrepreneurships.

•Women could be involved with Politics, and governing either locally and regionally areas.

•Women could be involved in the area of Education.

•Women could be involved in the area of entertainment.

•Women could be involved in the area of competitive sports likely those within the ancient Olympic games that were called, “The Isthmian Games.”

•And women could be involved in their religion as Leaders, like being, a Oracle, Priestess, or a Temple Prostitutes on behalf of some Pagan Deity.

But, by the Grace of God, a Divine revival broke out in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth and multitudes of people both women and men were coming to The Lord! 

However, they really needed discipling, and to be Spiritually mentored by someone of their same gender.  And in the case of some, not all!  But some of the women in Ephesus who were now saved, but for some of them they were former temple prostitutes who served at the temple of Diana in the City of Ephesus.  You can see later Acts 19: 23 thru 41, to see a little bit about the Temple of Diana in the City of Ephesus.

Now, let’s finish up by looking at 1st Corinthians 6.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 6:

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous the unsaved will not inherit the kingdom of God?  So do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,

10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

11 But such were some of you! And you were washed, and you were sanctified, and you were justified in the name of The Lord Jesus and by The Spirit of our God, who is God The Holy Spirit!

12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, But I will not be brought under the power or control of any, that is anything or anyone.

15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not!

16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot or temple prostitute is one body with her? Because the two The Lord said shall become one flesh.

17 however, he who is joined unto The Lord is one spirit with Him.

18 Therefore, flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.                                                             19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

20 For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

 Sermon Notes For 9-8-24 1st Timothy 2:9-15, Part 2.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

And let’s return back to our ongoing series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, today, let’s come back to 1st Timothy 2: vs 9 and 10.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves. (HOW?) In modest apparel, with propriety, And in moderation. Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness with good works. (Stop here)

Now, I’m not sure if you were able to be with us last Sunday, either in person, or, online via zoom, or, on our church conference line.  Because last Sunday we did an important introduction about this 2nd section of 1st Timothy 2:9 Thru 15.  And unfortunately, because of time today, we will not be able to do a full review of all the important matters that we learned about last Sunday.

However, if you like, you can go to our Church Website and check out the Church YouTube Channel, or you can request the Sermon Notes as well.

Now, again let’s focus upon a few keywords here in vs. 9 so that we can have a better understanding of what is being said and why!

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:9.  In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves, (HOW?) In modest apparel, with propriety, and in moderation.  Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, (Stop there)

(Question) who exactly are these women in 1st Timothy 2: 9A?

Listen. These women who are mentioned here in 1st Timothy 2: 9A, They were mainly from a coastal city called Ephesus. See later 1st Timothy 1: 3 and also Ephesians 1: 1.

Now, the Coastal City called Ephesus which was very similar to the Coastal City called, “Corinth” In both cases the women and men in Ephesus and Corinth were mostly Pagan Gentiles, •Who were very liberal and progressive. •And having no morality or scruples. 

•They were a part of a culture, a society were anything goes!  And especially for the women in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth, for their societies had undergone a Feminist Liberation Movement!

And therefore, feminism ideology was widely accepted and supported in most facets of life.

For example, we might be surprise to know that the women in Ephesus and in Corinth back then in the first century were able to,

•Owned their own business or could be involved as entrepreneur of some kind.

•The women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved with politics, or governing either locally or regionally areas.

•The Women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in the areas of education, like medicine.

•The Women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in the areas of entertainment or hospitality.

•The Women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in the areas 

Of Competitive Sports, like those within the Ancient Olympic Games that were called, “The Isthmian Games.”

•And lastly The Women In Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in their Pagan Religions, as well as service as Leaders.

•Like being an Oracle,  •Priestess,  •Or a temple prostitute on behalf of some pagan deity.

Fortunately, by the grace of God a Divine Revival broke out in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth and multitudes of people both women and men were coming to The Lord!

However, all of them really needed discipling, and to be Spiritually Mentored by someone of their same gender. And more important factor in the case of some, not all! But some of the women in Ephesus who were now saved, some of them they were former Temple Prostitutes who served at the Temple of Diana in the City of Ephesus.

You can see later the entire 19th chapter of The Book of Acts in order to see a little bit about the importance of The Temple of Diana to the city of Ephesus.

Now, please listen carefully, even though 1st Timothy 2: 9A.  It is primary addressing a

certain group of women that time who knew The LORD, in the ways they should be different in what they were in public and at church, whenever they would assembled together as a local Body of Believers.

Yet, the divine unchangeable principles and precepts from God to His people is for any generation, past, present, or, future.  And it doesn’t matter the location, near or far!

The point is God’s unchangeable principles & precepts His for His people never changes, regardless of the culture or the society. •Regardless of the latest fashion craze.

And, regardless of the shift in morality, or the worldly opinions that were inside & outside the Church.  Yet, God’s unchangeable principles & precepts His for His People Never Changes!

And by the way, please look up the definitions for the word, “Principles” And then the word, “Precepts,” so you can know why these two words are so important for us to understand today.

Now, we have an important question that we must ask and answer! No matter your gender is there a Biblical dress code for us as God’s people that we should abide by, or does it really matter what we wear? (Repeat) 

And surprisingly, for most of us as God’s people in our day and during these times many would assume that there is no Biblical dress code for God’s people whether women or men that we should abide by, because it really does not matter what you wear!

So then today, and for the next few Sundays in a row, and hopefully you can be with us each Sunday, because with God’s help, I really want us to see what the Bible Say, or it does not said about this matter!

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:9. In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves, HOW?  First, we have the positive! in modest apparel with propriety and in moderation. And then, we have the negative! Not with the braided hair. Or gold or pearls, or costly clothing, (Stop here)

Today, let’s address the positive. And then next Sunday, We will address the negative.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:9.  In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves,

HOW? In *modest apparel, with *propriety and in *moderation.

Now, there are 3 helpful words that provide a Biblical Standard, A Godly dress code that God’s people should abide by no matter our gender!

Now, The KJV says that the 3 helpful words are, •Modest. •Shamefacedness. •And Sobriety.

Now, The NKJV says that the 3 helpful words are, •Modest. •Propriety. •Moderation.

Actually, in this case, the NKJV Translation regarding these 3 words, are more closer to the original New Testament Greek Texts, when conveying unto us the correct interpretation.

Now, let’s look briefly at each word.

First, Modest. Now in the context of vs. 9 “Modest” would mean, *wearing that which does not draw unnecessary attention unto oneself.

Next, Propriety. In the context of vs. 9, “Propriety” would mean, conformity to an establish standard of good or proper manners or behavior. And by the way, implied is that the Establish standard of good or proper manners or behavior, comes from the Scriptures, God’s Word!!!

(Note) And here are a few synonyms for the word “Propriety” that could help.

•Appropriateness. •Suitable. •Correctness. •Etiquette.

And finally, the word, “Moderation,” by itself has 3 separate definitions that we should consider.

Now, in the context of vs. 9, the 1st definition we want to consider regarding the word

“Moderation is,” *it can mean, self-control or controlling oneself when face with the extreme fashion trends of the times.

Now, in the context of vs. 9, the 2nd definition we want to consider regarding the word “Moderation” is, *it can mean, controlling oneself as a good steward of Christ from extravagant spending or costly purchases.

(Question) And what does it mean to be a good steward of Christ, because we must remember whose money it really is?

(Quote) Haggai 2: 8 which says, the silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the Lord of Hosts.

(Quote) Deuteronomy 8: 18A. Which also says, And you shall remember The Lord your God, for it is (He) The Lord your God who gives you power to get wealth, so that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers or ancestors, as it is this day!

(Quote) 1st Timothy 6: 7 Which also says, For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain, we can carry nothing out!

Now, let me say this, I don’t think that 1st Timothy 2: 9A means that a child of God if they can afford it, that it is wrong at times to purchase expensive or nice, or high-quality clothing items and accessories. or shoes, or other items for oneself. or to give as a gift to another.

The real issue is not being a compulsive shopper, just because you see something you like, you have to buy it!

Or maybe you are someone who feels compelled that you have to keep up with the Joneses,

Or the Smiths, or the Williams, or the Johnsons!

Or maybe you are someone who really can’t afford such things, but you use a credit card.

Or you borrow the money and then lie about the reason you need the money.

And lastly, now in the context of vs. 9, our 3rd and final definition we want to consider regarding the word “Moderation” is, *it can mean, the word “Moderation” in the context of vs. 9 can mean, controlling oneself not to conform to the outlandish, and the provocative clothing styles, those items that are jaw dropping and shocking!

Now, at this time, I like to show a short video that with the help of Deaconess Janis Martin, we were able to collaborate together in the making of this video in order for all of us to see that in these times how far we have gotten away from, •being modest. •demonstrating propriety. 

•having moderation.  Now, let’s show the video, & afterwards I’ll come back continue this much needed message.

Now, based upon the video that you just saw, (Question) why would a child of God who says that they know God and serve God and they are filled with The Spirit of God, and they read their Bibles regularly, in order to live out what it says.

(Question) Then why would a child of God choose to dress in a questionable way, 

•whether at a Church service or at a Church event?  •Or at a Funeral Service or Memorial Service or a Wake    Or a Repast Gathering?  •Or at a Wedding Reception?   •Or at School.

Or in the Classroom. Or at a School Event of some kind, Like, “The Prom”  Or something else?  •Or during a outdoor Spring Break gathering?  •Or a time at the Beach or at a Swimming Pool?  •Or during Homecoming Events. Or a Sorority.  Or Fraternity Event?  •Or at a Family Reunion Or Class Reunion? •Or at a Concert, Or a Music Festival? •Or for a Date Night? •Or at a large or small Get-Together of some kind? •Or, posting questionable images of themselves in certain outfits on their Social Media Accounts for everybody to see, especially if they are single. presenting a form of false advertisement that appeals and implies to most males & females that you are a sex machine, available 24/7, just put a ring on it, their ring finger! •Either a Friendship or Courtship Ring.  •Or an Engagement Ring. •Or, better a Wedding Ring!  And then all of this that you see, will be yours?

Which by the way, they are not a sex machine, available 24/7, they were falsely advertising!  But instead, they are person made in the image of God, whether they are Saved or Unsaved!

•They are a human being, and not a machine or some kind of A.I. robot, just a sex object to gratify someone’s lust full desires!   •And in some cases, they are a child of God, who may have forgotten who they are in Christ, an Ambassador for Christ to a lost and dying and dark world! Remember 2nd Corinthians 5:18 thru 21.

So again, why would a child of God choose to dress in a questionable way? Well, here are some possible answers that we may need to consider.

Perhaps they struggle with a rebellious spirit, or an attitude or a mindset towards God’s Holy standards for His people regarding their choice of dress!  •Or, maybe they are ignorant or naïve regarding God’s Holy standards for His people and the choice of clothes they wear.  •Or, maybe they have developed a self-centeredness, or a pridefulness. or a worldly attitude that believes, if you got it, flaunted! show it off!

(Question) Then why would a child of God choose to dress in a questionable way, 

•whether at a Church service or at a Church event?  •Or at a Funeral Service or Memorial Service or a Wake    Or a Repast Gathering?  •Or at a Wedding Reception?   •Or at School.

Or in the Classroom. Or at a School Event of some kind, Like, “The Prom”  Or something else?  •Or during a outdoor Spring Break gathering?  •Or a time at the Beach or at a Swimming Pool?  •Or during Homecoming Events. Or a Sorority.  Or Fraternity Event?  •Or at a Family Reunion Or Class Reunion? •Or at a Concert, Or a Music Festival? •Or for a Date Night? •Or at a large or small Get-Together of some kind? •Or, posting questionable images of themselves in certain outfits on their Social Media Accounts for everybody to see, especially if they are single. presenting a form of false advertisement that appeals and implies to most males & females that you are a sex machine, available 24/7, just put a ring on it, their ring finger! •Either a Friendship or Courtship Ring.  •Or an Engagement Ring. •Or, better a Wedding Ring!  And then all of this that you see, will be yours?

Which by the way, they are not a sex machine, available 24/7, they were falsely advertising!  But instead, they are person made in the image of God, whether they are Saved or Unsaved!

•They are a human being, and not a machine or some kind of A.I. robot, just a sex object to gratify someone’s lust full desires!   •And in some cases, they are a child of God, who may have forgotten who they are in Christ, an Ambassador for Christ to a lost and dying and dark world! Remember 2nd Corinthians 5:18 thru 21.

So again, why would a child of God choose to dress in a questionable way? Well, here are some possible answers that we may need to consider.

 •Perhaps they struggle with a damage self-esteem that needs or wants attention or affirmation regarding their choice of dress, and therefore lacking self-respect for themselves.  Or, maybe they really don’t know, or maybe they really don’t care about who they are in Christ as one of His Ambassadors that they are to represent Him and not themselves in their choice of dress!

And finally, why would a child of God choose to dress in a questionable way, 

•whether at a Church service or at a Church event?  •Or at a Funeral Service or Memorial Service or a Wake    Or a Repast Gathering?  •Or at a Wedding Reception?   •Or at School.

Or in the Classroom. Or at a School Event of some kind, Like, “The Prom”  Or something else?  •Or during a outdoor Spring Break gathering?  •Or a time at the Beach or at a Swimming Pool?  •Or during Homecoming Events. Or a Sorority.  Or Fraternity Event?  •Or at a Family Reunion Or Class Reunion? •Or at a Concert, Or a Music Festival? •Or for a Date Night? •Or at a large or small Get-Together of some kind? •Or, posting questionable images of themselves in certain outfits on their Social Media Accounts for everybody to see especially if they are single. presenting a form of false advertisement that appeals and implies to most males & females that you are a sex machine, available 24/7, just put a ring on it, their ring finger! •Either a Friendship or Courtship Ring.  •Or an Engagement Ring. •Or, better a Wedding Ring!  And then all of this that you see, will be yours?

Which by the way, they are not a sex machine, available 24/7, they were falsely advertising!  But instead, they are person made in the image of God, whether they are Saved or Unsaved!

•They are a human being, and not a machine or some kind of A.I. robot, just a sex object to gratify someone’s lust full desires!   •And in some cases, they are a child of God, who may have forgotten who they are in Christ, an Ambassador for Christ to a lost and dying and dark world! Remember 2nd Corinthians 5:18 thru 21.

So again, why would a child of God choose to dress in a questionable way?  Perhaps, they are revealing the character flaw of immodesty.  Showing a lack of propriety in which they have no concern about causing another or others to stumble due to lustful desires and inappropriate feelings towards them based upon their choice of dress or the lack there of!

Now, let’s turn to Romans 14.

Now, see Romans 14:

10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother?  For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 

11 For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.

12 So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.

13 Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way.

16 Therefore, do not let your good be spoken of as evil;

19 Therefore, let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.

21 It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.

 Now, see Matthew 5:

27.  You have heard that it was said to those of old, you shall not commit adultery!

28. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Now, see 1 Corinthians 8:

9 But beware, lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.

13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, 

lest I make my brother stumble.

 Sermon Notes For 9-15-24 For 1st Timothy 2:9-15, Part 3 

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

And let’s return back to our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, today let’s continue to look at 1st Timothy 2: vs 9 and vs 10.

Now, let’s notice again, 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves. (How?) In modest apparel, with propriety, and in moderation.  Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. (Stop Here)

Now, here is an important question we need to ask and answer for ourselves personally.

*No matter your gender is there a Biblical dress code for us as God’s people that we should abide by, or does it really matter what we wear?

And surprisingly, for most of us as God’s people in our day and during these times, many would assume that there is no Biblical dress code for God’s People whether for women or men that we should abide by, because it really does not matter what you wear! but is that right?

So again today, we really want to see what the Bible says or does not said about this matters!

But first, we need to go back and consider something that was said during last Sunday’s message.

Now, last Sunday towards the end of the message, you may recall that I asked this important question that we really need to consider, and should it be lived out by God’s people today?

Now, the question was then and is now in our day, *Am I, My Brother's or My Sister’s Keeper?

And the answer for us today according to the Bible is this, as a member of the Body of Christ in this day, as a Spiritual sibling to others within the family of God during our times, *are you and I partially, not fully, but partially.

Are you and I partially responsible for the Spiritual welfare of our brothers and sisters?  (Repeat)) 

(Note) See later Colossians 3: 12 thru 17 which is a good example of how we can better contribute to the Spiritual welfare our brothers and sisters during these times.

And also, are you and I partially responsible for the mental and emotional well-being of another member within the Body of Christ, one who is also a Spiritual sibling within the family of God? (Repeat)

(Note) later Ephesians 4: 25 thru 32 which is a good example of how we can better contribute to the mental & emotional well-being of another Spiritual sibling within the family of God? 

And lastly, are you and I partially responsible because of the facts that we all automatically look at the outward appearance of a person, whether they are male or female.

(Note) See later 1st Samuel 16: 7.  Even though they may or may not be a member of the Body of Christ, nor are they a part of the family of God.

We still automatically look at the outward appearance of a person, whether they are male or female, and therefore, you and O are partially responsible because of what we choose to wear!

Now, turn to Genesis 4.

Now, in here, Genesis 4: 1-16, we have a true story which only focuses upon the 2 first born sons of Adam and Eve.

And yes, Adam and Eve had many, many more children than these two sons mentioned here in Genesis 4: 1-16.

But what makes the story stand out so much is, it is the first murder recorded in the Bible that took place within a family, •Brother against brother. •Sibling Against Sibling.

•A Non-Believer against a Believer.

Now, notice Genesis 4: 9. Then The Lord said unto Cain where is Abel your brother? But Cain said unto The Lord, I do not know, am I my brother's keeper? (Stop here)

Now, The Lord already knew what Cain had did regarding his violent attack against his brother Abel, in which he murdered him in cold blood.

Now, the question is, will Cain take responsibility and admit what he had done, and cry out unto The Lord for mercy and His forgiveness?

But, notice again Genesis 4: 9A. Then The Lord said unto Cain where is Abel your brother?

But Cain said unto The Lord, I do not know, (that’s a lie!) (Stop here)

•Cain shows absolutely no remorse for what he had done, willfully taking an innocent human life!

•Instead, there is a defiant arrogance.  •A haughty spirit, An attitude of indifference regarding his brother.

•And lastly, a total lack of empathy about another human being made in the image of God, who had been slayed.

Now, let’s notice again Genesis 4: 9B.  For Cain said unto The Lord, “Am I my Brother's keeper?” (Stop here)

Listen. Because of Cain’s jealous hatred of his brother Abel and Cain’s total disregard of family tides.

Cain was able to dismiss himself from any family connection and family loyalty!

Cain rejects any responsibility he has as the eldest son within his family •To take action. •To be concerned. •Or, to help in any way regarding the matter.

This question is still being ask in our day as well, among those of us within the household of faith, among God’s children both far and near!

Am I, my brother's or sister’s keeper?  And the answer is yes. You are to a certain degree!

Think about as a member of the Body of Christ in this day, as a Spiritual sibling to others within the family of God during our times, *Are you and i partially, not fully, but partially.  Are you and i partially responsible for the Spiritual welfare of our brothers and sisters? 

Remember to see later, Colossians 3: 12 thru 17 which is a good example of how we can better contribute to the Spiritual welfare of our brothers and sisters during these times.

And also, are you and I partially responsible for the mental and emotional well-being of another member within the Body of Christ, one who is also a Spiritual sibling within the family of God? (Repeat)

Remember to see later, Ephesians 4: 25 Thru 32 which is a good example of how we can better contribute to the mental & emotional well-being of another spiritual sibling within the family of God? 

And lastly, are you and I partially responsible because of the facts that we all automatically look at the outward appearance of a person, whether they are male or female.  Remember to see later, 1st Samuel 16: 7. Even though they may or may not be a member of the Body of Christ, nor are they a part of the family of God.

We still automatically look at the outward appearance of a person, whether they are male or female.  And therefore, you and I are partially responsible because of what we choose to wear!

Now, let’s see 1st Corinthians 8:

9 But beware, lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.

13 An example, if food or meat that came from a sacrifice unto an idol, makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, because I will cause make my brother stumble!

Now, let’s see Romans 14:21. It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles, or is offended or is made weak.

Now, see 1st Corinthians 10: 31. Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the Glory of God!

Now, let’s change gears, I received an email from URM Volunteer Services department last month in August. 

“Greetings, this is a friendly reminder about our dress code. 

If you are working in the kitchen, our dress code is strictly enforced at all times.  Please kindly note that the kitchen will turn you away if your clothing does not meet our dress code requirements.

The dress code requirements.

•No Tank Tops / Bare Mid-riffs / or T-shirts with Illicit Content.

•No Open Toe Shoes or Heels. Tennis Shoes are required.

•No Shorts only Pants are required (Sorry we know it's hot in the kitchen)

•You must put on a hairnet, wear gloves and apron at arrival, No exceptions.

•Lastly, If you are working anywhere outside of the kitchen area, we prefer that you be in compliance with the above dress code mentioned. 

With Gratitude, URM Volunteer Services Department.”

So again, we are asking the question for ourselves, no matter your gender is there a biblical dress code for us as God’s people that we should abide by, or does it really matter what we wear?

Now, let’s turn to 1st Peter Chapter 3.

Now, notice 1st Peter 3:

1 Wives likewise be submissive unto your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives,

2 when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear or veneration, or respect for them. (Stop here)

Although, the context here is speaking to those women who are married, yet, the Divine Principle of Propriety in what we choose to wear can still apply unto all women of any age, starting here at vs. 3&4.

Now, notice 1st Peter 3:3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward, •The arranging of the hair, •The wearing of gold, •Or the putting on of fine apparel.  (Stop here) 

Now, see again 1st Timothy 2:9. In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves 

(How?)  •In modest apparel, with propriety, •And in moderation.  •Not with the braided hair. •or gold or pearls. •or costly clothing. (Stop here)

Now, let me say this, again, I don’t think that 1st Timothy 2: 9, or in 1st Peter 3: 3, I don’t think that means that a child of God if they can afford it, they may choose at times to purchase an expensive, or, nice, or high-quality clothing items and accessories. or shoes, or other items for oneself. or to give as a gift to another.

The real issue is not becoming a compulsive shopper, just because you see something you like, you have to buy it!

Or maybe you are someone who feels compelled that you have to keep up with the Jones,’

or the Smiths, or the Williams, or the Johnsons!

Or maybe you are someone who really can’t afford such things, but you use a credit card.

Or you borrow the money and then lie about the reason you need the money.

And another thing, in 1st Timothy 2:9.  The word, “moderation can mean, controlling one’s self not to conform to the outlandish, and the provocative clothing styles of the times, those items that are jaw dropping and shocking!

Now, see 1st Peter Chapter 3

Now, notice again 1st Peter 3:

3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward, •The arranging of the hair, •The wearing of gold, •Or the putting on of fine apparel.

4 But instead, let it be the hidden person of the heart. With its incorruptible beauty is of a gentle and quiet spirit, Which is very precious in the sight of God. (Stop here)

Now, back to 1st Timothy 2.

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:9.  In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves, HOW?

First. we have the Positive, which we saw last Sunday!  Remember, in modest apparel with propriety, and in moderation.

And then, we have the Negative! Not with the braided hair. Or gold or pearls, or costly clothing, (Stop here)

Now, let’s briefly address the Negative!

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:

9B  Not with the braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly clothing,

10 But instead, that which is proper for women professing Godliness, with good works. (Stop here)

Now, let’s turn to Deuteronomy Chapter 22.

Now, at this point we need to address another issue which has divided local congregations from its Leaders and among its Parishioners over the years.  And the issue is, should Christian Women wear trousers, or pants, or jeans, or slacks while they are at a Church Service or function?

 Because there is a passage from the Old Testament that Some of god’s people will use to discourage or criticize women from wearing pants or jeans publicly. 

 Now, notice Deuteronomy 22:5.

•A woman shall not wear anything that pertains unto a man.

•Nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment!

•For all who do so are an abomination unto the Lord your God, (Stop here).

 However, we must ask ourselves a different question, in the Bible is Cross-Dressing consider wrong?

Now, notice again Deuteronomy 22: 5.

•A woman shall not wear anything that pertains unto a man.

•Nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment!

•For all who do so are an abomination unto the Lord your God, (Stop here).

 Now, see 1st Corinthians 14:40. Let all things be done decently and in order.

 Now, close with James 3:

15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic.

16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.

Sermon Notes For 9-22-24 For 1st Timothy 2:9-15, Part 4.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2. 

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, today let’s continue to look at 1st Timothy 2: vs 9 and vs 10 as a guideline to follow and a standard to live by.

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves.  (How?) In modest apparel, with propriety, And in moderation.  And Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But Instead that which is proper for women professing godliness with good works. (Stop here)

Now, here is another important question we need to ask and answer for ourselves personally.  And that is when it comes to our physical bodies, do you & I as God’s children have the right and the freedom to do whatever we like unto our bodies? And can we do whatever we think is best regarding our physical bodies, even though our physical bodies were made possible by God himself?

And surprisingly, for most of us as God’s people in our day, and during these times, we would assume that when it comes to our physical bodies, we have the right, the freedom to do whatever we like unto our bodies! 

Also, many feel that we can do whatever we think is best regarding our physical bodies,

even though our physical bodies were made possible by God himself. So, for many of us we really don’t feel it matters what we do to our bodies, or even with our bodies! but is that right?

Well, let’s turn to Romans Chapter 6.

So today, with God’s help, we really want to see what the Bible says or does not say about this matter, because when it comes to our physical bodies, do you & I as God’s children have the right and the freedom to do whatever we like unto our bodies?  And can we do whatever we think is best regarding our physical bodies, even though our physical bodies were made possible by God himself?

Now, notice Romans 6:

12. Therefore, do not let Sin (that is internal and external) reign or rule in your mortal body that you should obey it, In its lusts. 

13. And do not present your members (that are internal and external) your will, your mind, your speech or mouth your eyes your hands your feet, etc. (vs. 13) And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin.  But instead, present yourselves unto God as being alive from the dead spiritually-speaking. And your members should be as instruments of righteousness unto God.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Corinthians Chapter 6.

Remember, when it comes to our physical bodies, do you & I as God’s children have the right and the freedom to do whatever we like unto our bodies? And can we do whatever we think is best regarding our physical bodies, even though our physical bodies were made possible by God himself?

Now, let’s notice 1st Corinthians 6:

19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, And you are not your own? (How so?)

20 For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

Now, notice Romans 12:

1.  I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable, unto God, which is your reasonable service. 

2. And do not be conformed to this world. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Now, perhaps this may help, maybe you are familiar with the position that is called a building custodian? 

And here are a few things to consider in most cases about the position as a Building Custodian.

The building custodian Is not the owner of the building that they work in!  Yet, the Building Custodian is fully responsible and accountable for keeping the facility, *Clean. Safe. 

*Functional. *And a pleasant environment to go too!

Now, remember again, the Custodian is not the owner of the building that they work in! And therefore, any major or minor changes or upgrades. Or, any concerns or questions.  Or, any problems or difficulties. or anything they like or dislike. All these things I mentioned should first be discussed and approved by the owner, or by the Building Manager and not by the Building Custodian. 

And I think that spiritually-speaking, that this is The best way to see ourselves as God’s children, Who will be responsible and accountable for what we Do regarding our physical bodies.

See 2nd Corinthians 5:10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive the things done in the Body, according to what he or she has done, whether good or bad!

Now, see Leviticus 19:28. You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.”

It is likely that tattooing was a pagan practice connected with idolatry and superstition. 

It was probably common for the pagans to mark their skin with the name of a false god or with a symbol honoring some idol. God demanded that His children be different. As He reminded them in the same verse, I am the LORD. The Israelites belonged to Him; they were His workmanship, and they should not bear the name of a false god on their bodies. While New Testament believers are not under the Mosaic Law, we can take from this command the principle that, if a Christian chooses to get a tattoo, it should never be for superstitious reasons or to promote worldly philosophy. The bottom line is that getting a tattoo is not a sin, per se. It is a matter of Christian freedom and should be guided by biblical principles and rooted in love.

However, In The New Testament does not say anything about whether or not a believer in Jesus Christ should get a tattoo. 

Therefore, we cannot say that getting a tattoo is a sin, because of Scripture’s silence, getting inked falls under the category of a “gray area,” and believers should follow their convictions in the matter, respecting those who may have different convictions.

However, here are some general biblical principles that may apply to getting a tattoo:                 ◦ A minor child wants so bad to get a tattoo in violation of his or her parents’ wishes is biblically unsupportable. Tattoos born of rebellion are sinful.

◦  A person who desires a tattoo to garner attention or draw admiration has a vain, sinful focus on self.

◦ Motivations for getting a tattoo such as to fit in, to stand out, etc, fall short of the glory of God.  The tattoo itself may not be a sin, but the motivation in getting it might be.

Now what does the Bible say about body piercings, Body modification, including piercing, tattooing, scarring, branding, cutting, or outright mutilation of one’s body which all of these things mention there has been an increasing trend in recent years. 

Body piercing the insertion of jewelry in various body parts has graduated from the traditional ear lobe piercing to the piercing of noses, navels, nipples, tongues, eyebrows, cheeks, genitalia, and more. 

How much modification of that temple is appropriate? Is there a line that should not be crossed? 

Is there a point at which the proliferation of tattoos on one body ceases to be art and starts becoming sinful mutilation? This should be a matter of individual reflection and honest prayer.

Now, many Christians have a piercing or two and some have many more than two; No matter what the number it is good to stop and consider what the Bible would have To Say To Us.

Now, many Christians have a piercing or two, and some have many more than two; no matter what the issue, it’s good to stop and consider what the Bible says.

I put a ring on your nose, earrings on your ears” (Ezekiel 16:12). But It’s unlikely that God would have used earrings (and nose rings) as a symbol of beauty and blessing if such jewelry were inherently sinful.

We see this type of behavior in action in Elijah’s day, as Baal-worshipers slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed” (1 Kings 18:28).

◦ So What is my motivation for getting a body piercing? Our motives are important in any decision we make (Proverbs 16:2), especially something as permanent and potentially life-changing as a body piercing.

◦ Am I trying to find identity in a subculture? Body piercing has given rise to a definite subculture, and many people try to “find themselves” by joining the bodymod community. While joining a particular cultural group might help in evangelizing that group, to join simply to “find oneself” is not biblical. As believers, our identity is in Christ: “You died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3, NLT).

◦ Am I succumbing to peer pressure? Doing anything out of a desire to please one’s peers is spiritually hazardous. We are to follow the Lord Jesus (see John 21:21–22). Those who follow peer pressure in getting a body piercing find themselves in the ironic position of having proclaimed their uniqueness through conformity.

◦ Am I drawing undue attention to myself? Any item of clothing, accessory, or jewelry worn simply as a fashion statement runs the risk of feeding pride in that it draws attention to the wearer. Bringing public focus to certain body parts, pushing boundaries, or creating a flashy display is not a godly reason for a body piercing, especially when we have this command in Scripture: “All of you, clothe yourselves with humility” (1 Peter 5:5).

◦ Will this body piercing be an obstacle to ministry? It’s conceivable that, in some situations, having a body piercing will aid a believer in his witness to others. And, if the piercing is decorated with Christian-themed jewelry, it could be a conversation-starter that leads to spiritual themes.

◦ Where do I draw the line? According to Guinness World Records, the record for total body piercings is 453 (male) and 462 (female).  Those considering multiple piercings should be able to answer the question “how much is too much?” with specificity. At what point does body modification become extreme? How far can Christians go and still “honor God with your bodies” (1 Corinthians 6:20)? 

Beyond piercings, questions should be asked about scarification, branding, facial flesh tunnels, skin implants, split tongues, pointed ears, sharpened teeth, and other things promoted within the modern bodymod community.

And we could also ask where we draw the line on other, more socially acceptable body modifications such as breast implants, tummy tucks, face lifts, and such. Some of the same questions about motivation and appearance need honest answers if we are to do all for the glory of God, 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Now, let’s notice 2nd Kings 9: 30.  Now when Jehu who was a commander of chariots for the king of Israel and would be a future king of The Northern Kingdom of Israel.  He had come to the City of Jezreel, And Jezebel heard of it. And Jezebel put paint on her eyes and adorned her head or hair, and she looked through a window. (Stop here)

(Note) Jehu a commander of the king of Israel, proceeded to Jezebel’s palace in Jezreel, where the queen stood watching for him at her window.  At Jehu’s command, eunuchs surrounding Jezebel threw her down from the window. Jezebel’s blood splattered over the pavement, and her body was eaten by dogs.

Now, let’s notice Jeremiah 4: 30.  And when you are plundered or robbed what will you do? 

Though you clothe yourself with crimson And though you adorn yourself with ornaments of gold. *Though you enlarge your eyes with paint. In vain you will make yourself fair or attractive, But your lovers will despise you; They will seek your life.

Now, let’s notice Esther 2: 12.  Each young woman’s turn came to go before King  

A-has-ue-rus after she had completed twelve months of preparation, according to the regulations for the women. For thus were the days of their preparation apportioned: Six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women. (Stop here)

Now, talk about Vitiligo which is an Auto Immune Skin Disorder.

Make Up That Can Be Used To Cover Up Vitiligo Areas.

But there is a extreme treatment for Vitiligo called, “De-pigmen-tation” which is a type of dermatologist treatment that permanently removes all skin pigmentation in order to achieve an even light color to the treated area.

Now share a little bit about your journey, dealing with Vitiligo.

(Question) Do you have a negative body image about yourself?

Something is too big or too small! Too light or too dark! Too long or too short! Too heavy or too lite! Desirable - undesirable, Overly self-conscious, low self-esteem.

 Sermon Notes 9-29-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 9&10, Part 5.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now today, we are going to finish up this portion of 1st Timothy 2: vs 9 and vs 10 which I have highly recommended that all of us should used as a guideline to follow, and as a standard to live by.

Show you what I mean, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:

9 In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves. HOW? In modest apparel, with propriety, And in moderation. And Not with the braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But instead that which is proper for women professing godliness with good works. (Stop here)

Now, let’s consider one last time this very important question, which we need to ask and answer for ourselves personally.                                                                                                                 *And that is when it comes to our physical bodies, do you & I. As God’s children have the right and the freedom to do whatever we like unto our bodies? And can we do whatever we think is best regarding our physical bodies, even though our physical bodies were made possible by God Himself?

And surprisingly, for most of us as God’s people in our day and during these times we would assume that when it comes to our physical bodies, we have the right, the freedom to do whatever we like unto our bodies! 

Also, many feel that we can do whatever we think is best regarding our physical bodies, even though our physical bodies were made possible by God Himself. So, for many of us we really don’t feel it matters what we do to our bodies, or with our bodies!  But is that right?

Well, let’s turn to 1st Corinthians 6:

Now, with God’s help let’s see what the Bible says or does not say about this matter regarding our physical bodies.

And do you & I as God’s children really have the right and the freedom to do whatever we like unto our bodies?  And can we do whatever we think is best regarding our physical bodies, even though our physical bodies were made possible by God Himself?

Now, let’s notice 1st Corinthians 6:

19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, And you are not your own? How so?

20 For you were bought at a price; therefore, Glorify God in your body and in your spirit,

which are God's.

Now, let’s turn to 2nd Corinthians 5.

Now, some of us are familiar with the position that is called a Building Custodian!

Now, in most cases, here are a few things to consider about the position of a building custodian.

First, the Building Custodian is not the owner of the building that they work in! Yet, the Building Custodian is fully responsible and accountable for keeping the facility, *Clean. *Safe. *Functional. *And a pleasant environment to go too!

Now remember again, the Custodian is not the owner of the building that they work in!

And therefore, any major or minor changes or upgrades. Or Any concerns or questions.

Or any problems or difficulties. Or anything they like or dislike. All these things I mentioned should first be discussed and approved by the owner, or by the building manager, and not by the Building Custodian. 

Now, I think that spiritually-speaking, that this is the best way to see ourselves as God’s children, who will be responsible and accountable for what we do regarding our physical bodies.

Now, let’s see again 2nd Corinthians 5:10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what (he or she) has done, whether good or bad!

Now, with God’s help, how should Christians or committed followers of Jesus Christ, how should we think about sexual immorality? •Lust. •Premarital. •Sex Adultery. •Immorality. •Pornography. •Homosexuality. •Immodesty.

The topical heading is Sexual immorality.  And after that the subheadings are as followed. •Adultery. •Bestiality. •Homosexuality. •Perverse Speech. •Polygamy. •Pornography. •Prostitution.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Thessalonians Chapter 4.

Now, remember with God’s help how should Christians or committed followers of Jesus Christ.  How Should We think about sexual immorality?

Now, let’s notice 1st Thessalonians 4:

3 For this is the Will of God your sanctification. That you should abstain from sexual immorality.

4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel or body in sanctification and honor.

5 And not in passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;

6 So no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother or sister in this matter. Why?

Because the Lord is the Avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified.

(Note) See late Hebrews 13: 4.

Now, 1st Thessalonians 4:                                                                                       

7 Continues, for God did not call us unto uncleanness, but into holiness!

8 Therefore, he or she who rejects this, does not reject man but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit.

Now, let’s see again 2nd Corinthians 5:10.  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he or she has done, whether good or bad!

So, what does the Bible say about Transsexualism Transgenderism? And is gender identity disorder, or gender dysphoria, the result of sin or the fall of mankind?

Now, “Trans-sexual-ism,” is also known as Trans-gender-ism. 

But also, Gender identity disorder, or Gender Dysphoria, which is a feeling that your biological/genetic/physiological gender, does not match the gender you identify with and/or you perceive yourself to be!

Some people often will describe themselves as “feeling trapped,” in a body that does not match their true gender. 

They often practice cross-dressing transvestism or transvestitism.

•They may also seek Hormone Therapy. •Or, They may seek Gender Reassignment Surgery to bring their bodies Into conformity with their perceived gender.

Now, let’s turn to Genesis Chapter 1.

Even though the Bible nowhere mentions Transgenderism or describes anyone as having Transgender feelings. 

However, the Bible is very clear about where our biological, genetic, physiological gender originated from after conception.

Now, notice Genesis 1:

26 Then God said let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.

Now, see Genesis 2:

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

Now, see Matthew 19:

4 And (He) Jesus answered and said unto them, Have you not read that (He) God who made them at the beginning, Made them male and female.

5 And said, for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. (Stop there)

Disorders. Dysfunction.

(Note) it is possible for a person to be born with a brain wired in such a way that it contributes to gender dysphoria.

What about the possibility that those suffering with transgenderism have a brain that functions as one gender while the rest of the body is biologically the other gender?

No matter if the gender distortion has a genetic, hormonal, physiological, psychological, or spiritual cause, it can be overcome and healed through faith in Christ and continued reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Healing can be received, sin can be overcome, and lives can be changed through the salvation that Jesus provides, even if there are biological/physiological factors. 

The Corinthian believers are an example of such a change, And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11). 

There is hope for everyone, transsexuals, transgenders, those with gender identity disorder, and transvestites included, because of God’s forgiveness available in Jesus Christ.

Now, let’s see again 2nd Corinthians 5:10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he or she has done, whether good or bad!

Alcohol and Drug Abuse  Food Addictions

Now, let’s see again 2nd Corinthians 5:10. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, So That each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he or she has done, whether good or bad!

What does the Bible say about suicide or assisted suicide? Exodus 20:13. You shall not murder.Now, let’s see again 2nd Corinthians 5:10.  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he or she has done, whether good or bad!

So, what does the Bible says about the challenging decision for Christians to have to make between cremation or burial that we need to know?

1st Samuel 31:12.  All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there.

1 Corinthians 13: 3. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

2 Corinthians 5:1. For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

Now, let’s see again 2nd Corinthians 5:10.  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he or she has done, whether good or bad!

Remember who you are and whose you are! This was an original quote by the later, Thea Bowman, who was a Catholic Sister of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

Now, see 2nd Corinthians 6:

16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

17 Therefore, Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.                                                                                                   18 I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

Now, see 2nd Corinthians 7:1. Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Remember who you are and whose you are!

See 1st Thessalonians 5: 23. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

See 2nd Corinthians 5: 20. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us to You! We implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled unto God!

Remember who you are and whose you are!

See 1st Peter 2: 9. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Matthew 5: 

13. You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? 

It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 

16.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Philippians 2:

13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

14 Do all things without complaining and disputing,

15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,

16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain

Now, notice 1 Corinthians 3:16. Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

 Now, notice Romans 12:

1. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 

2. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 

21. Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.

Colossians 3:

1. Then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. 

2. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Philippians 3:

20. For our Citizenship is in Heaven with God, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

21. Who will transform our lowly body, that (it) may be conformed unto His glorious body.

According to the working by which (He) The Lord Jesus Christ is able even to subdue all things unto Himself. 

 Sermon Notes For 10-6-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 11-15, Part 1.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now again, notice 1st Timothy 2:

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

12  The NKJV says, And I do not permit a woman to teach, or to have authority over a man,

But to be in silence.  

12  The KJV Says, But I suffer not  a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority Over the man, 

But to be in silence.

13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived fell into transgression.

15 Nevertheless she women will be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control. (And stop here)

Wow! So, what is this all about?  Because at first glance, it appears that our God is very anti-woman’s involvement when comes to  Ministry within the Body of Christ, or within a local Church Congregation •Especially in the area of leadership.  •Or the proclamation of the Gospel.  •Or in the area of learning and teaching the Bible.  And this is the main reason why we should not just (glance) at our Bibles or read just to be reading! 

Nor, should we simply listen to someone without later doing our own personal Bible study regarding a matte) in the scriptures that was presented without first making sure that what is being said is right and it is Biblical!

So with God‘s help let’s see what the real issue is!

But first, lets go back to vs. 9 which said, “In like manner also, that the women adorn themselves.  How?  In modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.  And not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing.”  (Stop here)

Now, see the words here in 1st Timothy 2: 9A, “The women!” And you might recall several weeks ago I asked the question, who are these women that mentioned here 1st Timothy 2: 9A?

Listen, “the women” here in 1st Timothy 2: 9A, were mainly from a coastal city called, “Ephesus.”  See later 1st Timothy 1: 3 and also Ephesians 1: 1.

Now, this coastal city called “Ephesus” was very similar to another coastal city that was called, “Corinth.”  In both cases the women and men in Ephesus and Corinth were mostly pagan gentiles,  •Who were very liberal and progressive.  •And having no morality or scruples.   •They were a part of a culture a society were anything goes!

And especially for the women in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth, for their societies had undergone a feminist liberation movement!  And therefore, feminism ideology was widely accepted and supported in most facets of life.

For example, the women in Ephesus and in Corinth back then in the first century were able to,  •Own their own business or could be involved as entrepreneur of some kind.

•The women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved with politics, or governing either locally or regionally areas.

•The women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in the areas of education, like medicine.

•The women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in the areas of entertainment or hospitality.

•The women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in the areas of competitive sports, like those within The Ancient Olympic Games that were called, “The Isthmian Games.”

•and lastly, the women in Ephesus and in Corinth were very much welcome to be involved in their pagan religions, as well as service as leaders. •Like, being an Oracle.  •Priestess. •Or a Temple Prostitute on behalf of some pagan deity.

Fortunately, by the Grace of God a Divine revival broke out in these two cities of Ephesus and Corinth and multitudes of people both women and men were coming to The Lord!  However, all of them really needed discipling and to be spiritually mentored by someone of their same gender.  Now, with that in mind, please look carefully at 1st Timothy 2: 11, Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. (Stop here)

(Question) Who is this woman that is being referred to here in 1st Timothy 2: 11?  Is this all women in general?  Or, is this a specific type or kind of woman that was a concern then, and is a concern now?

But, before we answer that question, we must verify which English translations that we are using, how can we know what is the right interpretation of 1st Timothy 2: 11A, which says, according to The NKJV “Let A Woman.”

However, according to The KJV it says, “Let A Woman.”

New International Version A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.

New Living Translation Women should learn quietly and submissively.

English Standard Version Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.

Berean Standard Bible A woman must learn in quietness and full submissiveness.

Berean Literal Bible Let a woman learn in quietness, in all submissiveness.

King James Bible Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

New King James Version Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

New American Standard Bible A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

NASB 1995 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

NASB 1977 Let a woman quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

Legacy Standard Bible A woman must learn in quietness, in all submission.

Amplified Bible A woman must quietly receive instruction with all submissiveness.

Christian Standard Bible A woman is to learn quietly with full submission

Now, please notice this slide which is from the original language of the Bible for The New Testament that is called, Koine Greek.

1135 [e] Gynē Γυνὴ  (A woman) N-NFS

1722 [e] en ἐν in

2271 [e] hēsychia ἡσυχίᾳ  quietness N-DFS

According to The NKJV and other English Translation of 1st Timothy 2: 11A, that says, “Let A Woman,” is the right interpretation because of what’s coming up next.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2: 12,  The NKJV Says, And I do not permit a woman to teach, or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.  

However, The KJV Says, says it a little differently regarding  1st Timothy 2: 12.  But I suffer not a woman to teach nor to Usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

A Strong's Definitions. αὐθεντέωauthentéō, ow-then-teh'-o; •to act of one’s self. to act or to take action in accordance with one’s own desires or motives or ambitions.

Now, an English definition for the word ‘usurp’ is to unlawfully or wrongfully seize hold upon an office. Or a position. Or a place. Or a function, without permission or being appointed or requested by another or others.  A good synonym for usurp would be •Supplant.  a good synonym for usurper. •Supplanter.

Now, with the time remaining, let’s focus on 2 women in the Bible who unfortunately they would qualify as Usurper’s or Supplanter’s.  They willfully usurped and supplanted against authority and order.  They willfully usurped and supplanted against their own spouse’s, whom God had placed in-charged.

Lastly, they willfully usurped and supplanted in such a way, that they will be remembered as a negative example that no one should ever follow.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Kings Chapter 16.  Who is “Jezebel’?

Now, upon request have an interesting article on the woman who is called, “Jezebel” in the Old Testament.  The name “Jezebel” synonymous with evil, sensuality and being controlling of everyone.  She is the epitome of the wicked woman, so infamous is her name that, to this day, no one names their baby daughter “Jezebel.”   In fact, to call a woman a “Jezebel” is the greatest insult imaginable. 

Now, Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, a priest of the cruel, sensuous, false god Baal. Ethbaal, the priest-king of Tyre who murdered his own brother to take over the throne, was hardly a good father figure. But Jezebel followed in her father’s footsteps and was herself a power-hungry murderess who stopped at nothing to get what she wanted. 

The king of Israel at the time was Ahab, a weak, self-pitying man who abdicated his authority to his bride, the princess Jezebel. In spite of God’s laws forbidding idolatry and the worship of any god but the Lord, Ahab married this princess who brought to Israel with her hundreds of priests of lewd Baal worship, a cult that tended to destroy manhood and drag womanhood into shame. Jezebel was such a domineering person that she soon became master over her weak husband. One of her first acts was to order the extermination of the prophets of the Lord (1 Kings 18:4, 13) and set up altars to Baal. So pervasive was her idolatrous influence in Israel that Jesus later used her name to refer to a woman who led the church at Thyatira into immorality and the worship of false gods (Revelation 2:20).

Jezebel’s strongest enemy was the great prophet Elijah, who defied her and opposed her evil rule. First, he pronounced the punishment of God upon Israel in the form of a drought which lasted three years (James 5:17). This culminated in a contest on Mount Carmel between the powers of Israel’s true God and the Baals. After the 450 priests of Baal and 400 priests of Asherah spent the day beseeching their gods with wailing and self-mutilation to end the drought, all to no avail, Elijah prayed to his omnipotent God who responded by accepting the sacrifice, having the false prophets slaughtered, and providing an abundance of rain (1 Kings 18:16-46). Instead of acknowledging the awesome power of the one true God, Jezebel was enraged and vowed to kill Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-2). Elijah fled from her wrath to the wilderness (1 Kings 19:3-8). 

In the meantime, Jezebel was proving herself to be the greedy, murderous, evil woman she truly was. A righteous man named Naboth owned a vineyard next to Ahab’s palace. Ahab offered to buy the vineyard, but Naboth, honoring God’s command to keep inheritances within the family, rightly refused to sell. Ahab became “sullen and angry” and went home to sulk on his bed. Jezebel ridiculed him for his weakness and told him to cheer up for she would get the vineyard for him. She plotted with two lying scoundrels to have Naboth falsely accused and denounced, then put to death. Then she calmly declared to Ahab that the vineyard was his (1 Kings 21:1-16). Here we see the formula for a disastrous marriage: a weak, childish man who allows his evil, domineering wife to rule the home. This is the exact opposite of God’s plan for marriage: a loving husband who leads his family, and whose care for his wife mirrors that of Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:25-26, 28-29), and a godly woman who submits to her husband “as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22), each submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21; Colossians 3:18-19; 1 Peter 3:7).

As with all who defy the Lord, Jezebel’s end was not a pretty one, although it was more gruesome than most, perhaps as an object lesson to all who set themselves up against the one true God. Her doom was sure, having been prophesied by Elijah in 1 Kings 21:23. Even as she saw her death approaching, she remained defiant to the end, painting her face and adorning herself in queenly garments. She looked out the window and shouted her defiance to Jehu, the next king of Israel who came to take his throne (2 Kings 9:30-37). Jehu commanded her to be thrown out the window to her death, where she was trampled by the horses’ hooves and almost entirely consumed by dogs. Her thirty years of tyranny over Israel had ended. The terror visited upon Jezebel was a testimony to the Israelites, and to us, that God’s power is supreme and those who defy Him will meet a terrible end.

Now, let’s notice 1st Kings 16:

29 In the thirty-eighth year of Asa king of Judah, Ahab the son of Omri became king over Israel.  And Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty-two years.

30 Now, Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, (more than) all who were before him.

31 And it came to pass as though it had been a trivial thing for Ahab to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, That Ahab took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Eth-baal, king of the Sidonians, or the Phoenicians.  Now Ahab went and served Baal and worshiped him.

32 Then he set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.

33 And Ahab made a wooden image. Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him

See 1st Kings 19:

1 And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword.

2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.

3 And when he saw that, he arose and ran for his life, and went to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there.

Now, see 1 Kings 21.  Naboth vineyard.

1 And it came to pass after these things that Naboth the Jezerite had a vineyard which was in Jezreel, next to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria.

2 So Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, "Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near, next to my house; and for it I will give you a vineyard better than it. Or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its worth in money."

3 But Naboth said to Ahab, "The Lord forbid that I should give the inheritance of my fathers to you!"

4 So Ahab went into his house sullen and displeased because of the word which Naboth the Jezerite had spoken to him; for he had said, "I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers." And he lay down on his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no food.

5 But Jezebel, his wife came to him, and said to him, "Why is your spirit so sullen that you eat no food?"

6 He said to her, "Because I spoke to Naboth the Jezerite, and said to him, 'Give me your vineyard for money; or else, if it pleases you, I will give you another vineyard for it.' And he answered, 'I will not give you my vineyard.' "

7 Then Jezebel his wife said to him, "You now exercise authority over Israel! Arise, eat food, and let your heart be cheerful; I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezerite."

8 And she wrote letters in Ahab's name, sealed them with his seal, and sent the letters to the elders and the nobles who were dwelling in the city with Naboth.

9 She wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and seat Naboth with high honor among the people;

10 and seat two men, scoundrels, before him to bear witness against him, saying, "You have blasphemed God and the king." Then take him out, and stone him that he may die.

11 So the men of his city, the elders and nobles who were inhabitants of his city, did as Jezebel had sent to them, as it was written in the letters which she had sent to them.

12 They proclaimed a fast, and seated Naboth with high honor among the people.

13 And two men, scoundrels, came in and sat before him; and the scoundrels witnessed against him, against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, "Naboth has blasphemed God and the king!" Then they took him outside the city and stoned him with stones, so that he died.

14 Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, "Naboth has been stoned and is dead."

15 And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, "Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezerite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead."

16 So it was, when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab got up and went down to take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezerite.

Revelation 2:

18 And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write, 'These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass:

19 I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first.

20 Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman (Jezebel), who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.

21 And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. 

22 Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.

23 I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.

24 Now to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine, who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will put on you no other burden.

25 But hold fast what you have till I come.

26 And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations

27 'He shall rule them with a rod of iron; They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter's vessels as I also have received from My Father;

28 and I will give him the morning star.

29 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." 

 Sermon Notes For 10-13-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 11-15, Part 2.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:11.  Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. (Stop here)

Now, notice carefully that 1st Timothy 2: 11. Says specifically, let “A Woman.”

(Question) So, who is this woman that is being referred to here in 1st Timothy 2: 11?

•Is 1st Timothy 2: 11. Referring to all women in general?

•Or,  is 1st Timothy 2: 11 Referring to a specific type or kind of woman that was a concern then, and is a concern now? 

Well, actually, the answer is found in 1st Timothy 2: 12!  Now, let’s notice carefully 1st Timothy 2: 12, The NKJV says, And I do not permit a woman to teach, Or to have Authority over a man, But to be in silence.  

Now, 1st Timothy 2: 12from The KJV says, But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man,  but to be in silence. (Stop here)

Usurp.  A Strong's Definition. αὐθεντέωauthentéō, ow-then-teh'-o. •to act of oneself. To act or to take action in accordance with one’s own desires or motives or ambitions.

Now, An English Definition for the word usurp is, to unlawfully or wrongfully seize hold upon an office. Or a position. Or a place. Or a function, Without permission Or being appointed Or requested by another or others.  A good synonym for Usurp would be •Supplant.

Usurper. Some good synonym for usurper •Supplanter.

Now, there are 2 women in the Bible who unfortunately they would qualify as Usurper’s

or Supplanter’s.  Because these 2 women willfully usurped and supplanted God’s Divine Authority and His Divine Order.

Also, these 2 women willfully usurped and supplanted against their own spouse’s, whom God had placed to be their head and to be my their covering in their relationship.  And lastly, these 2 women willfully usurped and supplanted in such a way, that they will be remembered throughout time as a negative example ok that no one should ever follow. 

Now, let’s turn to Genesis Chapter 3.

Now, last Sunday, we considered the first woman that was a concern then and is a concern now!

And this particular woman qualifies as Usurper or Supplanter, based upon what the Scriptures revealed about her as we saw last week in various places in the Bible, and her name is, Jezebel!!

Now, this Sunday we want to consider the second woman that was a concern then and is a concern now!

For this particular woman, also qualifies as Usurper or Supplanter, based upon what the Scriptures Revealed About Her In Various Places In The Bible, And Her Name Is Eve!!

Now, let’s notice Genesis 3:20. And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living human beings.

Now, let’s see Genesis 1:

26 Then God said, Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

27 So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Now, see Genesis 2:

22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man the Lord God made into a woman or Eve, and the Lord God brought the woman or Eve unto the man, Adam.

23 And Adam said: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called woman, Because she was taken out of man.

25 And they were both naked, but the man Adam nor his wife Eve were not ashamed.

Now, see Genesis 3:8A.  And Adam and Eve heard the sound of The Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day (Stop here)

Now, for the next several minute I would like to share with you a few my own observations regarding Genesis Chapter 3, and what possibly happened, that we should be concerned about.

My first observation of Genesis 3: 1-7.  is, that this was not the first time that Adam and Eve were tempted regarding the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Now, notice Genesis 3:1A. Now the serpent or the Evil One working within this serpent, and it was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. (Stop here)

Now, our next observation is that The Evil One subtly leads Adam and Eve into a role reversal which God had not established within their marital relationship before.

Now, notice Genesis 3:6B. And Eve took of its fruit the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and ate, and she also gave unto her husband With her and Adam ate.  (Stop Here)

Notice it said, “Her husband With her!”

Now, please keep this in mind, for it is extremely important to know that Adam was right there with Eve all the time, but He chose to say nothing and He chose to do nothing!

Now, notice Genesis 3:

1B. Then the Evil One said unto the woman or Eve, has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman or Eve said unto the serpent or the Evil One, We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die! (Stop here)  See later Genesis 2: 16&17.

Now, our next observation is that during this time of testing and temptation, Adam has completely forsakes His God-given responsibility of headship and to be a covering for His wife within their marital relationship.

Now, notice Genesis 3:

4 Then the serpent or the Evil One said unto the woman or Eve, “You will not surely die!”

5 In fact, God knows that in the day you eat of the tree, •your eyes will be opened, •And you will be like God, knowing good and evil. (Stop here)

Now, our final observation is that Eve Usurps Adam’s God-given position of Headship,

Taking complete charge over the situation without being, Asked, or assigned, or advocated, i.e. recommended.

Now, notice Genesis 3:6.  So, when the woman Eve saw that •the tree was good for food.

•That it was pleasant to the eyes. •And a tree desirable to make one wise.

Eve took of its fruit and ate. And she also gave unto her husband with her and Adam ate.

Now, let’s notice Genesis 3:16. God is speaking, and unto the woman or Eve God said: 

•I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception. •In pain you shall bring forth children. •Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you! (Stop there)

Now, notice again, Genesis 3:16C. Your desire Eve shall be for your husband. And he your husband shall rule over you!  (Question), What does this mean?

Now, in the NKJV of Genesis 3: 16B says, “Your desire shall be for your husband!” (Stop there!)

And in the KJV of Genesis 3: 16B says, “And thy desire shall be to thy husband, (Stop there!)

And unfortunately, both of these English translations have led to numerous interpretations

and mis-conceptions regarding a wife’s emotional or sexual neediness for her husband.

But fortunately, in the Bible this phrase in Genesis 3: 16B, was used in a similar way in another place in the Bible, which will help us to better understand and interpret this portion of Genesis 3: 16B correctly.

Now, turn to Genesis 4.

Now, notice Genesis 4:

6. And The Lord said unto Cain, Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?  

7. If you do well, or do what is right, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, or do what is right, then sin lies or is crouching at the door. *And it’s “desire” or “will” Are against you. And you must rule over it. (Stop there!)  

Listen, this last phrase here in Genesis 4: 7B, is exactly the same language that was used in Genesis 3: 16B.

But at that time in Genesis 3: 16 was being addressed unto Cain’s parents, Adam and Eve,

which was a part of the curse or the consequence for their sin that would dramatically affect marriage and the raising of children.

Now, back to Genesis 3.

Now, remember here in Genesis 3: 16, this is curse or consequence, that is usually overlooked, concerning marriage.

Now, notice again this paraphrase of Genesis 3: 16B, and eve your desire, not desires, but your desire shall be, or your desire will be directed against your husband. (Stop there)

Now listen, the words “desire” or “will,” in Genesis 3: 16B are making reference to, 

•A strong will, •Very assertive, •Take charge, •Take control kind of personality.

Or the words “desire” or “will,” here in Genesis 3: 16B can also be making reference to,

•A Passive Resistance Who Is A Complainer, A fault finder. Overly critical or judgemental,

or just a non-decisive kind of personality.

•And one more thing, the words “desire” or “will,” here in Genesis 3: 16B, can be making reference to, •Someone allowing their self-determination to be more important than their mutual cooperation with their spouse. (Repeat)

Refusing to recognize the headship position of their spouse given unto them by God.

Now, notice again this paraphrase of Genesis 3: 16C, But Eve your husband Adam, shall “rule over” you! (Stop there)

Now, the words “rule over” that are used here, is not to be seen as beneficial or positive!

Because the words “rule over” can mean, •to subject someone by force or by manipulation.

•To control someone by force or by manipulation. •To dominate someone. •To be tyrannical towards someone. •To be abusive with someone, either by physical, or emotional, or psychological abuse.

Listen, as a result of this portion of the curse or consequences in Genesis 3: 16C,  and the prediction is your spouse, your husband, if he choose to do so, for he truly has the capability because of the sin nature dwelling within him.

Or, it may be because your spouse, your husband were influenced or mentored incorrectly by someone.

Listen, either way, your spouse, your husband, they truly have the capability to do all of these things that were mentioned, and much more!  And actually, both spouses, whether it is the husband, or it is the wife.

They both have other internal matters that will affect their relationship with each other.  This may include all of their personal baggage from our childhood to this very moment.  For example, our emotional baggage.  Or our psychological baggage.  Our relational baggage.

Along with all the other unresolved issues, habits, behaviors, and unhealthy lifestyle choices that as individuals they have made.

(Question), But is there any hope for marriages or for the raising up of the next generation?

And the answer is yes! Because in the Book of Ephesians Chapter 5, verses 21 thru 31,

(Please turn there) and also, in Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 1 thru 4. (Please turn there)

Now, in this special part of the Book of Ephesians, we have some life-changing Divine principles for overcoming the side-effects of Genesis 3:16, which directly affects marriages and the raising up of the next generation.

 Sermon Notes For 10-20-241st Timothy 2: 11-15, Part 3.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now, I would like you to imagine what a blessing and benefit to have someone in your life of the same gender who is discipling or they are spiritually mentoring you, being actively involved in your spiritual growth and development.  They are a prayer partner for you.  They are the one that you can ask questions when you are reading the Scriptures and you don’t understand certain things.

And lastly, they are the one that you can lean on for support, or encouragement, or correction, when things are not going well and you are tempted to make some bad choices.

Now this time, I would like you to imagine that you are the one that the Lord is using to be involved in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

Therefore, this year in 2024 and beyond, the objective would be that each one of us with God‘s help, would become that person who is regularly involved in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

And fortunately, there are at least 3 books in the Bible that are extremely helpful in preparing us, equipping us, and directing us in becoming that person who is regularly involved in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

Now, the 3 books in the Bible that are extremely helpful and that you should read for yourself Are, •1st Timothy.  •2nd Timothy.  •And Titus.

And currently, with God‘s help, we are still working our way through the Book of 1st Timothy, Chapter 2,  And verses 11 thru 15, where we are faced with another important question that a person whom the Lord would have you to be involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring, that they will have some questions and concerns about!

(Question) When it comes to God’s people, are there God-ordained roles for males and females who are married.  Or who are starting or they are a part of a family.  Or they are actively involved in serving in a local Church Ministry. Should they abide by the God-ordained roles that were given within the scriptures, or does it really matter?

Because again, at some point it is inevitable that the person whom the Lord would have you to be involved in discipling or spiritually mentoring they will have certain questions and concerns about the God-ordained roles for males and females who are married.  Or who are starting or they are a part of a family. or they are actively involved in serving in a local Church Ministry.  Should they abide by the God-ordained roles that were given within the scriptures, or does it really matter?

(Question) Have you ever had the lead role or a supporting role in a school play or musical? A church play or musical? Or a community play or musical in which you had the lead role or a supporting role? 

Now, our English word “role” can mean several things depending on the context.  For example, if you are talking about someone in a marital relationship, then the word “role” can mean, Someone who (willfully) performs or plays a certain part within their own relationship.  Or they can (willfully) function in a specific way within their own relationship.

So once again, when it comes to God’s people, are there God-ordained roles for males and females who are married. Or who are starting or they are a part of a family.  Or they are actively involved in serving in a local Church Ministry. Should they abide by the God-ordain roles that were given within the scriptures, or does it really matter?

Now, let’s notice again 1st Timothy 2:

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

15 Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.  (Stop here)

Now, let’s go back and carefully notice a few things here in 1st Timothy 2:

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

(Note) And for the last 2 Sundays in row during this month of October with God’s help we have tried to understand this controversial verse.

12 (NKJV) And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

12 (The KJV) But I suffer not, or permit not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Now, please notice carefully this Slide on the screen.

G435 ἀνήρ A-nēr.

•Can refer to a male of any age.

•Can refer to a husband of any age.

•Can refer to a betrothed man or a future husband of any age.

•Can refer to an adult man of any age which distinguishes him from a boy even though he is a male.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:

12 NKJV, And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

12 KJV, But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Now remember, ἀνήρ A-nēr,

•Can refer to a male of any age.

•Can refer to a husband of any age.

•Can refer to a betrothed man or a future husband of any age.

•Can refer to an adult man of any age which distinguishes him from a boy even though he is a male.

For example, see 1st Timothy 2:8. I desire therefore that the men or males pray everywhere, 

lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; (Stop there)

Now, let’s go back and notice carefully a few things here in 1st Timothy 2:

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

(Note) And for the last 2 Sundays in a row during this month of October with God’s help we have tried to understand this controversial Verse.

12 (NKJV) And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

12 (The KJV) But I suffer not, or permit not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

So, what are we to make of all this, is this talking about every woman and is this talking about every man?

Well fortunately, we have in the scriptures a similar divine directive that was given unto a different church, in a different city. Yet interestingly, they were dealing with the same issue and concerns that had to be addressed both then as well as now!

Let Me Show You What I Mean!

Now, let’s turn to 1st Corinthians 14.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 14:

26 How is it then, brethren whenever you come together each of you *has a psalm, *has a teaching, *has a tongue, *has a revelation, *has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.

33 For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

34 Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are

to be submissive, as the Law also says.

35 And if they your women want to learn something let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak out in church.

(Remember verse 26)  How is it then, Brethren whenever you come together each of you,

*has a psalm, *has a teaching, *has a tongue, *has a revelation, *has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.

Now, notice again, 1st Corinthians 14:35. And if they your women want to learn something let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak out in church.

Now, this obviously raises another important question, what if a Christian woman is single or divorced or a widower what does that person do in a similar situation revealed in 1st Corinthians 14: 34&35?

Now, let’s turn to Philippians Chapter 1.

Now, notice Philippians 1:1.  Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints 

in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the Bishops or the Elder and Deacons, (Stop here)

So once again, when it comes to God’s people, are there God-ordained roles for males and females who are married. Or who are starting or they are a part of a family.

Or they are actively involved in serving in a local Church Ministry.  Should they abide by the God-ordained roles that were given within the Scriptures, or does it really matter?

Listen, whether you are a Christian woman or a Christian man, there should not be any Spiritual Long Rangers! Explain. 

Also, if you are actively involved in serving in a local Church Ministry, then you should be willing to abide by the God-ordained roles that were given within the Scriptures, because it really matters to God!

Now, see Hebrews 13:

7 Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the Word of God unto you.  Whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.

17 Obey those who rule over you and be submissive. For they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account.  And let them do so with joy and not with grief for that would be unprofitable for you!

Now, let’s see Titus 1:

4 To Titus a true son in our common faith: Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.

5 For this reason I left you in Crete that you should set in order the things that are lacking,

and appoint Elders in every city as I commanded you.

6 If a man is blameless, The husband of one wife, Having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination.

7 For a Bishop must be blameless as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money,

8 but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled,

9 holding fast the faithful Word as he has been taught, so that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convict those who contradict.

Now, let’s go back to 1st Corinthians 14.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 14:40 which concludes, “Let all things be done decently and  in order.” 

Now, see James 4:

7 Therefore, submit unto God. Resist the devil and he the devil will flee from you.

6 But (He) God gives more Grace. Therefore, He says: God resists the proud, but gives Grace 

unto the humble.

Now, see 1 Peter 5:5.  Likewise, you younger people, submit yourselves unto your Elders. 

Yes, all of you be submissive unto one another, and be clothed with humility, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Now, see Ephesians 5:

21 submitting to one another in the fear of God. 

22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.

23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.

24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

25 Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,

26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,

27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.

29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.

30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.

31 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. 

  Sermon Notes For 11-3-24 For 1st Timothy 2: 11-15, Part 4

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

 Now, let’s also remember that in this year of 2024 and beyond, as a Church family our objective in this new month of November is that we would continue to learn from the Scriptures and from The Holy Spirit himself, in order that we can becoming that person who is regularly involved in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

And fortunately, there are at least 3 books in the Bible that are extremely helpful in preparing us, equipping us, and directing us in becoming that person who is regularly involved in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

Now, the 3 books in the Bible that are extremely helpful and that you should read for yourself Are, •1st Timothy.  •2nd Timothy.  •And Titus.

And currently, with The Lord‘s help, we are still working our way through the book of 1st Timothy Chapter 2, and verses 11 thru 15, where we are faced with another important question that a person whom The Lord would have you to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring, that they will have some questions and concerns about 1st Timothy Chapter 2, and verses 11 thru 15.

(Question) When it comes to God’s people, are there God Ordained roles for males and females who are married. Or who are starting or they are a part of a family.  Or they are actively involved in serving in a local church ministry.  Should they abide by the God ordained roles that were given within the scriptures, or does it really matter?

Because at some point it is inevitable that the person whom The Lord would have you to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring they will have certain questions and concerns about the God ordained roles for males and females who are married. Or who are starting or they are a part of a family.  Or they are actively involved in serving in a local Church Ministry.  Should they abide by the God ordained roles that were given within the Scriptures, or does it really matter?

Now, let’s go back and carefully notice a few things here in 1st Timothy 2:11. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

(Note) Remember with God’s help during the month of October we dealt with this controversial verse. And actually, the best way to understand 1st Timothy 2: 11, is to correctly understand  1st Timothy 2: 12.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:

12 (NKJV) And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

12 (The KJV)  But I  suffer not, or permit not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Now, please notice carefully this slide on the screen. G435 ἀνήρ A-nēr.  •Can refer to a male of any age.  •Can refer to a husband of any age. •Can refer to a betrothed man or a future husband of any age.  •Can refer to an adult man of any age which distinguishes him from a boy even though he is a male.

 Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

12 (NKJV) And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

12 (The KJV) But I suffer not, or permit not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

 So, what are we to make of all this? •Is this talking about every woman, and is this talking about every man?

 Well fortunately, we have in the scriptures a similar divine directive that was given unto a different church, in a different city.  Yet interestingly, they were dealing with the same issue and concerns that had to be addressed both then as well as now!  Let me show you what I mean!

Now, let’s turn to 1st Corinthians 14. Now, notice 1st Corinthians 14:

26 How is it then, brethren whenever you come together each of you, *has a psalm, *has a teaching, *has a tongue, *has a revelation, *has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.

33 For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.               34 Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as The Law also says.

35 And if They your women want to learn something let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak out in church.

Remember Verse 26.  How is it then, Brethren whenever you come together each of you, *has a psalm, *has a teaching, *has a tongue, *has a revelation, *has an interpretation.  Let all things be done for edification.

Now, notice again 1st Corinthians 14:35.  And if they your women want to learn something let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak out in church.

Now, keep that in mind, and let’s turn to Ephesians 5:

22 Wives submit unto your own husbands as unto The Lord.

23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church and He is the Savior of the body.

24 Therefore, just as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be unto their own husbands In Everything.  Explain. 

Now, let’s turn to 1st Corinthians Chapter 11.

Now notice 1st Corinthians 11: 3.  But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ. The head of woman is man, or a heterosexual husband and wife. And the head of Christ is God The Father. Specifically during our Lord Jesus earthly life and earthly ministry.

Now, notice again Vs 3.  But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ. The head of woman is man, Or a heterosexual husband and wife. (Stop here)

Then the Apostle Paul led by The Holy Spirit gives this unique example here in 1st Corinthians 11:4 thru 16.  But because of time let me focus only on a few verses.

Now, notice 1st Corinthians 11:

4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head.

5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head Uncovered dishonors her head, because that is one and the same as if her hair were completely shaved off. (Stop here)

Now, see 1st Peter 3:7.  Husbands likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel.  •And as being heirs together of the grace of life. •That your prayers may not be hindered.

Now, notice again 1st Peter 3: 7A.  Husbands likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor unto the wife as to the weaker vessel, or, the vessel to whom one honors •by covering, •protecting, •and cherishing.

Listen, within a Christian marriage covenant relationship, God has designed that the husband would be a covering for his wife. A protector of his wife. A Shepherd to his wife.

Now, this obviously raises another important question, what if a Christian woman is single or divorced or a widower what does that person do in a similar situation revealed in 1st Corinthians 14: 34&35 and 1st Corinthians 11: 3 thru 16.

Now, let’s turn to Philippians Chapter 1.

Now, Notice Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with The Bishops Or The Elder And Deacons, (Stop Here)

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy Chapter 2. Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:

11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.                                                                     12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.

13 For or because Adam was formed first then Eve. (Stop here)

Now, notice again 1st Corinthians 11:

8 For man is not from woman, but woman from man.  (Genesis 2: 22&23)

9 Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man. (Genesis 2: 18)

11 Nevertheless, neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man in the Lord.

12 For as woman came from man, even so man also comes through woman; but all things are from God.  (Stop here)

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:14.  And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. (Stop here)

Quote Genesis 3: 13. And the Lord God said to the woman, What is this you have done?

The woman said, The serpent deceived me and I ate.

Quote 2nd Corinthians 11: 3. The Apostle Paul is speaking, But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:14.  And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.  (Stop here)

Think about it, Adam was not deceived!

See Genesis 3: 6.  So, when the woman saw that the tree was good for food. That it was pleasant to the eyes.   And a tree desirable to make one wise. She took of its fruit and ate. And she also gave to her husband with her and he ate.  (Stop here)

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy Chapter 2.

Now, notice 1st Timothy 2:                                                                                                          14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

15 Nevertheless, She will be saved in childbearing, If they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.  (Stop here)

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:15.  Nevertheless, she will be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control. (Stop here)

Unfortunately, this is a very difficult verse to understand and to interpret correctly.  because there are many possibilities of interpretation.

For example.  The redemption of womanhood after the fall.

Another example.  The redemption of Eve after the fall and all of her female descendants.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:15. Nevertheless, She = Mary the mother of Jesus, or Eve?

See 1st Timothy 2:

13.  For Adam was formed first then Eve. 

14.  And Adam was not deceived, but the woman (Eve) being deceived fell into transgression.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:15. Nevertheless, she will be saved in childbearing.

The word ‘Saved’ can also mean delivered or deliverance.

Quote Genesis 3:16A.  To the woman (Eve) the Lord God said: I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception In pain you shall bring forth children.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2. If they = all women or all Godly Christian women? 

If they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.  (Stop here)

I believe that 1st Timothy 2: 15. Could be classified as a ‘Conundrum’!  What is a Conundrum? A problem. A difficult question. A vexed question. A difficulty or something hard to understand.  A quandary.  A dilemma. A puzzle. An enigma.  A mystery. A brain-twister.  

Now, here is another example of a Conundrum with within the Scriptures.

See Revelation 17:                                                                                                                           9 Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.

10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come.  And when He comes he must continue a short time.

11 And the beast that was and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven and is going to perdition.

12 The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast.

Now, let’s go back to 1st Timothy 2.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 2:15.  Nevertheless, She will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.  (Stop Here)

Sermon Notes For 11-10-24 For 1st Timothy 3: 1-13, Part 1.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 3.

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

In this new month of November and beyond, let’s remember that our objective is still the same, and that is to learn from the learn from the Scriptures and from The Holy Spirit himself, in order that we can becoming that person who is regularly involved in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

And fortunately, there are at least 3 books in the Bible that are extremely helpful In preparing us, equipping us, and directing us in becoming that person who is regularly involved

in discipling, or spiritually mentoring another for Christ.

Now, the 3 books in The Bible that are extremely helpful and that you should read for yourself and they are, •1st Timothy. •2nd Timothy. •And Titus.

And starting today with God‘s help, we will be working our way through The Book of 1st Timothy Chapter 3, and verses 1 thru 13, where we are faced with another important question that a person whom The Lord would have you to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring, that they will have some questions and concerns regarding 1st Timothy Chapter 3, and verses 1 thru 13.

Now, notice (NKJV) 1st Timothy 3:

1 This is a faithful saying, if a man desires the position or office of a Bishop, he desires a good work.

2 A Bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach;

3 Not given unto wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous;

4 One who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence.

5 for or because if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?

6 not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.

7 Moreover, he must have a good testimony among Those who are outside the Church. Lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

8 Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money,

9 holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.

10 But let these Deacons also be tested first. Then let them serve as Deacons being found blameless.

11 Likewise their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, but temperate, faithful in all things.

12 Let Deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

13 For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. (Stop here)

 So once again, we are faced with another important question that a person whom The Lord would have you to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring, that they will have some questions and concerns regarding 1st Timothy Chapter 3 and verses 1 thru 13.

 (Question) When it comes to God’s people, are there God Ordained roles that are given within the Scriptures for Ministry?  Or for being actively involved in serving within a local Church Ministry. Whether you are a male or a female, that we as God’s people should abide by, or does it really matter?   

 So again, how should you and i respond and answer such questions coming from a person whom the lord would have you to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring and they bring up certain questions and concerns like, if you are a male or a female should we abide by The God ordained roles that are given within the Scriptures for the Ministry?  Or, if you are a male or a female should we abide by The God Ordain roles when involved in serving within a local Church Ministry, or does it really matter?   

 So today with God’s help we want to begin working our way through 1st Timothy Chapter 3, and verses 1 thru 13, in order that we might be a help to someone else whom The Lord would have you & me to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring them, and they bring up certain questions and concerns about The God Ordained roles for the Ministry or for serving in a local church ministry whether you are a male or a female, that we as God’s people should abide by, or does it really matter?

 Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 3:1.  1 This is a faithful saying, if a man or someone desires the position or office of a Bishop, he desires a good work. (Stop here)

Based upon 1st Timothy 3: 1A.  Which some English Translations say “man” but is that the correct translation?  Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 3:1A.  This is a faithful saying, if a man desires the position or office of a Bishop, (Stop here)

In English we would pronounce it “Tis”.  Which can mean, someone or anyone. Or it can refer to a person or an object.

(Note) A Strong's Definition for the word τὶς tis, which is an enclitic indefinite pronoun. Which means it can be translated as, Someone or Anyone.  Or, it can refer to a person or an object.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 3:1A.  This is a faithful saying, if a man or someone or anyone desires the position or office of a Bishop,  (Stop here)

Now, based upon 1st Timothy 3: 1B.  Which some English Translations say, “ the position” or “the office,”  but which one is the correct translation?   

A Strong's Definition: ἐπισκοπή episkopḗ from G1980; superintendence; specially, the Christian "episcopate" the office of a "Bishop", bishoprick, visitation.

(Note) An “office” refers to the role or authority within an organization, often with a formal or official status.   While a “position” refers to an individual’s current role or job within an organization.

Now, let’s notice 1st Timothy 3:1.  This is a faithful saying, if a man or someone or anyone desires the position or office of a Bishop,  (Stop here)

Now, based upon 1st Timothy 3: 1.  In what way does one’s spiritual gift or gifts from The Lord, qualifies, enables and equips a person for the office of a Bishop?  

Now, see Romans 12: 6-8.  See I Corinthians 12: 28, And in I Peter 4: 10&11, there is also some additional instruction and guidance concerning spiritual gifts that are often forgotten, but definitely need to be understood and practice.

However, there is one more list in the bible that we should look at that in my opinion has unfortunately been mis-identified by some as being a list of spiritual gifts which I don’t believe is actually the case.

Let me show you what I mean, turn to 1 Corinthians 12.

Now remember, I’m not looking for you to agree with me on everything that I’m about to say and share with you on this topic concerning Spiritual Gifts. For I want you to be personally lead by The Lord, to search the Scriptures, and to be spiritually discerning for yourself about this topic. For we may not agree on some things, but there are far more things from the Bible that I hope that we do agree upon, than we disagree upon. May we agree to disagree on some points as we deal with this topic. Instead of being divisive, argumentative, mean-spirited, slanderous, or even willing to break fellowship with each other, simply because we see things differently at this point in time.

Now, notice 1 Corinthians 12:

7.  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.

8. for to one is given *the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another *the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,

9. *to another faith by the same Spirit, *to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,

10. *to another the working of miracles, *to another prophecy, *to another discerning of spirits, *to another different kinds of tongues, *to another the interpretation of tongues.

11. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

Now Again, in my opinion this list here in I Corinthians 12: 7-11 has unfortunately been mis-identified by some as being a list of Spiritual gifts which I don’t believe is actually the case.

And here are my reasons why I think this is true!

First, notice carefully the wording in 1 Corinthians 12:7. But the manifestation of the Spirit, (Stop there!)

But what does the words manifestation or to manifest mean?

When some thing or someone, is made visible, or their actions, or power, or abilities are on exhibition.

What does the words manifestation or to manifest mean?

When the expression some thing or someone, is made clear, or open, or obvious.

Also notice again 1 Corinthians 12:7. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit or benefit of all.

Listen, in this case, God The Holy Spirit is no respecter of persons.  The Holy Spirit is gracious to use and work through any child of God who is holy, willing, and yielded unto Him.

Now again, it is my humble opinion that this list here in I Corinthians 12: 7-11 has unfortunately been mis-identified by some as being a list of spiritual gifts, which i don’t believe is actually the case.

And here is another reason why I think this is true!

 Now, notice I Corinthians 12:1. Now, concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.

 Now, the word (gifts), Is a italicized word or the font style are different the other words.

In both KJV & The NKJV they were Inserted by The English Translators to give clarity or understanding to The Contexts.

Also remember, that The New Testament was originally written in the language known in that day as, ”Koine Greek, and not in English!”

(Note:) The Young’s Literal Translation of 1 Corinthians 12: 1.“And concerning the spiritual things, brethren, I do not wish you to be ignorant.”

 Listen, regardless of whatever you & I believe or think about verses 8-1, please remember that verses 7&11 are the most important matters in this entire section.  Please Notice Vs. 1, but one and the same Spirit works all these things, (8-10) distributing to each one individually as He wills.”

Now, explain how one’s gender male or female, doesn’t matter in this case.

Now remember, I’m not looking for you to agree with me on everything that I’m about to say and share with you on this topic concerning Spiritual Gifts. For I want you to be personally lead by The Lord, to search the Scriptures, and to be spiritually discerning for yourself about this topic. For we may not agree on some things, but there are far more things from the Bible that I hope that we do agree upon, than we disagree upon. May we agree to disagree on some points as we deal with this topic. Instead of being divisive, argumentative, mean-spirited, slanderous, or even willing to break fellowship with each other, simply because we see things differently at this point in time.

Now, let’s notice Ephesians 4:

8. Therefore, He says: When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men.

11. “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, and to be some prophets, and to be some Evangelists, and to be some Pastors and Teachers.”  (Stop there!)

(Question), are these 5 categories that are mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.  *Are these actually offices in a local church Ministry or are they simply Ministry Gifts given to some, and are not to be seen as offices within a local church Ministry? 

Well, turn to 1 Timothy 3.

Now again, before we can answer this question concerning Ephesians 4: 11.  Correctly, let’s first understand what the Bible teaches about the Biblical offices within a local Church Ministry.

Now, from The King James Version of 1 Timothy 3: 1. “This is a true saying, If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desires a good work.”

Now, also notice The (KJV) 1 Timothy 3:

12. Let Deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

13. For they that have used the office of a Deacon have purchase unto themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Now, also notice 1 Timothy 3:

*11. Likewise, their wives or the women *must be reverent, *not slanderers, *temperate, *faithful in all things.

Now, at this point, some of us hold the position that vs.11 with its qualifications, is referring to another official office within local church ministry for women who qualify.

For vs. 11 is not just referring to the wives of Deacons or the wives of Bishop/Elder Person.

However, these qualifications mentioned here in vs.11, it would be a good consideration, for also the wives of Deacons, or the wives of the Bishop/Elder Person, if they were married, because of the delicate, sensitive, personal and confidential matters that these individuals often have to deal with on a regular basis.

Listen, according to the Bible, the highest office within a local church ministry that a woman married or un-married could serve, could be either as a Deaconess, or as a Minister.

Now, from The King James Version of Matthew 20:26. But whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;

Now, see Acts 21: 8. On the next day we who were Paul’s companions departed and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Philip the Evangelist, who was one of the seven. (Note Acts 6: 3-5).  And vs. 8 concludes by saying, “And we stayed with him, Philip the Evangelist.”

9. Now, Philip had four virgin daughters who prophesied.

 Sermon Notes For 11-17-24 For 1st Timothy 3: 1-13, Part 2

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 3.  And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now today with God’s help, lets continue to work our way through 1st Timothy Chapter 3, and verses 1 thru 13, where we are faced with another important question that a person whom The Lord would have you to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring, that they will have some questions and concerns regarding 1st Timothy Chapter 3, And Verses 1 Thru 13.

(Question) are there God ordained roles that are given within the Scriptures for the Ministry?  Or, for being actively involved in serving within a local Church Ministry, whether you are a male or a female, should we as God’s people abide by the God ordained roles that are given within the Scriptures, or does it really matter?

Now, let’s notice KJV 1st Timothy 3:1. This is a faithful saying, if a man or someone desires 

the office of a Bishop, he desires a good work. (Stop here)

And by the way, The New King James Version of 1st Timothy 3:1, says, This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.

But, the New American Standard Bible of 1 Timothy 3:1 says, It is a trustworthy statement, if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do.

The Amplified Bible of 1 Timothy 3:1. This is a faithful and trustworthy saying: if any man eagerly seeks the office of Overseer (Bishop, Superintendent), he desires an excellent task.

English Revised Version of 1 Timothy 3:1. Faithful is the saying, If a man seeketh the office 

of a Bishop, he desireth a good work.

Also, notice The KJV 1 Timothy 3:                                                                                                   12 Which says, Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

13. For they that have used the office of a Deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Finally, now notice Philippians 1:1. “Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philipp, with the Bishops and Deacons.”

Now, based upon 1st Timothy 3:1, in what way does one’s spiritual gift or gifts from The Lord, qualifies, enables and equips a person for the office of a Bishop?

So, once again, let’s consider what the Scriptures says about a special section within The New Testament that reveals some unique Spiritual Ministry gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4:11.

Now, let’s turn to Ephesians Chapter 4.

Now, before we begin looking at this special section in Ephesians Chapter 4, I want everyone to know that I’m not expecting all of you to agree with me on everything that I am about to share with you regarding this special section here in Ephesians Chapter 4 and verses 8&11 concerning some Spiritual/Ministry Gifts.

Therefore, I pray that you will be personally led by the Lord, and that you would search the Scriptures, and be Spiritually discerning about this most important topic. 

So again, we may not agree on some things, but there are far more things from the Bible that I hope that we do agree upon than we disagree upon.

We may agree to disagree on some points, which would be far better than being divisive, argumentative, mean-spirited, slanderous.  Or even willing to break fellowship with each other, simply because we may see things differently at this point in time.

Now then, let’s notice Ephesians 4:8. Therefore, He says: When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive and gave Gifts unto men.  Remember who is the one being referred to in vs 8!

Well, see Ephesians 4:7.  But unto every one of us is given Grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

Now, see Ephesians 4:11. And (He) Christ Jesus gave some to be apostles, and to be some prophets, and to be some Evangelists, and to be some Pastors and Teachers.  (Stop there!)

Now, the 1st important thing regarding these unique Spiritual/ Ministry gifts that are mentioned here in Ephesians 4:11, they cannot be given by one individual, or a group of individuals unto another individual!

Or, another way I could say it is that the Spiritual/Ministry gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4:11,

they cannot be given by men unto men! (Repeat)  And why you may ask?

Well, remember Ephesians 4:                                                                                                     8. Therefore, He says: When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, *And gave gifts unto men (or mankind).

11. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, and to be some prophets, and to be some Evangelists and to be some Pastors and Teachers.

But someone might say, Well, what about 1st Timothy 4:14. Isn’t this what is taking place?

A group of individuals giving unto another individual a Spiritual gift or gifts?

Well, let’s see 1st Timothy 4:14. As the Apostle Paul is reminding his young friend Timothy concerning his Pastoral gift, that he would stay committed no matter what!

Now vs. 14 said, “Neglect not the gift that is in you, which was given you by prophecy, and with the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery, or the Elders.” (Stop here)

Now, with God’s help may I explain why 1st Timothy 4: 14 is not the impartation, or the imparting of a Spiritual gift or gifts unto another person by someone or someone’s.

Actually, this was •The ordination, •And the setting apart, •And a confirmation that a Spiritual gift or gifts already resides in the life of the person Timothy and over a period of time has been under the examination of the leadership of that congregation.

Now, back to Ephesians Chapter 4.

Now, notice again Ephesians 4:                                                                                               8.  Therefore, He says: When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, *And gave Gifts unto men (or mankind).

11. And He (Himself) gave some to be Apostles, and to be some Prophets, and to be some Evangelists, and to be some Pastors and Teachers.  (Stop Here)

Now, the next matter is, that the individuals that God chooses to use in these areas that are mentioned in Ephesians 4:11, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, they are not to be ranked or valued as being more important than another area.

For example, the Spiritual gift regarding an Apostle, is not to be ranked or considered more valuable or more important than the Spiritual gift of a Prophet.

And the Spiritual gift regarding an Evangelist, is not to be ranked or considered more valuable or more important than the Spiritual gift of a Pastor.

And the Spiritual gift regarding a Pastor, is not to be ranked or considered more valuable or more important than the Spiritual gift of a Teacher.

Now, the next matter is, that the individuals that God chooses to use in these areas that are mentioned here in Ephesians 4:11, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers,

unfortunately, they are flawed human beings who are capable of operating in the flesh, or doing wrong, or sinning, or disobeying God and His Word. And for this reason, they are never to be put upon a pedestal! Nor followed blindly!  The individuals that God chooses to use in these areas that are mentioned here in Ephesians 4:11, they are never to be unaccountable, or to be seen as a celebrity spiritual leaders within the Body of Christ, or within a local Church Ministry.

Now, the next matter is that the individuals that God chooses to use in these areas that are mentioned here in Ephesians 4:11, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, 

are not predicated upon an individual’s •Gender. •Or their chronological age. •Or their ethnicity. •Or race or class. •Or their economic status. •Or their educational status. Or their cultural status. Or their family connections.

And lastly, the next matter is that the individuals that God chooses to use in these areas that are mentioned here in Ephesians 4:11, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers,  they are not to be determine based upon •Their physical appearance.  •Or their personality. •Or their mental capacity.  •Or their verbal skills. •Or their talents.

Listen, you & I may disagree at this point, but for me, I truly believe that a woman who is Biblically qualified could be used and useful in anyone of these Ministry Gifts that are mentioned here in Verse 11.

Because, remember in verse 11, these are not offices within the Body of Christ, nor within a local Church Ministry, but these are Spiritual/Ministry Gifts!

And also, remember Ephesians 4:8. Therefore, He says: When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave Gifts unto men (or mankind).

However, as I said before last time, I do not believe that the Bible teaches that a Woman should be an Elder/Bishop person. 

See again, Titus 1:5-9.  But also, because of the principle of masculine Spiritual headship and leadership that Bible gives.   •See, I Timothy 3:1-7.  •Now, see I Corinthians 11:3. 

•Finally, see Ephesians 5:22-24. Now, back to Ephesians 4:11.

Now then, let’s take some time to define and describe these Spiritual/Ministry gifts mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11, Apostles. Prophets. Evangelists. Pastors. Teachers.

Now, for most Christians the first two that are mentioned, *Apostles. *And Prophets are the least familiar and are the most misunderstood.

But the next group the last 3 that are mentioned, *Evangelists. *Pastors. *Teachers.  For most Christians these are the most familiar but are still the most misunderstood as well!

So, Let’s start with the first two that were mentioned, *Apostles, *And Prophets.  Which again are the least familiar and are the most misunderstood.

•First, Apostles. Apostolos, which can mean, •A Sent One! •A Special Delegate. •An Ambassador or a Messenger, or a Missionary.

•Secondly, Prophets. Prophetes To fore-tell by means of exhortation admonishment or warnings.

Now, let’s consider the last 3 that are mentioned, *Evangelists. *Pastors. *Teachers. Again, these are the most familiar but are still the most misunderstood as well!

First, Evangelists. Euaggelistes, or one who shares, declares or witnesses or preaches the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, in order that someone might Believe and be saved!

Next, Pastors. Poimen, simply means a shepherd or herdsman of livestock, sheep or goats.

(Note) However, there is a lot more to this term and I would like you to know, therefore, I’ll come back to this term shortly.

And finally, Ephesians 4: 11, the word “Teachers.” An instructor or educator. One who explains and clarifies and brings understanding to a topic, either one on one. Or within a small group. Or within a large group.

However, here at the end of Ephesians 4: 11 in our English Bibles we are at a disadvantage because we have only one word for the word, “And.”

(Note:) Pastors and Teachers, these two nouns are connected in Greek by “kai” which often has the meaning "that is,” or "in particular."  This “and” differs from the other “and’s” “de” in verse 11.  Therefore, this conjunction word “and” or “kai” connects the Pastors (Shepherds) and Teachers in a way that speaks of a single entity of a teaching Shepherd.

In other words, all Pastors teach since teaching is an essential part in feeding God’s flock with His word. All Pastors teach, but not all Teachers are Pastors.

(Quote), Kenneth Wuest, New Testament Translation of Ephesians 4:11, that says, “And He himself gave some on the one hand, as apostles.  And on the other hand, some as Prophets.

And still again some as, “Bringers of The Good News.”

Sermon Notes For 11-24-24 For 1st Timothy 3: 1-13, Part 3.

Now, let’s turn to 1st Timothy Chapter 3.

And let’s continue with our series that we have entitled, “Becoming That Person Who Is Regularly Involved In Discipling, Or Spiritually Mentoring Another For Christ.

Now today, with God‘s help, lets continue to understand this very important section of 1st Timothy Chapter 3, and verses 1 thru 13, where we are faced with another important question that a person whom The Lord would have you to be involved with discipling or spiritually mentoring,  that they will have some questions and concerns regarding 1st Timothy Chapter 3, and verses 1 thru 13.

(Question) Are there God Ordain roles that are given within the Scriptures for the Ministry?  Or, for being actively involved in serving within a local Church Ministry, whether you are a male or a female, should we as God’s people abide by the God Ordain roles that are given within the Scriptures, or does it really matter?

Now, let’s notice KJV 1st Timothy 3:

1 This is a faithful saying, if a man or someone desires the office of a Bishop he desires a good work. (Stop here)  And by the way, when it says, “If someone desires the office of a Bishop, they desire a good work. Please don’t misunderstand that this word desire which is being used here in 1st Timothy 3: 1 is not referring to,

•A self-induced desire coming from one’s own self. •Nor from the influence of someone else upon them as well.

Also, in some other English translations of 1st Timothy 3: 1A will use the words, aspires or seeks.  And please don’t misunderstand these 2 words, aspires or seeks, for they are not referring to •A self-centered aspiration, •Nor a self-seeking motivation, •Nor from the influence of someone else upon them.

Now, let’s see Romans 10:

13 For whoever calls upon the name of The Lord shall be Saved.

14 How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? *And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? *And how shall they hear without a preacher?

15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent or called or chosen, As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!

Now, notice again Romans 10:15. And how shall they preach unless they are sent or called or chosen. (Stop hereNow, back to 1st Timothy Chapter 3.

Now, notice again 1st Timothy 3:1. This is a faithful saying, if a man or someone desires the office of a Bishop, he desires a good work. (Stop here)

Now, based upon 1st Timothy 3: 1 In what way does one’s Spiritual gift or Ministry gifts, whether it maybe an Apostle. A Prophet. Evangelist. Or Pastors that teacher and preach, or any combination of these Ministry gifts that come from The Lord which will qualify, enables and equips a person for the office of a Bishop or Elder?

Now, let’s turn to Ephesians Chapter 4.

Now, notice Ephesians 4:8. Therefore, He says: When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts unto men.

Now, see Ephesians 4:11. And (He) Christ Jesus gave some to be Apostles, and to be some Prophets, and to be some Evangelists, and to be some Pastors and Teachers.“  (Stop there!)

So again, this list within Ephesians 4: 11, Which I believe has only 4 categories of Ministry/Spiritual gifts, 

and the last one which is actually two in one, Pastors that teach! 

But, this time I want us to focus upon the Ministry/Spiritual gifts of Pastoring or Shepherding! Because unfortunately, due to a lack of sound teaching on this topic regarding pastoring or shepherding and the qualifications, and the roles and the responsibilities they are to have within the local Church according to the Bible. There remains a lot of confusion about the Pastoral gift mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11. 

And along with the multiple years of man-made tradition that exist in most churches, denominations and throughout the body of Christ as a whole.  There remains a lot of confusion about the Ministry/Spiritual gifts of pastoring or shepherding.

Also, here in the United States for nonprofit religious organizations, the State Governments may require that there is to be one key person to represent the Church or the Ministry as it’s, •Founder. •The President.

•The Chairman of the Board who has been given authority to sign, important documents and to conduct business on behalf of the Church or the Ministry.  And in some cases, they are allowed to have the final say depending upon the churches bylaws or the ministry’s bylaws.

Therefore, most local churches, they have adopted the idea that the person they have chosen to call, “The Pastor,” will be the one to represent the Church or the Ministry.  But actually the Bible paints a different picture of the individual or individuals who have been given by God the Ministry/Spiritual gifts of pastoring or shepherding!

Because according to the Bible, those who have been endowed with the Ministry/Spiritual gift of pastoring or shepherding, there are at least 4 essential Spiritual virtues must be present in the person or persons who has the Pastoral gift mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11.

And therefore, those who have been endowed with the Ministry/Spiritual Gift of pastoring or shepherding,

•They are to lead God’s flock. •They are to feed God’s flock. •They are to care for God’s flock.  •They are to protect God’s flock.

So then, lets take some time and look at each one of these Spiritual virtues that were just mentioned, because again all of these Spiritual virtues must be present in the person or persons who has the Pastoral gift mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11.

Now, let’s consider the first one, for the person or persons who has the Pastoral gift mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11, they are to lead God’s flock.  But what does that exactly mean, and what does that really look like?

Now, notice 1st Peter 5:3. Not acting as lords over those entrusted unto you. *But being examples unto the flock.  You lead by example.

And also, see 1st Timothy 4: 12.  This time the Apostle Paul is speaking unto a friend who had the Pastoral gift, “Let no one despise your youth, but you be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.” (Stop here)  

Now, back to 1st Peter 5.

Next, the person or persons who has the Pastoral gift mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11, is one who feeds!

And finally, let’s see St. John 21:

15. So, when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these? And Peter said unto Jesus Yes Lord; You know that I love You. •And Jesus said unto Peter, Feed My lambs.

16. And Jesus said unto Peter again a second time Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me? Peter said unto Jesus Yes Lord You know that I love You. •And Jesus said unto Peter, Feed My sheep.

17. And Jesus said unto Peter the third time, Simon son of Jonah, do you love Me? Peter was grieved because Jesus said unto Peter the third time Do you love Me? And Peter said unto Jesus Lord You know all things; 

You know that I love You. •And Jesus said unto Peter, Feed My sheep. (Stop here) 

Now, turn to 1st Thessalonians 5.

Next, the person or persons who has the Pastoral gift mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11, is one who cares for God’s flock!

Now, here in 1st Thessalonians 5: 12-14, which was given unto local church leaders, based upon whatever their Ministry/Spiritual gifts may be.  And because these are some of the ways especially that those who have the Pastoral gifts are to care for God’s flock!   Let me show you what I mean!

Now, notice 1st Thessalonians 5:

12 And we urge you brethren to recognize (those) who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.

13 Esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

14 Now we exhort you brethren, *warn those who are unruly. *comfort the fainthearted. *uphold the weak. *be patient with all. (Stop here) 

Now, these are some of the ways especially that those who have the Pastoral gifts are to care for God’s flock! 

Now, turn to Acts 20. And finally, the person or persons who has the Pastoral gift mentioned here in Ephesians 4: 11, is one who will protect God’s flock.

Now, notice Acts 20:17. And from Miletus (he) Paul sent word to Ephesus and called the Elders of the Church.  Note: Vs. 16, we now know that this is referring to Paul here in Vs. 17.

Now, Acts 20:                                                                                                                                                                 28, Continues, “Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock, over which The Holy Ghost has made you Overseers, to feed the church of God, which (He) Christ has purchased with His own blood.”

29. For this I know, that after my departing shall dangerous wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

30. And also, among yourselves shall certain Individuals rise up to impress, Speaking strange things, in order to draw away disciples unto themselves.

31A. Therefore watch, guard, protect, defend the flock. (Stop here) 

So Once again, according to the Bible, those who have been endowed with the Ministry/ Spiritual Gift of Pastoring or Shepherding, •They are to lead God’s flock. •They are to feed God’s flock. •they are to care for God’s flock. •They are to protect God’s flock.

Now, see St. John 10:11. I am the good Shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.

See St. John 10: 14. I am the good Shepherd; and I know My sheep and am known by My own.

See I Peter 5: 

1. The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: 

2. Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; 

4. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.

See Hebrews 13:                                                                                                                                                       20. Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep through or because of the blood of the everlasting covenant,

21. make you & I complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”

Now, back to 1st Timothy Chapter 3.

Now, based upon 1st Timothy 3:1. In what way does one’s Spiritual gift Or Ministry gifts, whether it maybe an Apostle. A Prophet. Evangelist. Or Pastors that teacher and preach, or any combination of these Ministry gifts that come from The Lord which will qualify, enables and equips a person for the office of a Bishop or Elder?

Now, notice (NKJV) 1st Timothy 3:

1 This is a faithful saying, if a man desires the position or office of a Bishop, he desires a good work.

2 A Bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; (Stop here) 

Now, let’s also see Titus 1:

5 For this reason I left you in Crete that you should set in order the things that are lacking and appoint Elders in every city as I commanded you.

6 Only if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination.

7 For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, 

not violent, not greedy for money, (Stop here)

So, the question in our day often comes up can a Godly woman be the Pastor?  And for me it all depends on what do you mean when you say the Pastor.

• If you mean a pastor as a person endowed with the spiritual/ ministry gift by the Holy Spirit.  Yes!

• However, if you are referring to the office of Bishop/Elder within a local church ministry.  No

Next, so can a Godly woman be •A Bishop/Elder, or a Co-Pastor, or the First Lady of the church.  No

(Note) Some people will use as an example Peter and his wife as a co-Pastor team.

 Matthew 8:

14. Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. 

15. So, He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them.”

I Corinthians 9:5. Do we have no right to take along a believing wife, as do also the other Apostles, the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas or Peter?

However, see 1st Timothy 3:                                                                                                                                    8.  Likewise, Deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money.

11. Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.

Now, see Romans 16:

1.  I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, 

2.  that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also.

 Sermon Notes 12-1-24 Christmas From A Different Point Of View! Part 1.

Now, let’s turn to The Gospel of Luke Chapter 2.

Now, during this month of December, lets return back to a topic that we had started way back in 2020 that we entitled, “Christmas From A Different Point Of View!”

Now, as we are blessed to enter into another Christmas season.  And as we are blessed to close out another year over these next 31 days. And are truly blessed to anticipate what The Lord is going to do in upcoming new year of 2025. 

And therefore, with God’s help, we want to use these next 5 Sundays in a row here in December, to remind ourselves, as well as the next generation of youth, young adults, and middle-aged adults, as well as us who are senior that all of us would embrace the true meaning. The real meaning of Christmas or the celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus according to the Bible and not according to our culture, or society, or our family traditions, or our Church traditions, or the commercialization and the many myths and folklore’s that are common & accepted during this time of the year.

For we need to be convinced about the real meaning of Christmas and the true celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus according to the Bible, which reveals unto us the greatest rescue operation ever attempted in the history of mankind that took place over 2000 years ago and it is still going on to this very day.

•But you may ask yourself what rescue mission? •And what do we need to be rescued from?

Well, according to the Scriptures we know that the whole human race was and is in a terrible mess because of the disobedience and the consequences that came to Adam and Eve and all of their descendants from the past, and into our present time, and on into the future to come.

However, The God of Heaven would be the only one who was willing and able to fix this mess that we are in.

So, according to the Bible it was God who came to rescue us, •By becoming one of us! •In order to forgive us. •And to deliver us. And then transforming us! •So that all of us who are in Christ Jesus could be in a relationship with God, forever!

So today, and throughout the month of December of 2024, we want to again focus upon the days after the birth of Jesus. And to help us do that there are 2 elderly Saints who were in Jerusalem, they both came out of the closing period of the Old Testament, for God allowed them both to cross over into the beginning days of New Testament period in which the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ was now starting.

Now, these 2 elderly Saints are probably not as well known to most of us, and yet their contributions to the plan of God. And their faith And dependence upon the promises of God 

and their prophetic statements regarding the Son of God are extremely important.

Our first elderly Saint who probably is not as well known to most of us, and his name would be Simeon. A just and devout man whom the Holy Spirit was upon Him.

And then our second elderly Saint who probably is not as well known to most of us, and her name would be Anna. A Prophetess who spoke of Christ unto all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

However, before we began to look at these 2 lesser-known servants of God Simeon and Anna, there is an important backstory that we need to understand first!

Now, notice the Gospel of Luke 2:

21 And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.

22 Now when the days of her purification according to The Law of Moses were completed, 

they brought the newborn Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him unto the Lord.

23 As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy 

to the Lord.

24 and they offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. (Stop here)

Now, again this is an important backstory area that we need to understand since all this occurred 8 days after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, let’s start here at The Gospel Of Luke 2:

6 So, it was that while they were there, the days were completed for Mary to be delivered or give birth.

7 And Mary brought forth her firstborn Son and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

8 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.

20 Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.

Now, notice again The Gospel of Luke 2:21. And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. (Stop here)

There are 2 very important matters that are occurring here.

First, the physical circumcision and the public naming of the male child as seen in verse 21.

Then in verses 22 & 24, the purification/authentication of the Mother according to the law and then the presenting/dedication of her first-born male child as unto The Lord.

Now, notice again The Gospel of Luke 2:21. And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, (Stop here)

What does the Bible say about circumcision?  Circumcision is the surgical removal of the prepuce or foreskin of a male sexual organ. The word circumcise literally means to cut around.

As a religious rite, circumcision was required of all of Abraham’s descendants as a sign of the covenant God made with him (Genesis 17:9–14; Acts 7:8). The Mosaic Law repeated the requirement (Leviticus 12:2–3), and Jews throughout the centuries have continued to practice circumcision (Joshua 5:2–3; Luke 1:59; Acts 16:3; Philippians 3:5). 

Circumcision was a sign of God's covenant, it identified a Jewish male. In the cutting away of that skin, God was protecting the Jewish man from passing on infections and bacteria to his wife. That’s why in ancient times, not so much today because we have better hygiene daily baths, clean water, and soap.

Interestingly, in The Old Testament times most Jewish women had the lowest rate of cervical cancer within the Mediterranean world. And it was better when men and women came together circumcised in terms of cleanliness and protection than not.  And therefore, God preserved His people that way.  

He was definitely committed to preserving His people since they are the center of redemptive history clear to the end of the world.  And so, God protected them and that was one way physically that God protected them from illness.  

He also protected them by giving them monogamous laws and calling for their purity and sanctifying one man-one woman for life so that they were not subject to the devastating plagues of venereal disease which destroyed whole peoples.

But circumcision was more than physical protection.  It was a symbol of a need for spiritual cleansing.  And that's why the Bible talks about circumcise your hearts.  

God was showing them through this symbol that they needed to be cleansed because they not only passed on sin potentially, physically they passed on sin heart to heart, soul to soul.  When they had a child, they got a sinner because they were sinners. They needed cleansing at a deep, deep level of their souls.  That's why God said circumcise your heart, circumcise your heart.  

Every circumcised male child then, every time that operation took place, it was a symbol of how deeply sinful people were and how greatly they needed a heart cleansing.

Now, there are different issues involved in the question of whether or not males today should be circumcised. 

One issue is that of religious teaching: what does the Bible, God’s Word say? 

Another issue is, as a matter of health, should males be circumcised? 

The Christian view of circumcision is probably best described as a combination of the two.

Concerning the first issue, New Testament Christians are no longer under the Old Testament Law, and circumcision is no longer required. This is brought out in a number of New Testament passages, among which are Acts 15; Galatians 2:1–3; 5:1–11; 6:11–16; 1 Corinthians 7:17–20; Colossians 2:8–12; and Philippians 3:1–3. 

As these passages proclaim, being delivered from our sins is the result of faith in Christ; it is Christ’s finished work on the cross that saves, not the observance of an external rite. 

Even the Law acknowledged that circumcision alone was insufficient to please God, who specified the need to “circumcise your hearts” Deuteronomy 10:16; cf. Romans 2:29. In salvation, the works of the flesh accomplish nothing Galatians 2:16.

In Acts 16:3, Paul had a missionary helper, Timothy, circumcised. Timothy was half-Jewish, and Paul circumcised him so that he would not be a hindrance as they sought to reach out to unsaved Jews. Although the Bible did not require Timothy to be circumcised, it was something he did willingly for the sake of reaching the Jews. However, as Paul states unequivocally in Galatians, circumcision does not aid either salvation or sanctification in Christ. 

Of course, the incident with Timothy does not directly apply today because Christians need not be circumcised in order to reach unbelievers, whether Jews or Gentiles. Once again, the principle of the circumcision of the heart is at the heart of the matter.

There are practical issues involved with circumcision as well. Some parents have their sons circumcised so that they will look like all the other males in their culture.  Some parents are concerned that their son would someday be in a locker room and find himself different from everyone else. In some cultures, though, males are not commonly circumcised.  There is also the issue of health. Doctors debate back and forth in regard to whether there are any health benefits to circumcision. Any parents with such concerns should definitely speak with a doctor in regards to this issue.

Genesis 17:

1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared unto Abram and said to Abram, I am Almighty God walk before Me and be blameless.

10 This is My covenant which you shall keep between Me and you and your descendants after you. Every male child among you shall be circumcised;

11 And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you.

**12 He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations, he who is born in your house or bought with money from any foreigner who is not your descendant.

13 He who is born in your house and he who is bought with your money must be circumcised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.

14 And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.

Leviticus 12:

1 Then the Lord spoke to Moses saying,

2 Speak to the children of Israel, saying: If a woman has conceived, and borne a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of her customary impurity she shall be unclean.

3 And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.

4 She shall then continue in the blood of her purification thirty-three days. She shall not touch any hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary until the days of her purification are fulfilled.

5 But if she bears a female child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her customary impurity, and she shall continue in the blood of her purification sixty-six days.

6 'When the days of her purification are fulfilled, whether for a son or a daughter, she shall bring to the priest a lamb of the first year as a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove as a sin offering, to the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

Now, see The Gospel of Luke 1:

57 Now, Elizabeth's full time came for her to be delivered, and she brought forth a son.

58 When her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her, they rejoiced with her.

*59 So it was on the eighth day that they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him by the name of his father, Zacharias.

60 But His mother answered and said, No he shall be called John.

61 But they said to her, There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name."

62 So they made signs to his father what he would have him called.

63 And he asked for a writing tablet and wrote, saying, His name is John. So, they all marveled.

Now, see Romans 2:

28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh;

29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in The Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.

Now, see Colossians 2:11. In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ,

Now, notice Galatians 5:6. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.

Now, notice again The Gospel of Luke 2:21. And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child. •His name was called Jesus the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. (Stop here)

Now, see The Gospel Of Luke 1:

30 Then the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary for you have found favor with God.

31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son and shall call His name Jesus. "Yahweh saves."  "Jehovah saves." 

32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.

33 And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.

What does the name Jesus mean?

If ever a name was packed with significance, it is the name Jesus. Scripture says Jesus has been given the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth” Philippians 2: 9&10.

Why is our Lord’s name so powerful? What does the name Jesus mean?

The name Jesus, announced to Joseph and Mary through the angels (Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31), means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” Transliterated from Hebrew and Aramaic, the name is Yeshua

This word is a combination of Ya, an abbreviation for Yahweh, the name of Israel’s God (Exodus 3:14); and the verb yasha, meaning “rescue,” “deliver,” or “save.”

The English spelling of the Hebrew Yeshua is Joshua. But when translated from Hebrew into Koine Greek, the original language of the New Testament, the name Yeshua becomes Iēsous. In English, Iēsousbecomes Jesus. Thus, Yeshua and, correspondingly, Joshua and Jesus mean “Yahweh saves” or “the Lord is salvation.”

The name Jesus was quite popular in first-century Judea. For this reason, our Lord was often called “Jesus of Nazareth,” distinguishing Him by His childhood home, the town of Nazareth in Galilee (Matthew 21:11; Mark 1:24; Luke 18:37; John 1:45; John 19:19; Acts 2:22). Despite its commonness, the name Jesus is remarkably significant. Jesus was sent by God for a particular purpose, and His personal name bears witness to that mission. Just as the Yeshua/Joshua in the Old Testament led his people to victory over the Canaanites, the Yeshua/Jesus in the New Testament led His people to victory over sin and their spiritual enemies.

Galatians 4:4–5 says, “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.” 

God sent Jesus to save us (John 3:17). The meaning of Jesus’ name -“Yahweh saves”- reveals His mission (to save and deliver) and His identity as Savior of the world. At the same time, the commonness of Jesus’ name underscores His humanity and humility. The Son of God emptied Himself of His glory to become a humble man (Philippians 2:6–8). 

The Lexham Survey of Theologyeloquently captures this dual significance in the name Jesus: “He was, from one angle, ‘just another Joshua,’ and yet, in another sense, he was the true Joshua—the one who would live up to the meaning of this name in ways that no others could.”

The name of Jesus is important because of its meaning and because of whom it represents. 

There is power and authority in the person of Christ Jesus, and, of course, the person is designated by the name. More so than with other names, we associate the name of Jesus with His distinctive character, quality, and work, as seen in the following biblical truths:

Salvation is in the name of Jesus alone: “Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:11–12; see also John 14:6; 20:31; Acts 2:21; Joel 2:32; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 John 2:12).

Forgiveness of sins is received through the name of Jesus: “All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name” (Acts 10:43; see also 22:16).

Believers are baptized in the name of Jesus: “Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit’” (Acts 2:38; see also Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:12,15–16; 10:48; 19:5).

Healing and miracles were performed in the name of Jesus: “By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see” (Acts 3:16; see also verses 6–8 and 4:30).

Jesus teaches believers to pray in His name; that is, to pray, in His authority, the type of prayer that He would pray: “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” (John 14:13–14; see also 15:16; 16:23–24).

In every way, Jesus lives up to His name. The name Jesus reminds us of the power, presence, and purpose of the risen Christ. It assures us that God’s gracious intention is to save us. Our Lord Jesus brought God to humanity and now brings humans to God through the salvation He purchased. In the Bible, when people spoke or acted in the name of Jesus, they did so as the Lord’s representatives with His authority. The very life of the believer is to be lived in the name of Jesus (Colossians 3:17) and by doing so bring glory to God: “We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:12).

Sermon Notes For 12-8-24 Christmas From A Different Point Of View!” Part 2.

Now, let’s turn to The Gospel of Luke Chapter 2.

Now, let’s return back to our newest topic that we entitled, “Christmas From A Different Point Of View!”

Now, remember during this month of December with God’s help, we will be considering 2 elderly Saints who because of their age they came out of the closing period of The Old Testament whom The Lord allowed them to cross over into the beginning days of The New Testament Period in which the Gospel story of Our Lord Jesus Christ was now starting.

Now, these 2 elderly Saints are probably not as well known to most of us and yet, their contributions to the plan of God. And their faith and dependence upon the promises of God.

And their prophetic statements they made regarding The Son of God, is extremely important for us to know about and to praise God about.

First Simeon, a just and devout man whom The Holy Spirit was upon him. And by the way, Simeon’s name means, He who listens and hears! Or Yahweh, who listens and hears!

Now, let’s see something special in Genesis 29: 33. “And Leah conceived again and bare a son, (Stop there)

But who is Leah?  Leah was the daughter of Laban, and the sister of Rachel who were both married unto Jacob at the same time in a bigamous relationship.

As a result, Leah gave birth to 7 of Jacob’s children. Reuben. Simeon. Levi. Judah.

(Note) Our Lord Jesus was of the tribe of Judah and therefore a descendant of Leah.

Now, these next 3 children were born much later unto Leah. Issachar. Zebulon. And a daughter named Dinah.

Now, notice again Genesis 29: 33. And Leah conceived again and bare a son and said,

because The LORD has heard that I was hated. He has therefore given me this son also.

And Leah called this son, Simeon! And Simeon’s name means, He who listens and hears!

Or Yahweh, who listens and hears!

Now, let’s go back to The Gospel of Luke Chapter 2.

Now, the second elderly Saint that you probably not as familiar with is Anna, a Prophetess who spoke of Christ unto all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. And by the way, Anna‘s name means, "Favor" or "Grace." And therefore, Anna’s name is a good reminder to us of God’s unmerited favor towards His own and His undeserving Grace which He extends to all His children daily.  And one more thing to know about Anna’s name, the name “Anna” is actually a part of the Hebrew name for Hannah!

1st Samuel 2: 1. And Hannah prayed and said: My heart rejoices in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord. I smile at my enemies, Because I rejoice in Your salvation.” (Stop here) 

Do you see the spelling of the name Hannah? H-anna-h = Anna!  Also, when the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew to Greek the name “Hannah” was rendered as Ἄννα, which was then Latinized as “Anna.”

Now, before we began to look at these 2 lesser-known servants of God, Simeon and Anna, there is an important backstory that we need to understand first!

And last Sunday we were able to see the significance of the circumcision of the infant Jesus. As well as the importance of the human earthly Hebrew name that was bestowed upon Him 

according to the Will of God, which the Angel Gabriel had told to Mary.

Now, notice The Gospel of Luke 2:2.1 And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child. And His name was called “Jesus!” The name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb. (Stop here)

Now, this Sunday, we want to continue with the next part of this important backstory that most of God’s people do not understand the necessity of what is taking place here in Luke 2: 22 - 24.

Now, notice The Gospel of Luke 2:

22. Now when the days of her purification according to the Law of Moses were completed, 

they brought the newborn Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him unto The Lord.

23 As it is written in the law of The Lord, “Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to The Lord.”

24 And they offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. (Stop here)

Now, there are 2 key words that we must try to understand, like we did last week.

Remember last Sunday, 2 key words were, •Circumcision. •Naming. Or the naming of

the child recently born with a Hebrew name.

Now today, let’s consider the 2nd part of this back story which deals with the Purification Ceremony of the Mother. And the Presenting of the child unto The Lord.

First, the Purification Ceremony of the Mother.

Now, notice The Gospel oof Luke 2:

22A. Now when the days of her purification according to the Law of Moses were completed,

23 As it is written in the law of the Lord, every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord.

24 And they offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of The Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. (Stop here)

Now, let’s turn to Leviticus Chapter 1.

Now again, 2 things had to happen according to the Law of The Lord.

First, a mother who had given birth to a child, she had to go through a Purification Ceremony.

Secondly, any firstborn male child had to be given unto The Lord.

(Note) You didn't have to go to the temple to do this.

But something else had to occur also.  There had to be certain amount of days would have to pass by before the Purification and Presenting could actually happen. Show you what I mean.

Now, from The New King James Version of Leviticus 12:

1 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

2 Speak to the children of Israel, saying: If a woman has conceived, and borne a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of her customary impurity she shall be unclean.

3 And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.

4 She shall then continue in the blood of her purification thirty-three days. She shall not touch any hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary until the days of her purification are fulfilled.

5 But if she bears a female child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her customary impurity, and she shall continue in the blood of her purification sixty-six days.

6 When the days of her purification are fulfilled, whether for a son or a daughter, she shall bring to the priest a lamb of the first year as a burnt offering, and a young pigeon Or a turtledove as a sin offering to the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

7 Then the priest shall offer it before the Lord and make atonement for her. And she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her who has borne a male or a female.

8 And if she is not able to bring a lamb, then she may bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one as a burnt offering and the other as a sin offering. So, the priest shall make atonement for her and she will be clean.

Now, this time from The New living Translation of Leviticus 12:

1 The LORD said to Moses,

2 Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. If a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son, she will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her menstrual period.

3 On the eighth day the boy’s foreskin must be circumcised.

4 After waiting thirty-three days, she will be purified from the bleeding of childbirth. 

During this time of purification, she must not touch anything that is set apart as holy. And she must not enter the sanctuary until her time of purification is over.

5 If a woman gives birth to a daughter, she will be ceremonially unclean for two weeks, 

just as she is unclean during her menstrual period.  After waiting sixty-six days, she will be purified from the bleeding of childbirth.

6 When the time of purification is completed for either a son or a daughter, the woman must bring a one-year-old lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or turtledove for a purification offering. She must bring her offerings to the priest at the entrance of the Tabernacle.

7 The priest will then present them to the LORD to purify her. Then she will be ceremonially clean again after her bleeding at childbirth. These are the instructions for a woman after the birth of a son or a daughter.

8 If a woman cannot afford to bring a lamb, She must bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons. One will be for the burnt offering and the other for the purification offering. The priest will sacrifice them to purify her and then she will be ceremonially clean.  She can't go to the temple. She can't touch anything that's sacred or holy. A reminder to the people that they were still sinful, the woman was sinful, she had produced a sinful child; that the child being circumcised was in the case of a boy sinful and would pass on his sin to the next generation.

Everything that happened in their life had these kinds of things attached to it to keep throwing in their face the sinfulness of sin to drive them to the place of penitence where they'd fall on their face before God and seek His forgiveness.  And so, she had to go through this. She was set apart from worship for a seven-day period, as in the days of her impurity, or her sickness.  

God used menstruation as a symbol of uncleanness also and so this would be similar to that.  

She had a seven-day period when she was ceremonially unclean. On the eighth day, according to verse 3, that's when the circumcision took place, another symbol of the need to purify. And then after the eighth day she should remain in the blood of her purification thirty-three days.  

So, there's a certain impurity that she bears for thirty-three days.  And she shouldn't touch any consecrated thing, enter the sanctuary until the days of her purification were completed.  

So, forty days this woman, having had the greatest event in a woman's life, she had just given birth to a child, not just a child but a male child which means she can perpetuate the family, there's a son to pass the estate on to.  

Now back to the sacrifice that Mary had to offer for her purification in verse 24. Verse 23 is an interlude, a little parenthetical statement. Most Bibles have parenthesis there.

But she came not only to bring the child and offer Him to the Lord as a firstborn, and to redeem Him, and even more, do it at the temple, but she came necessarily because she had to offer the sacrifice for purification.  At the end of the forty days, she's got to come and make a sacrifice.  

Here's this woman, she has a baby and immediately she is squarely faced with the fact that she has just produced a sinner. 

The circumcision of any Jewish mother's baby was an indication that sin was continuing to be passed on, except in the case of Jesus, of course.  

And the next thing, she had forty days when she couldn't go to the temple, she couldn't touch anything sacred or holy, she was ceremonially unclean and she's facing her sinfulness. And the only way she can end that is by offering what? 

A sacrifice.  And God was saying in another way, the only answer to your sin and your alienation from God, and what separates you from God is a sacrifice.  And all of this is picturing the final sacrifice.  And when the final sacrifice was offered on the cross, what happened to the veil in the temple that separated men from God?  It was ripped from top to bottom and the way to God was opened because the final sacrifice was made and never again was there any such thing as ceremonial uncleanness.  

And so, now in the New Covenant God says, "Draw near to Me,” draw near to Me.  In the Old Covenant God said, "Stay back; keep your distance until blood has been shed."  In the New Covenant He says blood has been shed, come on.

So, she's got to make a sacrifice. You can see if you understand the whole culture, that this stuff dominates their lives.  So here, she comes and she's going to do this, sacrifice 

Let's go back to Leviticus 12, right where we left off in verse 6, still talking about this woman who had the baby, the male child or the female.  "When the days of her purification are complete,” Leviticus 12:6, “for a son or a daughter,” whether it's the forty days or eighty days, she's going to bring to the priests at the doorway of the Tent of the Meeting."  She's going to come to the edge. She can't go in.

She can only stay in the Court of the Women.  He's going to go inside where the...the altar is.  And she brings a lamb.  Usually, they could buy the lamb at the temple.  

We know that, Jesus cleansed the temple, you remember, because they were cheating people in the purchase of sacrificial animals.  They could also... They could bring a lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or turtledove for a sin offering.  

Two animals...burnt offering was a sin offering, sin offering was a sin offering. Again, here they are, realizing Mary's going to have to go in and say, "I'm a sinner, I'm a sinner, I'm a sinner.  I've been forty days cut off from God."  This was the symbol of the sinner's alienation from God. 

Now a sacrifice is going to be offered in my behalf by which I'll have access to God again.

This pictures Christ in His wonderful final sacrifice. So, she comes.  

She has some options.  She can bring a lamb and one bird, a pigeon or a turtledove, for a sin offering.  Now that was for people who had a lot of money, who had the resources.  It might be that she didn't have that much.  Verse 8 says, "If she can't afford a lamb, take two turtledoves or two pigeons."  

You can just have two birds if she can't afford a lamb, one for the burnt and one for the sin offering.  And the priest takes them, makes atonement for her, from then she's clean.  Clean simply...doesn't mean her sins. It doesn't mean that her sins are washed away by the blood of the sacrifice. It simply means it's ceremonially, if her heart is right and she's confessed those sins and asked God for forgiveness, it's depicted in that, which really was a prefiguring of the sacrifice of Christ which alone can actually take away sin.

When her sins were forgiven, this sweet, believing girl, it was because Jesus would die for them on the cross.  And God already accounted that to her behalf.  So, she comes and she does that.

Now, notice it says that she brings the birds. Now, you could, according to Numbers 5, I think verse 11 and following, if you were really poor, you could bring one-tenth of an ephah, and an ephah was equal to about six gallons. So, one-tenth of six gallons, whatever that is, if you were really poor, flour. The poorest of the poor brought flour.  Sort of the middle class brought birds and the upper class brought a lamb and a bird.  We know from that, two things: One, they weren't wealthy; they weren't totally poor. They weren't wealthy.  Now, remember they've already spent several days' wages on the five-shekel redemption tax, and they are going to have to purchase birds in the temple, probably at an inflated price. But they’re not so poor they bring flour.

The second thing we know about them is they hadn't seen the wise men yet.  The question always comes up in the Luke account, "Where does the wise men story come in?" because Luke doesn't tell us.  We know one thing for sure, that if they had gold, frankincense and myrrh, they would have had enough to bring the lamb and they would have been required by their own consciences, devoted to God to use what they had to purchase the lamb.  You know they gave the best they could give.  This tells us then that the whole story of the wise men and Herod and all of that happens after this.  And I'll explain all of that as we go through the text.  But that's what we learn from what isn't there.  You didn't see that there, did you?  No, because it's not there. But...but it's important to know when that story happened because I know some of you are saying, "What about the wise men, when did that come, where was that?"  Well, now you know it hadn't happened yet, or they would have had the money and been required by their conscience, and their wealth would have been great at that point with gold, frankincense and myrrh, to provide a lamb.  But they did what they were required to do.  They offer (isn't it interesting?) a sin offering for Mary.  Now, Mary is confessing here that she's a what? That's right.  Don't ever forget it. Mary was not immaculately conceived, nor did she lead a sinless life. Mary needed a Savior. She called God her Savior, and here she offers a sacrifice for sin. 

She was in need of forgiveness and redemption and a substitute who would die in her place.

So, this is testimony to the person of Jesus Christ from this wonderful young couple, Joseph and Mary.  They were so obedient to the Law of God, they were so devout. They named Jesus the name that He was told...that they were told to name Him by Gabriel. They named Him Jesus because they knew He would save His people from their sins.  They come and they present Him to God.  They offered Him to God in the temple which they didn't have to do.  They had to give Him to God, devote Him to God, but not go to the temple and do it.  They did that because they knew in a special way He belonged to the Lord.  They knew that because He was the Son of the Most-High.  They found out even more about that later when they found Him in the temple again at age twelve and they said, "What are You doing here?"  And He said, "I had to be doing My Father's business."  They knew who He belonged to.

Now, according to what was said in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. Now, you had an option there because turtledoves were migrating birds and they weren't always around, Turtledoves came from spring to fall. So, there could be a time when you couldn't get a turtledove, but pigeons are always around. 

Now, there were three levels of sacrifice she's going to bring to the priests at the doorway of the Tent of the Meeting. She's going to come to the edge. She can't go in. She can only stay in the Court of the Women.  He's going to go inside where the...the altar is.  And she brings a lamb.  

They could bring a lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or turtledove for a sin offering.  Two animals - burnt offering was a sin offering, sin offering was a sin offering. 

She can bring a lamb and one bird, a pigeon or a turtledove, for a sin offering.  

Now, that was for people who had a lot of money, who had the resources.  It might be that she didn't have that much.  Verse 8 says, "If she can't afford a lamb, take two turtledoves or two pigeons."  You can just have two birds if she can't afford a lamb, one for the burnt and one for the sin offering.  And the priest takes them, makes atonement for her, from then she's clean. 

Clean simply...doesn't mean her sins. It doesn't mean that her sins are washed away by the blood of the sacrifice. It simply means it's ceremonially, if her heart is right and she's confessed those sins and asked God for forgiveness, it's depicted in that, which really was a prefiguring of the sacrifice of Christ which alone can actually take away sin.

When her sins were forgiven, this sweet, believing girl, when her sins were forgiven it was because Jesus would die for them on the cross.  And God already accounted that to her behalf.  So she comes and she does that. Now notice it says that she brings the birds. 

Now you could, according to Numbers 5, I think verse 11 and following, if you were really poor, you could bring one-tenth of an ephah, and an ephah was equal to about six gallons. So one-tenth of six gallons, whatever that is, if you were really poor, flour. 

The poorest of the poor brought flour.  Sort of the middle class brought birds and the upper class brought a lamb and a bird.  

We know from that two things: One, they weren't wealthy; they weren't totally poor. They weren't wealthy.  Now, remember they've already spent several days' wages on the five-shekel redemption tax, and they are going to have to purchase birds in the temple, probably at an inflated price. But they’re not so poor they bring flour.

The second thing we know about them is they hadn't seen the wise men yet. Where does the wise men story come in?

Now, let’s see Matthew 2:

1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem,

2 saying Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.

11 And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

We know one thing for sure, that if they had gold, frankincense and myrrh, they would have had enough to bring the lamb and they would have been required by their own consciences, devoted to God to use what they had to purchase the lamb.  

You know they gave the best they could give.  This tells us then that the whole story of the wise men and Herod and all of that happens after this.  And I'll explain all of that as we go through the text.  But that's what we learn from what isn't there.  You didn't see that there, did you?  No, because it's not there. But...but it's important to know when that story happened because I know some of you are saying, "What about the wise men, when did that come, where was that?" 

Well, now you know it hadn't happened yet, or they would have had the money and been required by their conscience, and their wealth would have been great at that point with gold, frankincense and myrrh, to provide a lamb.  But they did what they were required to do.

They were so obedient to the Law of God they were so devout. They named Jesus the name that He was told...that they were told to name Him by Gabriel. They named Him Jesus because they knew He would save His people from their sins. They come and they present Him to God. They offer Him to God in the temple which they didn't have to do.  They had to give Him to God, devote Him to God, but not go to the temple and do it. They did that because they knew in a special way He belonged to The Lord. They knew that because He was the Son of the Most-High. 

They found out even more about that later when they found Him in the temple again at age twelve and they said, "What are You doing here?" And He said, "I had to be doing My Father's business."  They knew who He belonged to.

Now, let’s go back to The Gospel of Luke 2:

Now, let’s see The Presenting Of The Child Unto The Lord.

Now, notice The Gospel of Luke 2:22 Now, when The days of her purification according to the Law of Moses were completed, The brought the newborn Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him unto The Lord, (Stop here)

Now, see Exodus 13: 

1. Then the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying,

2. Consecrate unto Me all the firstborn, whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and beast they are Mine!

What does that mean? It didn't mean the priesthood because you couldn't be a priest unless you were in the tribe of Levi. But rather to take this child and just devote his life to God, just give him to the Lord. That's what was done with the firstborn.  

The classic illustration is Hannah and she brought Samuel to give him to the Lord.

Well, every firstborn was to be devoted to the Lord it was just that you said, This child Lord, 

is Your child, whatever You want to do in this child's life I'm devoting this child to You.

You do with this child whatever You will whatever way You want this child to honor You and glorify You and serve You, I give You this child, the firstborn child.

Now, notice The Gospel of Luke 2:

25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel, and The Holy Spirit was upon him.

26 for it had been revealed unto Simeon by The Holy Spirit that Simeon would not see death before he had seen The Lord's Christ. (Stop here)

Now, notice The Gospel Of Luke 2:27. So, Simeon came by The Spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the Child to do for Him according to the custom of the law.

(Note) This would be the Presenting and not the circumcision.

Quote Exodus 13: 2. Consecrate unto Me all the firstborn, whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and beast they are Mine!

28 Simeon took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said:

29 Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word,

30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation

31 Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples,

32 A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.

33 And Joseph and His mother marveled at those things which were spoken by Simeon. (Stop here)

Sermon Notes For 12-22-24 Christmas From A Different Point Of View!” Part 4

Now, Let’s Turn To The Gospel Of Luke Chapter 2.

Now, Let’s Return Again To Our Current Topic That We Entitled, “Christmas From A Different Point Of View, Part 4!

Now, As The Christmas Celebration Is Upon Us With Only 4 Days To Go Now.  And Also,  We Are Getting Closer To The Beginning Of Another New Year Within The Next 11 Days,

As We Together Anticipate What The Lord Will Do And Will Allow Throughout The New Year Of 2025 And Beyond.

And therefore, in order to help us getting ready for these 2major events, each Sunday during this Month of December with God’s help, we have been focusing upon the real meaning of Christmas Which According To The Bible It Is All About The Birth Of Our Lord Jesus Christ And His First Advent On Behalf Of Mankind, Which Has Brought About The Greatest Rescue Operation Ever Attempted In History,  Which Took Place Over 2000 Years Ago. And This Rescue Operation Is Still Going On To This Very Day.

In fact, in The Gospel of Luke 19:10. It says this about that! “For The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19: 10.

And interestingly, according to The Gospel of Luke 2:25 thru 38, and even way back then there were at least 2 elderly Saints that we know about who truly believe that God would bring about this important rescue operation as promised.

As a result, these 2 elderly Saints would be used by The Lord to declare this wonderful plan of God to rescue.

These 2 elderly Saints would be used by The Lord to remind everybody of this wonderful promise from God to rescue.

And these 2 elderly Saints would be used by The Lord to give a prophetic statement regarding The Son of God who would fulfill the purposes of God according to the Will of God to rescue.

Therefore, the first person the Lord would use was Simeon, a just and devout man whom The Holy Spirit was upon Him. And the second person The Lord would use is Anna, a Prophetess who spoke of Christ unto all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

Now, last Sunday we finished up looking at Simeon, a just and devout man whom The Holy Spirit was upon him.

Now, starting today, we want to begin our in-depth look at, Anna, a Prophetess who spoke of Christ unto all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.  And from Luke 2:36, 37, & 38, we are given some helpful insight by Holy Spirit regarding Anna.

Show you what I mean, let’s notice Luke 2:

36 Now there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phan-uel of the tribe of Asher. 

Anna was of a great age, And had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity;

37 And Anna was a widow of about eighty-four years. Yet, Anna did not depart from the Temple, but Anna served God with fasting and prayers night and day.

38 And coming in that instant, Anna gave thanks unto The Lord. And Anna spoke of The Lord unto all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. (Stop here)

Now, notice again Luke 2:36. Now there was one Anna, A Prophetess, (Stop here)

This is highly significant for The Lord to reveal such an important detail about anna’s calling and ministry unto the people of her day.

(Question) What is a Prophetess? First and most importantly, a Prophetess was not somebody who predicts the future! A Prophetess was not somebody who was psychic or clairvoyant.

And most importantly, those who were used The Lord as Prophetess, were never used by

The Lord to write A Prophetic Book like, • The book of Isaiah.    •The book of Jeremiah. 

•The book of Ezekiel. •The book of Daniel.

However, Prophetess were used mightily in another way as those who spoke the word of God in season and out of season.

Prophetess taught the word of God and held nothing back but told it like it is!

The Women In The Bible Who Were Called, “Prophetess.”

•Miriam, the sister of Moses. (Exodus 15:20)

•Deborah, a judge of Israel.(Judges 4:4)

•Hu-dah   Hul-dah,   the wife of Shal-lum. 

(2 Chronicles 34:22)

 •The Prophet Isaiah’s wife. (Isaiah 7:3 & Isaiah 8:3)

(Note) Say a little more about this one which for me I could not confirmed within the Scriptures.

•Philip the evangelist who had four unmarried daughters. (Acts 21:8&9)

 •And lastly, there was an unnamed woman within the Church At Thyatira in The Book of Revelation, she was liken unto the Jezebel from The Old Testament. (The Book of Revelation 2:20).

Now, notice again Luke 2:36 Now there was one Anna, a Prophetess, the daughter of 

Phan-uel of the tribe of Asher. (Stop here)

Now she is further identified for us, and just an interesting note, Anna the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher.  Phanuel is the name Penuel, also Peniel, P-e-n-i-e-l, another Old Testament name, of the tribe f Asher.  

Now, notice again Luke 2:36.  Now there was one Anna, a Prophetess, the daughter of 

Phan-uel of the tribe of Asher. *Anna was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; (Stop here)

Now, notice Luke 2:37. And Anna was a widow of about eighty-four years. (Stop here)

This one area most married couples do not want to think about. And they don’t want to discuss the matter with each other. And that is the fact that one day, one or the other will depart from this world, and the other will be left behind as a widow, or a widower. 

A Rare Example. One of my young cousins, Karma had a friend from school and most of their family did not survive a serious car accident last Sunday on their way to church.

The family’s name is the Lou-ren-co family. This family of six, both parents along with two of their 4 children who were killed in this awful car accident. The other two children Who survived, ones in serious condition in the hospital and the other is doing fair but still in the hospital.

See 1st Corinthians 7:39. A wife is bound by The law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.

See Job 2:
7 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord, and struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.

8 And he took for himself a potsherd with which to scrape himself while he sat in the midst of the ashes.

9 Then Job wife said unto him, Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!

10 But Job said unto his wife, You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and shall we not accept adversity? In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

See Ruth 1:

3 Then Elimelech, Naomi's husband, died; and she was left, and her two sons.

5 Then both Mahlon and Chilion also died; so Naomi survived or live longer than her two sons and her husband.

19 Now, the two of them Naomi and Ruth went until they came to Bethlehem. And it happened, when Naomi and Ruth had come to Bethlehem, that all the city was excited because of them; And the women said, Is this Naomi?

20 But Naomi said unto them, Do not call me Naomi! But call me Mara! Because The Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.

21 For I went out full and The Lord has brought me home again empty! Why do you call me Naomi, since The Lord has testified against me and The Almighty has afflicted me?

Now, back to Luke Chapter 2.

Now, notice Luke 2:37. And Anna was a widow of about eighty-four years. •Yet Anna did not depart from the Temple, but Anna served God with fastings and prayers night and day. (Stop here)

This is amazing. Anna did not become, angry. Or embittered. Or, disappointed. Or, uncommitted unto God after the death of her husband early in their marriage. •And the fact that they did not have any children. • And the fact that without a spouse for 84 years.

Now, here are some things to know, and to remember, and prepare for, that will really help you when a death occurs to someone you know who had a personal relationship with God. (Repeat)

See Psalms 116:15.  Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His saints.

 2nd Corinthians 5:

7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

8 We are confident, yes well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. 

1st Thessalonians 4:

13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.

14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 

15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.

16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord.

18 Therefore, comfort one another with these words.

See Proverbs 3:

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;

6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Sermon Notes For 12-29-24 Christmas From A Different Point Of View! Part 5.

Now, This Is So Amazing To Me Regarding Anna’s Spiritual Resolve In The Midst Of Adversity.

For As We Can See Anna Did-Not Become, •Angry With God.  •Or Embittered Towards God.

•Or, Disappointed With God. •Or, Uncommitted Unto God After The Death Of Her Husband That Took Place Early On In Their Marriage.  • So Again Anna Had To Face Life by herself without a her spouse for at least 84 years.  •Yet Surprisingly, According To Luke 2:37

Anna did not depart from The Temple   •but instead Anna (served God) with fastings and prayers night and day. 

Yet, There Are 2 More Things Regarding Anna That Are So Special In How She Allowed The Lord To Use Her That We Should Also Want The Lord To Use Us In A Similar Way!

Anna Willingly Helped Someone Else Who Was In Need Of Some Encouragement.

And In This Case It Was Our Lord‘s Mother Mary The Teenager. Who I Believe Was Probably

Overwhelmed And Was Probably Upset By The Prophecy Given By Simeon Unto Her.

Now, Notice Luke 2:

25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.

26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

27 So he came by the Spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the Child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law,

28 he took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said:

29 Lord now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word;

30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation

31 Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples,

32 A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel. 

33 And Joseph and His mother marveled at those things which were spoken of Him.

34 Then Simeon blessed them, But said unto Mary His mother, Behold this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel and for a sign which will be spoken against.

35 Yes a sword will pierce through your own soul also, That the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. (Stop Here)

And I Believe This Was Probably Overwhelming And Upsetting For Mary To Hear All Of That! 

But Now Luke 2: 38, And Anna coming in that instant or At that moment (Stop There)

Coming In When? Well, Lets See Again The Gospel Of Luke 2:

34 When Simeon blessed the Child, But said unto Mary His mother, Behold this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel. And for a sign which will be spoken against.

35 Yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. (Stop There)

It is at that very moment Anna comes up to this couple, And I believe That Anna probably embraced Mary and hugged her as Joseph and Simeon looked on.

And understood the anxiety and the fear that Mary was probably feeling, because Anna had felt those things herself after the death of her husband.In fact, it wouldn’t be too much later that Mary’s own husband Joseph, would die and Mary herself would become a widow.

Remember, Anna Willingly Helped Someone Else Who Was In Need Of Some Encouragement,

And I believe with God’s help in a similar way, you and I should be willing to do the same whenever the opportunity presents itself! 

Therefore, here are at least 4 Things to remember and to do When Helping Someone Else Who Is In Need Of Some Encouragement, Or Comfort, Or Consolation.

• Prayerfully Comfort One Another. • Prayerfully Encourage One Another.  • Prayerfully Bear

The Burden Of Another.  •And Prayerfully Be There For One Another.

Prayerfully Comfort One Another.

Now, See 2nd Corinthians 1:

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,

4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

 (Next) Prayerfully Encourage One Another.

1st Thessalonians 5:11. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another just as you also are doing.

 (Next) Prayerfully Bear The Burden Of Another.

Notice Romans 15:

 1. We then who are strong ought to bear with the weaknesses of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 

2. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading unto edification.

And Lastly See Romans 12: 15, Prayerfully Be There For One Another.

Now, Notice Romans 12: 15, Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep!Now, Remember There Were 2 Things Regarding Anna That Are So Special In How She Allowed The Lord To Use Her That We Should Also Want The Lord To Use Us In A Similar Way!

 Anna Openly Declares For The Rest Of Her Days Unto Anyone That The Savior Has Arrived For Those Who were Looking, Expecting, and are Receptive of Him As, Their Redeemer,

Their Master, Their God, Their King!

Now Notice Again The Gospel Of Luke 2: 38. And coming in that instant Anna The prophetess gave thanks unto the Lord, (WHY?) For the divine appointment that The Lord had made possible in order to help someone who was in need of some encouragement.

However, There Is Something Else, Notice Luke 2: 38B.  And Anna spoke of Him unto all Those who looked for Redemption in Jerusalem. (Stop Here) 

Again, Anna Openly Declares For The Rest Of Her Days Unto Anyone That The Savior Has Arrived For Those Who were Looking, Expecting, and are Receptive of Him As, Their Redeemer, Their Master, Their God, Their King!

Here Is Another Example the Samaritan woman at the well.

Now Let’s See The Gospel of John 4: 

39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified He told me all that I ever did.

40 So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days.

41 And many more believed because of His own word.

42 Then they said unto the woman, now we believe not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world. (Stop Here) 

Now Remember Anna Openly Declares For The Rest Of Her Days Unto Anyone That The Savior Has Arrived For Those Who were Looking, Expecting, and are Receptive of Him As,

Their Redeemer, Their Master, Their God, Their King!

Now, Lets Close With This, The Gospel Of John 1:

 10 He was in the world and the world was made By Him, But the world did not know Him!

11 He came unto His own and His own did not receive Him.

12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:

13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14 And The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, And we beheld His Glory, The Glory as of the only begotten of The Father, Full of Grace and Truth.


Sunday Sermon Notes 2024